Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
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Filename : PC-SSP.DOC

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Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 1

Scientific Subroutine Package Library

Summary List of Modules

The Scientific Subroutine Package (SSP) routines are divided into
a number of separate libraries based upon the category of program
that each module can be placed. The following listing is a listing
of each of the libraries and the modules contained in each library.

Statistics Library 1 - Data Screening Modules - STATDATA.ARC

TALLY - totals, means, standard deviations, minimums, and maximums

BOUND - selection of observations within bounds

SUBST - subset selection from observation matrix

ABSNT - detection of missing data

TAB1 - tabulation of data (one variable)

TAB2 - tabulation of data (two variables)

SUBMX - building of subset matrix

Statistics Library 2 - Correlation and Regression - STATCORR.ARC

CORRE - means, standard deviations, and correlations

MISR - means, standard deviations, third and fourth moments
(skew and kurtosis), correlations, simple regression
coefficients and their standard errors, considers that
data may be missing

ORDER - rearrangement of intercorrelations

MULTR - multiple linear regression

GDATA - data matrix generation for polynomial regression

STPRG - stepwise multiple linear regression

PROBT - probit analysis

CANOR - canonical correlation

Statistics Library 3 - Design Analysis - STATDSGN.ARC

AVDAT - data storage allocation

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 2

AVCAL - Sigma and Delta operation

MEANQ - mean square operation

Statistics Library 4 - Discriminant Analysis - STATDSCR.ARC

DMATX - means and dispersion matrix

DISCR - discriminant functions

Statistics Library 5 - Factor Analysis - STATFCTR.ARC

TRACE - cumulative percentage of eigenvalues

LOAD - factor loading

VARMX - varimax rotation

Statistics Library 6 - Time Series - STATTMSR.ARC

AUTO - autocovariances

CORSS - crosscovariances

SMO - application of filter coefficients (weights)

EXSMO - triple exponential smoothing

Statistics Library 7 - Nonparametric Statistics - STATNONP.ARC

KOLMO - Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample test

KOLM2 - Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test

SMIRN - Kolmogorov-Smirnov limiting distribution values

CHISQ - Chi square test for contingency tables

KRANK - Kendall rank correlation

MPAIR - Wilcoxin's signed ranks test

QTEST - Cochran Q-test

RANK - rank observations

SIGNT - sign test

SRANK - Spearman rank correlation

TIE - calculation of ties in ranked observations

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TWOAV - Friedman two-way analysis of variance statistic

UTEST - Mann-Whitney U-test

WTEST - Kendall coefficient of concordance

Statistics Library 8 - Generation of Random Variables and Distribution
Functions - STATRAND.ARC

RANDU - uniform random deviates

GAUSS - normal deviates

NTDR - normal distribution function

BTDR - beta distribution function

CDTR - Chi square distribution function

NDTRI - inverse of normal distribution function

Statistics Library 9 - Elementary Statistics and Miscellaneous Functions

MOMEN - First four moments

TTEST - test on population means

BISER - biserial correlation coefficient

PHI - phi coefficient

POINT - point-biserial correlation coefficient

TETRA - tetrachordic correlation coefficient

SRATE - survival rates

Matrices Library 1 - Storage Functions - MATSTOR.ARC

MCPY - matrix copy

RCPY - copy row of matrix into vector

CCPY - copy column of matrix into vector

DCPY - copy diagonal of matrix into vector

XCPY - copy submatrix from given matrix

MSTR - storage conversion

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LOC - location in compressed-stored matrix

CONVT - single precision - double precision conversion

ARRAY - vector storage - double dimensioned storage conversion

Matrices Library 2 - Operations - MATOPS.ARC

GMADD - add two general matrices

GMSUB - subtract two general matrices

GMPRD - product of two general matrices

GMTRA - transpose of a general matrix

GTPRD - transpose product of two general matrices

MADD - add two matrices

MSUB - subtract two matrices

MPRD - matrix product (row into column)

MTRA - transpose a matrix

TPRD - transpose product of two matrices

MATA - transpose product of a matrix by itself

SADD - add scalar to matrix

SSUB - subtract scalar from matrix

SMPY - matrix multiplied by a scalar

SDIV - matrix divided by a scalar

SCLA - matrix clear and add scalar

DCLA - replace diagonal with scalar

RADD - add row of one matrix to row of another matrix

CADD - add column of one matrix to column of another matrix

SRMA - scalar multiply row and add to another row

SCMA - scalar multiply column and add to another column

RINT - interchange two rows

CINT - interchange two columns

RSUM - sum the rows of a matrix

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CSUM - sum the columns of a matrix

RTAB - tabulate the rows of a matrix

CTAB - tabulate the columns of a matrix

RSRT - sort matrix rows

CSRT - sort matrix columns

RCUT - partition by row

CCUT - partition by column

RTIE - adjoin two matrices by row

CTIE - adjoin two matrices by column

MPRC - permute rows or columns

DMPRC - double precision permute of rows or columns

MFUN - matrix transformation by a function

RECP - reciprocal function for MFUN

Matrices Library 3 - Inversion, System of Linear Equations and Related

MINV - matrix inversion

SINV - invert a symmetric positive definite matrix

DSINV - invert at double precision symmetric positive definite matrix

SIMQ - solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations

GELG - system of general simultaneous linear equations by Gauss

DGELG - system of double precision general simultaneous linear
equations by Gauss elimination

RSLMC - solution of simultaneous linear equations with iterative

FACTR - triangular factorization of a nonsingular matrix

MFGR - matrix factorization and rank determination

DMFGR - double precision matrix factorization and rank determination

GELS - system of general simultaneous linear equations with
symmetric coefficients

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DGELS - double precision system of general simultaneous linear
equations with symmetric coefficients

GELB - system of general simultaneous linear equations with
band structured coefficients

DGELB - double precision system of general simultaneous linear
equations with band structured coefficients

MTDS - divide a matrix by a triangular matrix

DMTDS - double precision division of a matrix by a triangular matrix

MLSS - solution of simultaneous linear equations with symmetric
positive semidefinite matrix

DMLSS - double precision solution of simultaneous linear equations
with symmetric positive semidefinite matrix

MCHB - triangular factorization of a symmetric positive definite
band matrix

DMCHB - double precision triangular factorization of a symmetric
positive definite band matrix

MFSS - triangular factorization and rank determination of a
symmetric positive semidefinite matrix

DMFSS - double precision triangular factorization and rank
determination of a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix

MFSD - triangular factorization of a symmetric positive definite

DMFSD - double precision triangular factorization of a symmetric
positive definite matrix

LLSQ - solution of linear least squares problem

DLLSQ - double precision solution of linear least squares problem

Matrices Library 4 - Eigenanalysis and Related Topics - MATEIGEN.ARC

EIGEN - eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real, symmetric matrix

NROOT - eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a special nonsymmetric matrix

ATEIG - eigenvalues of a real almost triangular matrix

HSBG - reduction of a real matrix to almost triangular form

Polynomial Library 1 - Operations - POLYOPS.ARC

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 7

PADD - add two polynomials

PSUB - subtract one polynomial from another

PMPY - multiply two polynomials

PDIV - divide one polynomial by another

PCLA - replace one polynomial by another

PADDM - multiply polynomial by a constant and add to another

PVAL - value of a polynomial

PVSUB - substitute variable of polynomial by another polynomial

PILD - evaluate polynomial and its first derivative

PDER - derivative of a polynomial

PINT - integral of a polynomial

PQSD - quadratic synthetic division of a polynomial

PCLD - complete synthetic division of a polynomial

PGCD - greatest common divisor of two polynomials

PNORM - normalize coefficient vector of polynomial

PECN - economization of a polynomial for symmetric range

DPECN - double precision economization of a polynomial for
symmetric range

PECS - economization of a polynomial for unsymmetric range

DPECS - double precision economization of a polynomial for
unsymmetric range

Polynomial Library 2 - Roots - POLYROOT.ARC

POLRT - real and complex roots of a real polynomial

PRQD - roots of a real polynomial by QD algorithm with displacement

DPRQD - double precision roots of a real polynomial by QD algorithm
with displacement

PRBM - roots of a real polynomial by Bairstow's algorithm

DPRBM - double precision roots of a real polynomial by Bairstow's

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 8

PQFB - determine a quadratic factor of a real polynomial

DPQFB - double precision determination of a quadratic factor of a real

Polynomial Library 3 - Special Types - POLYSPTP.ARC

CNP - value of n-th Chebyshev polynomial

DCNP - double precision value of n-th Chebyshev polynomial

CNPS - value of series expansion in Chebyshev polynomials

DCNPS - double precision value of series expansion in Chebyshev

TCNP - transform series expansion in Chebyshev polynomials
to a polynomial

DTCNP - double precision transform series expansion in Chebyshev
polynomials to a polynomial

CSP - value of n-th shifted Chebyshev polynomial

DCSP - double precision value of n-th shifted Chebyshev polynomial

CSPS - value of series expansion in shifted Chebyshev polynomials

DCSPS - double precision value of series expansion in shifted
Chebyshev polynomials

TCSP - transform series expansion in shifted Chebyshev polynomials
to a polynomial

DTCSP - double precision transform series expansion in shifted
Chebyshev polynomials to a polynomial

HEP - value of Hermite polynomial

DHEP - double precision value of Hermite polynomial

HEPS - value of series expansion in Hermite polynomials

DHEPS - double precision value of series expansion in Hermite

THEP - transform series expansion in Hermite polynomials to a

DTHEP - double precision transform series expansion in Hermite
polynomials to a polynomial

LAP - value of Laguerre polynomial

DLAP - double precision value of Laguerre polynomial

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 9

LAPS - value of series expansion in Laguerre polynomials

DLAPS - double precision value of series expansion in Laguerre

TLAP - transform series expansion in Laguerre polynomials to a

DTLAP - double precision transform series expansion in Laguerre
polynomials to a polynomial

LEP - value of Legendre polynomial

DLEP - double precision value of Legendre polynomial

LEPS - value of series expansion in Legendre polynomials

DLEPS - double precision value of series expansion in Legendre

TLEP - transform a series expansion in Legendre polynomials
to a polynomial

DTLEP - double precision transform a series expansion in Legendre

polynomials to a polynomial

Roots of Nonlinear Equations Library - ROOTNLEQ.ARC

RTWI - refine estimate of root by Wegstein's iteration

DRTWI - double precision refine estimate of root by Wegstein's

RTMI - determine root within a range by Mueller's iteration

DRTMI - double precision determine root within a range by Mueller's

RTNI - refine estimate of root by Newton's iteration

DRTNI - double precision refine estimate of root by Newton's

Extremum of Functions Library - EXTRMFCT.ARC

FMFP - unconstrained minimum of a function of several variables
- Davidon method

DFMFP - double precision unconstrained minimum of a function of
several variables - Davidon method

FMCG - unconstrained minimum of a function of several variables
- conjugate gradient method

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 10

DFMCG - double precision unconstrained minimum of a function of
several variables - conjugate gradient method

Permutations Library - PERMUT.ARC

PPRCM - composition of permutations

PERM - operations with permutations and transpositions

Sequences Library - Sums and Limits - SEQUENCE.ARC

TEAS - limit of a given sequence

DTEAS - double precision limit of a given sequence

TEUL - sum of a given function sequence

DTEUL - double precision sum of a given function sequence

Interpolation, Approximation and Smoothing Library - ITRPAPSM.ARC

ALI - Aitken-Lagrange interpolation

DALI - double precision Aitken-Legrange interpolation

AHI - Aitken-Hermite interpolation

DAHI - double precision Aitken-Hermite interpolation

ACFI - continued fraction interpolation

DACFI - double precision continued fraction interpolation

ATSG - table selection out of a general table

DATSG - double precision table selection out of a general table

ATSM - table selection out of a monotonic table

DATSM - double precision table selection out of a monotonic table

ATSE - table selection out of an equidistant table

DATSE - double precision table selection out of an equidistant table

SG13 - local least squares smoothing of tabulated functions

DSG13 - double precision local least squares smoothing of tabulated

SE13 - local least squares smoothing of equidistantly tabulated
SE15 functions

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DSE13 - double precision local least squares smoothing of equidistantly
DSE15 tabulated functions

APFS - solve normal equations for least squares fit

DAPFS - double precision solve normal equations for least squares fit

APCH - least squares polynomial approximation

DAPCH - double precision least squares polynomial approximation

ARAT - rational least squares approximation

DARAT - double precision rational least squares approximation

APLL - linear least squares approximation

DAPLL - double precision linear least squares approximation

FORIF - Fourier analysis of a given function

FORIT - Fourier analysis of a tabulated function

HARM - complex three dimensional Fourier analysis

DHARM - double precision complex three dimensional Fourier analysis

RHARM - real one dimensional Fourier analysis

DRHARM - double precision real one dimensional Fourier analysis

APMM - linear Chebyshev approximation over a discrete range

DAPMM - double precision linear Chebyshev approximation over a
discrete range

Numerical Quadrature Library 1 - NUMQUAD.ARC

QTFG - integration of monotonically tabulated function by
trapezoidal rule

DQTFG - double precision integration of monotonically tabulated
function by trapezoidal rule

QTFE - integration of equidistantly tabulated function by
trapezoidal rule

DQTFE - double precision integration of equidistantly tabulated
tabulated function by trapezoidal rule

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 12

QSF - integration of equidistantly tabulated function by
Simpson's rule

DQSF - double precision integration of equidistantly tabulated
function by Simpson's rule

QHFG - integration of monotonically tabulated function with
first derivative by Hermitian formula of first order

DQHFG - double precision integration of monotonically tabulated
function with first derivative by Hermitian formula of
first order

QHFE - integration of equidistantly tabulated function with
first derivative by Hermitian formula of first order

DQHFE - double precision integration of equidistantly tabulated
function with first derivative by Hermitian formula of
first order

QHSG - integration of monotonically tabulated function with
first and second derivatives by Hermitian formula of
first order

DQHSG - double precision integration of monotonically tabulated
function with first and second derivatives by Hermitian
formula of first order

QHSE - integration of equidistantly tabulated function with
first and second derivatives by Hermitian formula of
second order

DQHSE - double precision integration of equidistantly tabulated
function with first and second derivatives by Hermitian
formula of second order

QATR - integration of a given function by trapezoidal rule together
with Romberg's extrapolation method

DQATR - double precision integration of a given function by trapezoidal
rule together with Romberg's extrapolation method

Numerical Quadrature Library 2 - Gaussian Quadrature - GAUQUAD.ARC

QG2 - integration of a given function by Gaussian quadrature
QG3 formulas (2-point, 3-point, ... , 10-point)

DQG4 - double precision integration of a given function by Gaussian

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DQG8 quadrature formulas (4-point, 8-point, ... , 32-point)

Numerical Quadrature Library 3 - Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature - GLGRQUAD.ARC

GL2 - integration of a given function by Gaussian-Leguerre
GL3 quadrature formulas (2-point, 3-point, ... , 10-point)

DGL4 - double precision integration of a given function by
DGL8 Gaussian-Leguerre quadrature formulas
DGL12 (4-point, 8-point, ... , 32-point)

Numerical Quadrature Library 4 - Gauss-Hermite Quadrature - GHRMQUAD.ARC

GH2 - integration of a given function by Gaussian-Hermite
GH3 quadrature formulas (2-point, 3-point, 10-point)

DGH8 - double precision integration of a given function by
DGH16 Gaussian Hermite quadrature formulas
DGH24 (8-point, 16-point, ... , 64-point)

Numerical Quadrature Library 5 - Associated Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature

QA2 - integration of a given function by associated Gaussian-
QA3 Laguerre quadrature formulas
QA4 (2-point, 3-point, ... , 10-point)

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DQA4 - double precision integration of a given function by
DQA8 associated Gaussian-Laguerre quadrature formulas
DQA12 (4-point, 8-point, ... , 32-point)

Numerical Differentiation Library - NUMDIFF.ARC

DGT3 - differentiation of a tabulated function by parabolic

DDGT3 - double precision differentiation of a tabulated function
by parabolic interpolation

DET3 - differentiation of an equidistantly tabulated function

DDET3 - double precision differentiation of an equidistantly
DDET5 tabulated function

DCAR - derivative of a function at the center of an interval

DDCAR - double precision derivative of a function at the center
of an interval

DBAR - derivative of a function at the border of an interval

DDBAR - double precision derivative of a function at the border
of an interval

Ordinary Differential Equations Library - ORDDIFEQ.ARC

RK1 - solution of first order differential equation by
Runge-Kutta method

RK2 - tabulated solution of first order differential
equation by Runge-Kutta method

RKGS - solution of system of first order differential equations
with given initial values by Runge-Kutta method

DRKGS - double precision solution of system of first order
differential equations with given initial values by
Runge-Kutta method

HPCG - solution of general system of first order ordinary
differential equations with given initial values by
Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 15

DHPCG - double precision solution of general system of first
order ordinary differential equations with given initial
values by Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method

HPCL - solution of linear system of first order ordinary
differential equations with given initial values by
Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method

DHPCL - double precision solution of linear system of first
order ordinary differential equations with given initial
values by Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method

LBVP - solution of system of linear first order ordinary
differential equations with linear boundary conditions
by method of adjoint equations

DLBVP - double precision solution of system of linear first order
ordinary differential equations with linear boundary
conditions by method of adjoint equations

Special Functions Library - SPCLFNCT.ARC

GMMMA - gamma function

DLGAM - log of gamma function

BESJ - J Bessel function

BESY - Y Bessel function

I0 - I Bessel function, I-o

INUE - I-n Bessel function

BESK - K Bessel function

EXPI - Exponential integral

SICI - sine cosine integral

CS - Fresnel integrals

CEL1 - complete elliptic integral of the first kind

DCEL1 - double precision complete elliptic integral of
the first kind

CLE2 - complete elliptic integral of the second kind

DCEL2 - double precision complete elliptic integral of
the second kind

ELI1 - generalized elliptic integral of the first kind

DELI1 - double precision generalized elliptic integral of

Dec 3 18:16 1987 Scientific Subroutine Package - Module Listing Page 16

the second kind

ELI2 - generalized elliptic integral of the second kind

DELI2 - double precision generalized elliptic integral of
the second kind

JELF - Jacobian elliptic function

DJELF - double precision Jacobian elliptic function

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : SSP2.ZIP
Filename : PC-SSP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: