Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

Output of file : READ.ME contained in archive : QTAWKU42.ZIP
QTAwk version 4.20, dated 10/10/90. This version contains two
additions from the previous version:

1) The behavior of the RS pre-defined variable has been changed. It is
now similar to the behavior of the FS variable. If RS is assigned a
value, which when converted to a string value, is a single character
in length, then that character becomes the record separator. If the
string is longer in length than a single character, then it is
treated as a regular expression. The string matching the regular
expression is treated as a record separator. As for FS, the string
value is converted to the internal regular expression form when the
assignment is made. To obtain the same behavior for RS as in
previous versions, use the character class operator for regular
expressions. If s was the string previously used for RS, then use:

RS = /[s]/;

2) Two new functions have been added:

getc() --> reads a single character from the current input file.
The character is returned by the function.

fgetc(file) --> reads a single character from the file 'file'. The
character is returned by the function.

These functions allow the user to naturally obtain single characters
from any file including the standard input file (which would be the
keyboard if not redirected or piped).

2) Error messages now have a numerical value displayed in addition to
the short error message. The error messages are listed in numerical
order in the QTAwk documentation with a short explanation of the
error. In some cases, an attempt has been made to provide guidance
as to what may have caused the error and possible remedies. Since
the error messages are generated at fixed points within QTAwk and
may be caused by different reasons in different utilities during
compilation or during execution on data files, it is not possible to
list every possible reason for the display of the error messages.
The line number within the QTAwk utility on which the error was
discovered and the input data file record number are provided in the
error message to provide some help to the user in attempting to
ascertain the real reason for the error.


QTAwk Version 4.10, dated 09/14/90, contained one addition from the
previous version:

1) In previous versions, the GROUP pattern keyword could accept
patterns consisting only of a regular expression constant. For
version 4.10, The GROUP pattern keyword has been expanded to accept
regular expression constants, string constants and variables. The
variables are evaluated at the time the GROUP patterns are first
utilized to scan an input record. The value is converted to string
form and interpreted as a regular expression.


Version 4.01 contained two additions from the previous version:

1) The command line argument, double hyphen, "--", stops further
scanning of the command line for options. The double hyphen
argument is not passed to the QTAwk utility in the ARGV array or
counted in the ARGC variable. Since QTAwk only recognizes two
command options, this has been included to be compatible with the
latest Unix(tm) conventions.

2) The built-in array ENVIRON has been added. This array contains the
environment strings passed to QTAwk. Changing a string in ENVIRON
will have no effect on the environment strings passed in the QTAwk
"system" built-in function. Environment strings are set with the
PC/MS-DOS "SET" command. The strings are of the form:

set name = string

where the blanks on either side of the equal sign, '=', are optional
and depend on the particular form used in the "SET" command. The
QTAwk utility may scan the elements of ENVIRON for a particular name
or string as desired.


Total QTAwk package to registered users consists of the following

1) qtawk.exe ==> QTAwk executable with 8086/88 processor
and up with/without numeric coprocessor

2) qtawkf.exe ==> QTAwk executable with 8086/88 processor
and up with numeric coprocessor

3) qtawk2.exe ==> QTAwk executable with 80286 processor
and up with/without numeric coprocessor

4) qtawk2f.exe ==> QTAwk executable with 80286 processor
and up with numeric coprocessor

5) qtawkn.exe ==> QTAwk database for Norton Online Guides
Self-extracting compressed file

6) qtawku.exe ==> Archive of QTAwk utilities
Self-extracting compressed file

7) qtawkd.exe ==> QTAwk Documentation w/QTAwk utility to display
Self-extracting compressed file

8) qtgrep.exe ==> Documentation for shareware program
Self-extracting compressed file

9) xb.exe ==> Documentation for shareware program
Self-extracting compressed file

10) diffdoc.fmt ==> Differences between QTAwk and AWK

11) license.fmt ==> QTAwk registration notice

12) order.frm ==> QTAwk registration form

12) ==> QTAwk Unix(tm) style manual pages

13) ==> This file

14) prod_lis.t ==> Other shareware products available

The self-extracting files contain compressed forms of the
following files:

------ Self-extracting File List ------

QTAWKU.EXE - QTAwk Utilities Archive

Name Original Packed Ratio Date Time Attr Type CRC
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----
! 806 345 42.8% 90-11-10 20:58:26 ---w -lh1- F346
ADDCOMMA.EXP 591 359 60.7% 90-01-07 17:13:44 ---w -lh1- F87A
ALARM.EXP 4071 1607 39.5% 90-07-25 21:29:46 ---w -lh1- 6929
ANSICLST.EXP 7227 1730 23.9% 90-04-30 20:46:26 ---w -lh1- 677E
ANSICSTD.EXP 3619 1564 43.2% 90-04-23 21:27:34 ---w -lh1- 2FFC
ANSIRSV.EXP 1973 612 31.0% 89-04-28 20:55:58 ---w -lh1- FDA2
ANSIRSVG.EXP 1514 605 40.0% 89-04-28 20:53:16 ---w -lh1- DD7E
APPTADD.EXP 4813 1918 39.9% 90-07-25 21:30:46 ---w -lh1- B50C
APPTDIS.EXP 4374 1760 40.2% 90-07-25 21:31:18 ---w -lh1- 6E01
CALCIN.EXP 9027 3287 36.4% 90-09-27 20:12:24 ---w -lh1- 86BC
CALCINNA.EXP 8095 3133 38.7% 90-09-27 20:14:16 ---w -lh1- 9C76
CALCRP.EXP 20781 6324 30.4% 90-11-09 21:22:08 ---w -lh1- 24EB
CALCRPNA.EXP 19406 6095 31.4% 90-11-09 21:22:04 ---w -lh1- D929
CALEXPT.EXP 5198 1869 36.0% 90-04-30 21:03:30 ---w -lh1- 6D53
CALNDPRT.EXP 3222 1258 39.0% 90-04-23 21:29:44 ---w -lh1- 37FB
CDCL.EXP 6215 1786 28.7% 90-04-30 21:03:40 ---w -lh1- 2F56
CLICHE.EXP 298 201 67.4% 89-03-15 17:59:48 ---w -lh1- 1964
COMPAT.EXP 3547 1574 44.4% 90-05-02 20:01:02 ---w -lh1- 615C
COMPRESS.EXP 307 190 61.9% 90-04-23 21:30:32 ---w -lh1- E3B8
CRV.DAT 264 174 65.9% 90-01-05 21:16:18 ---w -lh1- B5C6
CURVEFIT.EXP 11800 3714 31.5% 90-04-30 21:03:52 ---w -lh1- E5B9
DATE.EXP 1160 620 53.4% 90-04-23 21:30:56 ---w -lh1- 2474
DIFFDOC.FMT 13966 5400 38.7% 90-10-22 20:34:12 ---w -lh1- 7917
DISPLAY.BAT 51 51 100.0% 90-10-24 20:21:04 ---w -lh0- FFBD
DISPLAY.DOC 28409 8821 31.1% 90-11-11 21:22:20 a--w -lh1- 4641
DISPLAYN.BAT 62 62 100.0% 90-11-11 16:58:56 ---w -lh0- C207
FILENAME.EXP 1055 568 53.8% 90-04-23 21:31:12 ---w -lh1- 8AF4
FIN.EXP 28186 10128 35.9% 90-05-16 15:26:42 ---w -lh1- A41D
FIN.INP 225 129 57.3% 90-03-06 16:56:06 ---w -lh1- 2069
FINNA.EXP 26779 9850 36.8% 90-05-16 15:26:30 ---w -lh1- E9FA
FMTDOC.EXP 27754 9253 33.3% 90-04-29 20:20:30 ---w -lh1- 2EB9
FMTDOC2P.EXP 28123 9377 33.3% 90-04-29 20:20:34 ---w -lh1- DF5E
GEODH.EXP 4794 1700 35.5% 90-04-23 21:32:30 ---w -lh1- DB07
GETDIR.EXP 3987 1709 42.9% 90-07-25 9:02:32 ---w -lh1- 1856
GRAPH.EXP 3387 1345 39.7% 90-04-23 21:32:52 ---w -lh1- 03E2
HISTOGRM.EXP 763 446 58.5% 90-04-23 21:33:24 ---w -lh1- 048D
HOLIDAY.EXP 4971 1633 32.9% 90-04-23 21:33:52 ---w -lh1- AD97
LICENSE.FMT 8095 3387 41.8% 90-11-10 16:42:26 a--w -lh1- 00ED
LINENUM.EXP 22 22 100.0% 89-03-07 20:47:44 ---w -lh0- 2723
MORE.EXP 19624 7112 36.2% 90-10-09 21:25:20 ---w -lh1- C779
MOREQ.BAT 64 62 96.9% 90-08-05 19:55:54 ---w -lh1- FF4A
PRDN.EXP 1141 256 22.4% 90-04-23 21:34:52 ---w -lh1- 572E
READ.ME 14911 5846 39.2% 90-11-11 15:29:16 a--w -lh1- 1EC6
ROMN.EXP 2137 746 34.9% 90-04-23 21:35:00 ---w -lh1- EC84
SCREEN.EXP 4460 1352 30.3% 90-04-23 21:35:32 ---w -lh1- CDDB
SINCOS.EXP 2710 1143 42.2% 90-02-10 19:47:22 ---w -lh1- D70F
SLIKE.EXP 3993 1740 43.6% 90-04-23 21:35:52 ---w -lh1- 4054
SOUNDIX.EXP 3418 1546 45.2% 90-03-31 18:58:14 ---w -lh1- 3433
SOUNDX4.EXP 2926 1167 39.9% 90-04-23 21:36:22 ---w -lh1- 8BE4
SSFUNCS.EXP 14208 1865 13.1% 90-04-29 21:50:42 ---w -lh1- 2D33
STATE.EXP 706 331 46.9% 89-11-25 18:23:44 ---w -lh1- A7E6
STATES.DTA 3575 1836 51.4% 89-10-29 19:31:20 ---w -lh1- 5637
TABLE.EXP 809 451 55.7% 90-02-10 19:56:58 ---w -lh1- C632
TOC.EXP 1268 667 52.6% 90-04-23 21:37:08 ---w -lh1- D1AC
WORDFREQ.EXP 962 565 58.7% 90-02-10 20:25:16 ---w -lh1- 53CA
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- --------
55 files 375849 131291 34.9% 90-11-11 21:22:54

QTAWKN.EXE - QTAwk Database for Norton Online Guides

Name Original Packed Ratio Date Time Attr Type CRC
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----
! 828 363 43.8% 90-11-10 21:07:44 ---w -lh1- 8278
DIFFDOC.FMT 13966 5400 38.7% 90-10-22 20:34:12 ---w -lh1- 7917
LICENSE.FMT 8095 3387 41.8% 90-11-10 16:42:26 ---w -lh1- 00ED
ORDER.FRM 12380 4747 38.3% 90-11-10 16:58:40 ---w -lh1- A9B4
QTAWK.NG 121970 43839 35.9% 90-10-10 20:55:56 ---w -lh1- 7D69
READ.ME 14911 5846 39.2% 90-11-11 15:29:16 a--w -lh1- 1EC6
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- --------
6 files 172150 63582 36.9% 90-11-11 15:30:40

QTAWKD.EXE - QTAwk Documentation

Name Original Packed Ratio Date Time Attr Type CRC
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----
! 1194 542 45.4% 90-11-10 21:30:20 a--w -lh1- A56E
DIFFDOC.FMT 13409 5382 40.1% 90-11-04 16:46:34 ---w -lh1- F951
DISPLAY.BAT 51 51 100.0% 90-10-24 20:21:04 ---w -lh0- FFBD
DISPLAY.DOC 28409 8821 31.1% 90-11-11 21:22:20 a--w -lh1- 4641
DISPLAYN.BAT 62 62 100.0% 90-11-11 16:58:56 ---w -lh0- C207
LICENSE.FMT 8095 3387 41.8% 90-11-10 16:42:26 a--w -lh1- 00ED
ORDER.FRM 12380 4747 38.3% 90-11-10 16:58:40 a--w -lh1- A9B4
PROD_LIS.T 2077 1006 48.4% 90-07-22 18:46:12 ---w -lh1- A98F
QTAWK.DOC 344917 93948 27.2% 90-11-10 20:23:48 ---w -lh1- 47A9
QTAWK.MAN 37508 14864 39.6% 90-11-04 16:44:06 ---w -lh1- F152
QTGREP.DOC 130828 40974 31.3% 90-11-04 16:50:44 ---w -lh1- 9D30
READ.ME 14911 5846 39.2% 90-11-11 15:29:16 a--w -lh1- 1EC6
XB.DOC 42294 11985 28.3% 90-07-09 20:54:28 ---w -lh1- 9672
-------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- --------
13 files 636135 191615 30.1% 90-11-11 21:22:36

------ File Description --------


QTAWK .EXE with or without 80x87, 8086/8088/80286... (80x87 used if present)
QTAWK2 .EXE with or without 80x87, 80286... (80x87 used if present)
QTAWK2F .EXE with 80x87, 80286...
QTAWKF .EXE with 80x87, 8086/8088/80286...


ADDCOMMA.EXP utility to add commas to numbers
ALARM .EXP utility to set TSR alarm from appointment list
APPTADD .EXP utility to add appointments to data file for alarm/apptdis
APPTDIS .EXP utility to display todays appointments from alarm data file
CALCIN .EXP infix calculator (assumes ANSI.SYS)
CALCINNA.EXP infix calculator (does not assume ANSI.SYS)
CALCRP .EXP reverse polish calculator (assumes ANSI.SYS)
CALCRPNA.EXP reverse polish calculator (does not assume ANSI.SYS)
CALEXPT .EXP calender calculation utility
CALNDPRT.EXP calender calculation utility
CDCL .EXP translate C declarations to English
CLICHE .EXP cliche creator
COMPAT .EXP test compatability of utility to QTawk
COMPRESS.EXP compress successive blank line in text files
CURVEFIT.EXP fit data to one or best of 9 curves
DATE .EXP date computation utility
FILENAME.EXP split path and filename.ext
FIN .EXP financial calculator (assumes ANSI.SYS)
FINNA .EXP financial calculator (does not assume ANSI.SYS)
FMTDOC .EXP document formattor
FMTDOC2P.EXP document formattor - 2 pass
GEODH .EXP utility to compare iterative and exact solutions for geodetic Lat.
GETDIR .EXP sample utility to get contents of directory
GRAPH .EXP graphing utility
HISTOGRM.EXP histogram utility
HOLIDAY .EXP compute holidays
LINENUM .EXP add line numbers to file
MORE .EXP display files one screen at a time/search for expressions
PRDN .EXP print pre-defined regular expressions
ROMN .EXP convert arabic number to roman numeral
SCREEN .EXP functions to utilize ANSI.SYS for screen/cursor manipulation
SINCOS .EXP graph sine/cosine functions
SLIKE .EXP find words which sound like a specified set of words
SOUNDIX .EXP algorithm for "slike"
SOUNDX4 .EXP another algorithm for "slike"
SSFUNCS .EXP standard scoring functions for trade studies
STATE .EXP state demostration utility
TABLE .EXP table creation utility
TOC .EXP line oriented Table of Contents creation utility
WORDFREQ.EXP count words

MOREQ .bat batch file driver for more.exp


FIN .INP sample input file for financial calculator
CRV .DAT input data for curvefit.exp
STATES .DTA input data file for state.exp


READ .ME this file

QTAWK .MAN QTAwk Unix(tm) style manual pages

QTAWK .NG QTawk database for Norton Online Guides

QTAWK .DOC QTAwk Documentation

LICENSE .FMT QTAwk Registration Notice

ORDER .FRM QTAwk order form

DISPLAY .DOC QTAwk utility to display QTAwk documentation files
QTAwk.doc and ANSI.SYS display driver must
be installed to utilize phrase and search highlighting

DISPLAY .BAT Batch file to run display.doc utility - assumes ANSI.SYS
installed. Use displayn.bat if ANSI.SYS display driver not
installed. Adaptation of more.exp utility

DISPLAYN.BAT Batch file to run display.doc utility - ANSI.SYS not
installed. Use display.bat if ANSI.SYS display driver
installed. Adaptation of more.exp utility

DIFFDOC .FMT QTAwk Differences from
"Awk Programming Language" by:
Alfred V. Aho
Brian W. Kernighan
Peter J. Weinberger

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: