Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : GEODH.EXP

Output of file : GEODH.EXP contained in archive : QTAWKU42.ZIP
# QTAwk utility to compare iterative and exact solutions for
# (C) Copyright 1990 Terry D. Boldt, All Rights Reserved
# Geodetic Latitude from x, y, z versus iterative solution of DSM
# Method:
# 1) Input Geodetic Latitude, Longitude
# 2) Compute x, y, z (earth centered)
# 3) from x, y, z compute Geodetic Latitude, Longitude:
# a) from iterative solution of DSM
# b) from exact solution
# 4) compare iterative solution for Geodetic Latitude with input Latitude
# 5) compare exact solution for Geodetic Latitude with input Latitude
# 6) Compute two new x, y, z positions:
# a) from iterative solution for Geodetic Latitude
# a) from exact solution for Geodetic Latitude
# 7) compare positions from 6) with positions from 2)
# Iterative solution for Geodetic Latitude: (from DSM)
# Input:
# 1) x, y, z position co-ordinates
# 2) Re, equatorial radius of earth == 6,378,137 m (from 84 WGS)
# 3) f, earth flattening == 1/298.257223563 (from 84 WGS)
# 4) conv, convergence criteria == 1e-300 (strigent guess)
# Algorithm:
# 1) compute ecentricity of earth ellipsoid == f*(2-f) == ecen ^ 2
# 2) initial guess on zi = -ecen2 * z
# 3) compute following until absolute value of iteration difference for
# zi less than convergence criteria:
# zib = z - zi
# N = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + zib^2)
# sp = zib/N
# N = Re/sqrt(1 - ecen2 * sp^2)
# zi = -N * ecen2 * sp
# 4) compute iterative Geodetic Latitude:
# latz = arcsine(zib/N)
# 5) compute Longitude:
# longz = atan2(y,x)
# Exact solution for Geodetic Latitude:
# Inputs:
# 1) x, y, z position co-ordinates
# 2) Re, equatorial radius of earth == 6378137 m (from 84 WGS)
# 3) f, earth flattening == 1/298.257223563 (from 84 WGS)
# Algorithm:
# 1) compute rho = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
# 2) compute Geodetic Latitude:
# late = atan2(z,rho * (1 - ecen2) )
# 3) compute Longitude:
# longz = atan2(y,x)

OFMT = "%.14g";
Re = 6378137;
flat = 1/298.257223563;
ecen2 = flat*(2 - flat);
ecen = sqrt(ecen2);
conv = 1e-300;

lat = $1;
long = $2;
print "Input Lat = "lat"ø, Long = "long"ø";
N = Re/sqrt(1 - ecen2*sin(lat)^2);
rho = N * cos(lat);
x = rho * cos(long);
y = rho * sin(long);
z = N * (1 - ecen2) * sin(lat);
print "x = "addcomma(x)" m, y = "addcomma(y)" m, z = "addcomma(z)" m";
rho2 = x^2 + y^2;
for ( zi = -ecen2 * z , i = 0 ; conv < abs(zi - zl) || i >= 1000 ; i++ ) {
zl = zi;
zib = z - zi;
N = sqrt(rho2 + zib^2);
sp = zib/N;
N = Re/sqrt(1 - ecen2 * sp^2);
zi = -N * ecen2 * sp;
if ( i >= 1000 ) print "No Convergence";
else print "No iterations: "i"\nëzi = "abs(zi-zl);
latz = asin(zib/N);
longz = atan2(y,x);
print "Iterative Derived Lat/Long\nLat = "latz"ø, Long = "longz"ø";
print "Delta ëLat = "(latz - lat);
rho = sqrt(rho2);
late = atan2(z,rho * (1 - ecen2));
print "Exact Derived Lat/Long\nLat = "late"ø, Long = "longz"ø";
print "Delta ëLat = "(late - lat)"ø";

h = sqrt(z^2 + rho2 * (1 - ecen2)^2)
- (Re * (1 - ecen2))/sqrt(1 - ecen2 * sin(lat)^2);

print "Height above ellipsoid (h): "h;

N = Re/sqrt(1 - ecen2*sin(latz)^2);
rho = N * cos(latz);
xz = rho * cos(longz);
yz = rho * sin(longz);
zz = N * (1 - ecen2) * sin(latz);
RVz = sqrt((xz-x)^2 + (yz-y)^2 + (zz-z)^2);
print "Position from Iterative\nx = "addcomma(xz)" m, y = "addcomma(yz)" m, z = "addcomma(zz)" m";
print "Delta: ëx = "(xz-x)" m, ëy = "(yz-y)" m, ëz = "(zz-z)" m\n|R| = "RVz" m";
N = Re/sqrt(1 - ecen2*sin(late)^2);
rho = N * cos(late);
xe = rho * cos(longz);
ye = rho * sin(longz);
ze = N * (1 - ecen2) * sin(late);
RVe = sqrt((xe-x)^2 + (ye-y)^2 + (ze-z)^2);
RVd = sqrt((xe-xz)^2 + (ye-yz)^2 + (ze-zz)^2);
print "Position from Exact\nx = "addcomma(xe)" m, y = "addcomma(ye)" m, z = "addcomma(ze)" m";
print "Delta: ëx = "(xe-x)" m, ëy = "(ye-y)" m, ëz = "(ze-z)" m\n|R| = "RVe" m";
print "Position Delta\nëx = "(xe-xz)" m, ëy = "(ye-yz)" m, ëz = "(ze-zz)" m\n|ëR| = "RVd" m\f";

function abs(x) {
return x > 0 ? x : -x;

# function to add commas to numbers
function addcomma(x) {
local num;
local spat;
local bnum = /{_d}{3,3}([,.]|$)/;

if ( x < 0 ) return "-" addcomma(-x);
num = sprintf("%.14g",x); # num is dddddd.dd
# if ( fract(x) ) spat = /{_d}{4,4}[.,]/; else spat = /{_d}{4,4}(,|$)/;
# spat = fract(x) ? /{_d}{4,4}[.,]/ : /{_d}{4,4}(,|$)/;
spat = num ~~ /\./ ? /{_d}{4,4}[.,]/ : /{_d}{4,4}(,|$)/;
while ( num ~~ spat ) sub(bnum,",&",num);
return num;

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : GEODH.EXP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: