Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : FMTDOC.EXP

Output of file : FMTDOC.EXP contained in archive : QTAWKU42.ZIP
# QTAwk program to format ASCII text files
# (C) Copyright 1990 Terry D. Boldt, All Rights Reserved
# input: ASCII text file
# output: text formatted into lines of <= 'width' characters
# advantages:
# 1) can change easily to suit needs - can add/delete control words as needed
# 2) simple and will easily handle the majority of needs for letters,
# documents, etc.
# design philosophy:
# 1) bare minimum of control words in text
# 2) capture more complex formatting tasks in functions, e.g.,
# a) page top margin and running header captured in variables set in BEGIN
# and print_top function
# b) page bottom margin and running footer captured in variables set in
# BEGIN and end_page function
# 3) blank lines cause 'break' in text and line skip
# control words:
# .* ==> comment line - ignore
# .br text ==> break and accumulate text for output
# .ce text ==> center 'text' in width
# .ds ==> double space
# .hn ==> 0 <= n <= 9 header command
# .il n ==> indent line n spaces from left indentation
# .im filename ==> imbed file named, only one level of imbedding allowed
# .in [[+/-]n] ==> indentation
# .ll n ==> line length to n
# .hr [on/off][header line ==> turn header printing on/off, set header line
# .fr [on/off][footer line ==> turn footer printing on/off, set footer line
# .pa [n] ==> page eject n times, n == 1 default
# .pn [roman/arabic/alpha/normal/n] ==> set page number & style
# .sp [n] ==> n blank lines, n == 1 default
# .ss ==> single space
# .sx /left/center/right/ ==> split text left - center - right
# .pl set page length --> number of lines (includes top/bottom margins & headers
# .tm [n] ==> set top margin to n lines
# .bm [n] ==> set bottom margin to n lines
# .tb n text ==> tab n spaces after left margin and print text,
# n == 0 causes break
# .tc [n] ==> reserve n pages for table of contents, n == 1 by default
# .pt line ==> insert "line" in table of contents. Note .tc control must be
# used or Table of Contents not generated
# Table formator definition:
# .td (table definition) define separator for input column text
# define start columns for each column of table
# .td " 1 7 14
# " ==> separator for each column in input text
# first column starts at column 1
# second column starts at column 7
# third column starts at column 14
# column numbering starts at left margin
# .td c cols ==> define table separator character and columns
# .tl start ==> start table formatting
# .tl stop ==> stop table formatting
# :ol. ==> start ordered list
# :sl. ==> start simple list
# :ul. ==> start un-ordered list
# :li. ==> list item
# :eol. ==> stop list (ordered)
# :esl. ==> stop list (simple)
# :eul. ==> stop list (unordered)
# .se name = value ==> set substution variable to remainder of input record
# formatted "built-in" variables may be defined in 'BEGIN' and
# 'INITIAL' sections also.
# .se on/off turn variable replacement on/off - default is on at start
lstb[0] = '^';
lstb[1] = '.';
lstb[2] = ')';
lstb[3] = ':';
lstb[4] = '|';
lstb[5] = '>';
lstb[6] = '}';
lstb[7] = ']';
lstb[8] = '*';
lstb[9] = '_';
olstn = 10;
d_page_length = page_length = 66; # page length at 6 lines per inch
d_top_margin = top_margin = 6; # number of lines reserved for top margin
d_bot_margin = bot_margin = 6; # number of lines reserved for bottom margin
d_width = 65; # default width of text == line length
width = 65; # width of text == line length
d_left_m = 8; # default number of blanks on left margin
left_m = 8; # number of blanks on left margin
header = FALSE;
footer = TRUE;
hdr_line = dhdr_line = "||- # -||"; # header line
ftr_line = dftr_line = "||- # -||"; # footer line
toc_hdr_line = "|||Table of Contents|"; # header line
toc_ftr_line = dftr_line; # Footer line
hdr_lines = 1; # number of lines in page header
hdr_skip = 2; # number of blank lines after header line(s)
ftr_lines = 1; # number of lines in page footer
ftr_skip = 2; # number of blank lines before footer line(s)
# default number of text body lines/page
# == 54 lines default
num_lines = page_length - top_margin - bot_margin - (header * (hdr_lines - hdr_skip)) - (footer * (ftr_lines - ftr_skip));
ttl_page_cnt = 1; # indexpendent count of pages
page_num = 1; # page number
page_num_prefix = ""; # page number prefix string
reset_headr_0 = FALSE; # flag to set page number to 1 on ".ho" command
left_margin = copies(" ",left_m); # left margin blanks
double_space = FALSE; # double spacing output
roman_num = FALSE; # page numbering in arabic or roman
alpha_num = FALSE; # page numbering in alphabetic
adjust = 5; # justify lines if size within adjust of width
wait_on_page = FALSE; # TRUE if wait at end of page
para_indent = 1; # number of blanks less one - first

# line of para. indented
para_start = FALSE; # flag whether line starts new para.
format = TRUE; # format flag
right_justify = 10; # format value to right justify text
left_justify = 20; # format value to left justify text
table_format = format;# variable to hold format value while doing table
var_replace = TRUE; # default to replace variables
req_be = /\x0ff/; # required blank - tranlated to blank just prior to output
# above regular expression version
req_bs = '\x0ff'; # required blank - tranlated to blank just prior to output
# above string version
# need both regular expression version and string version
# to get speed of r.e. search and replacement
# and string to place hexadecimal character in output
sysyear = date[3];
sysmonth = date[2];
sysdayofm = date[1];
sysdayofw = ((jdn(sysyear,sysmonth,sysdayofm) + 1) % 7) + 1;
sysdayofy = sdate(16);
date1 = sdate(1); # set today's date variable
date2 = sdate(2); # set today's date variable
date3 = sdate(3); # set today's date variable
date4 = sdate(4); # set today's date variable
date5 = sdate(5); # set today's date variable
date6 = sdate(6); # set today's date variable
date7 = sdate(7); # set today's date variable
date8 = sdate(8); # set today's date variable
date9 = sdate(9); # set today's date variable
date = date9;
time = stime(4); # set document format time
fnum = /^{_i}$/; # regular expression for recognizing numeric fields
stx_chr = ' '; # character used by split_text function for mask line
stderr = "stderr";
stdin = "stdin";
cstart = "start";
cstop = "stop";
no = "no";
yes = "yes";
on = "on";
off = "off";
right = "right";
left = "left";

hnum = major_sctn = minor_sctn = 0;
imbedded_file = FALSE;
tc_cnt = 0;
# following variables define printer control sequences
# currently set for IBM Proprinter
# turn emphasized printing on/on
emph_on = "\x01b\x045";
emph_off = "\x01b\x046";
# Continuous Underscore on/off
cus_on = "\x01b-\x001";
cus_off = "\x01b-\x080";
# Condensed Print on/off
condsd_on = '\x00f';
condsd_off = '\x012';
# start/stop Letter Quality Print - proprinter
lttrq_on = "\x01bI\x002";
lttrq_off = "\x01bI\x080";
# start/stop Letter Quality Print - color printer
lttrq_on_cp = "\x01bI\x003";
lttrq_off_cp = "\x01bI\x002";
# sub/super-script
sub_on = "\x01bS\x001";
sup_on = "\x01bS\x080";
# Cancel sub/super-script Printing
sub_sup_off = "\x01bT";
# set ribbon color - color printer
band_1 = "\x01by"; # yellow
band_2 = "\x01bm"; # red
band_3 = "\x01bc"; # blue
band_4 = "\x01bb"; # black
# printer initialization strings would be printed here, e.g.,
# to turn on built-in letter quality print, the following
# print statement is used:
# intialize printing - print header blank lines
# use in BEGIN actions for single document from many
# use in INITIAL actions for many single documents
#} # remove comment at line beginning for many documents
# INITIAL { # remove comment at line beginning for many documents
top = TRUE;

GROUP /^{_w}*$/ { # blank input line - allow for possible blanks and tabs
if ( !top ) output_line("",TRUE); # do not output blanks if at top of page
para_start = TRUE;
size += para_indent;

GROUP /^\.\*/ { # comment line - ignore

# replace defined variables in format {named_variable} in input record
if ( var_replace ) $0 = replace($0); # replace variables

GROUP /^\.sr/ { # set from addressee
sender[sr_line++] = strim(substr($0,4));
$1 = ".tb 35";

GROUP /^\.ad/ { # format addressee
addressee[ad_line++] = strim(substr($0,4));
$1 = ".br";

GROUP /^\.fo/ { # format on/off command
switch ( $2 ) {
case on:
format = TRUE;
case off:
format = FALSE;
case right:
format = right_justify;
case left:
format = left_justify;
fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect format '.fo' command.\nFile: %s\nLine: %u\n",FILENAME,FNR);
exit 2;

GROUP /^\.br/ { # break command
if ( NF > 1 ) {
$0 = strim(substr($0,4));

GROUP /^\.ce/ { # command to center line
local tcnt, tline;

tcnt = split(strim(substr($0,4)),tline);
tline = form_line(tline,tcnt,width,left_justify);

GROUP /^\.il/ { # indent next line n spaces
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) # check if 2nd field an integer
addword(copies(" ",$2));

GROUP /^\.im/ {
if ( !imbedded_file ) {
ARGI --;
imbedded_file = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr,"Imbedded File: %s [Page: %s (%u)\n",FILENAME,set_pnum(page_num),ttl_page_cnt);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Only One Level Of File Imbedding Allowed.\nFile: %s\nLine: %u\n",FILENAME,FNR);
exit 200;

GROUP /^\.in/ { # set indentation
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) {
if ( $2 ~~ /^[+-]/ ) {
left_m += $2;
if ( left_m < 0 ) left_m = d_left_m;
} else left_m = $2;
} else left_m = d_left_m;
left_margin = copies(" ",left_m);

GROUP /^\.ll/ { # set line length
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) width = $2; # check if 2nd field an integer
else width = d_width; # set line length if TRUE

GROUP /^\.h[0-9]/ {
local hl, i, hnm;

hl = int(substr($$0,3,1));
if ( hl < head_level ) {
for ( i = hl + 1 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) hla[i] = 0;
} else if ( hl > head_level + 1 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error - Incorrect Head Level Specified.\nInput File: %s\nRecord Number: %u",FILENAME,FNR);
exit 10;
if ( !(head_level = hl) ) {
if ( !top ) page_eject;
if ( !(page_num & 1) ) page_eject;
if ( reset_headr_0 ) page_num = 1;
hnum = hla[0] "";
if ( hl ) {
minor_sctn = hla[hl];
for ( i = 1 ; i <= hl ; i++ ) hnum ï= "." hla[i];
hnm = hnum;
} else {
minor_sctn = 0;
hnum ï= ".0";
hnm = cus_on ï hnum;
toc_lines[tc_cnt]["skip"] = TRUE;
$1 = hnum;
toc_lines[tc_cnt]["line"] = $0;
toc_lines[tc_cnt]["pgn"] = set_pnum(page_num);
$1 = emph_on ï hnm ï " ";
$0 ï= emph_off;
if ( !hl ) $0 ï= cus_off;

GROUP /^\.hr/ {
if ( NF > 1 ) {
switch ( $2 ) {
case on:
header = TRUE;
case off:
header = FALSE;
hdr_line = strim(substr($0,4));
} else hdr_line = dhdr_line;

GROUP /^\.fr/ {
if ( NF > 1 ) {
switch ( $2 ) {
case on:
footer = TRUE;
case off:
footer = FALSE;
ftr_line = strim(substr($0,4));
} else ftrline = dftr_line;

GROUP /^\.pl/ { # set page length in lines # check if 2nd field an integer
# set page length if TRUE
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) page_length = $2;
else page_length = d_page_length;
num_lines = page_length - top_margin - bot_margin - (header * (hdr_lines - hdr_skip)) - (footer * (ftr_lines - ftr_skip));

GROUP /^\.tm/ { # set top margin
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) top_margin = $2;
else top_margin = d_top_margin;
num_lines = page_length - top_margin - bot_margin - (header * (hdr_lines - hdr_skip)) - (footer * (ftr_lines - ftr_skip));

GROUP /^\.bm/ { # set bottom margin
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) bot_margin = $2;
else bot_margin = d_bot_margin;
num_lines = page_length - top_margin - bot_margin - (header * (hdr_lines - hdr_skip)) - (footer * (ftr_lines - ftr_skip));

GROUP /^\.pa/ { # page eject
local num_ejects;

if ( !top ) page_eject;
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) { # check if second field an integer
num_ejects = $2 - 1;
while ( num_ejects-- ) page_eject; # use 'page_eject' function in
} # order to get ejected pages
next; # numbered

GROUP /^\.pn/ { # page numbering
if ( NF > 1 ) {
i = 2;
do {
switch ( strlwr($i) ) {
case fnum:
if ( $i ~~ /^[-+]/ ) page += $i; else page_num = $i;
case "alpha":
alpha_num = TRUE;
roman_num = FALSE;
case "roman":
roman_num = TRUE;
alpha_num = FALSE;
case "arabic":
case "normal":
roman_num = alpha_num = FALSE;
} while ( ++i <= NF );
} else page_num = 1;

GROUP /^\.ds/ { # double space
double_space = TRUE;

GROUP /^\.se/ { # set variable
switch ( $2 ) {
case on:
var_replace = TRUE; # turn on variable replacement
case off:
var_replace = FALSE; # turn off variable replacement
$1 = "";
if ( $0 !~ /;$/ ) $0 ï= ';';

GROUP /^\.ss/ { # single space
double_space = FALSE;

GROUP /^\.sp/ { # line spaces
local num_spaces = 1;

if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) num_spaces = $2; # check if 2nd field an integer
while ( num_spaces-- ) output_line("",TRUE); # print blank lines for line skips

GROUP /^\.sx/ { # command to split text
cnt = 0;

GROUP /^\.tb/ { # command to tab over nn spaces
local ol;

# check if second field an integer
if ( $2 ~~ fnum ) {
ol = copies(" ",$2);
$2 = "";
$1 = "";
ol ï= strim($0);


# start ordered list
GROUP /^:ol\./ {
list_list[++list_level] = 1;
left_margin = copies(" ",length(left_margin) + 4);
width -= 4;

# start simple list
GROUP /^:sl\./ {
list_list[++list_level] = -1;
left_margin = copies(" ",length(left_margin) + 4);
width -= 4;

# start un-ordered list
GROUP /^:ul\./ {
list_list[++list_level] = 0;
left_margin = copies(" ",length(left_margin) + 4);
width -= 4;

# list item
GROUP /^:li\./ {
if ( list_level ) {
$0 = strim(substr($0,5));

# end [un-]ordered list
GROUP /^:e[osu]l\./ {
if ( list_level ) {
left_margin = copies(" ",length(left_margin) - 4);
width += 4;
list_left_mh = FALSE;
if ( substr($0,3,1) == 'o' && olist ) olist--;
else if ( substr($0,3,1) == 'u' && ulist ) ulist--;

# table of contents command
# .tc n - n == number of pages to reserve, default == 1
GROUP /^\.tc/ {
local toc_pages = 1;

if ( !top ) page_eject;
toc_pnum = page_num;
if ( NF > 1 && $2 ~~ fnum ) toc_pages = $2;
page_num += toc_pages;

# put a line into table of contents
GROUP /^\.pt/ {
local r_num = set_pnum(page_num);

toc_lines[tc_cnt]["pgn"] = r_num;
$0 = strim(substr($0,4));
toc_lines[tc_cnt]["line"] = $0;
toc_lines[tc_cnt]["skip"] = FALSE;

# command to define table
# $2 == table separator
# $3 ... $NF == table columns starts
GROUP /^\.td/ {
local i, j;

t_sep = $2;
if ( NF > 2 ) {
deletea t_col;
for ( i = 3 , j = 1 ; i <= NF ; i++ , j++ ) {
t_col[j] = $i;

# start/stop table formatting
GROUP /^\.tl/ {
local f2 = strlwr($2);

if ( f2 == cstart ) {
table_f = TRUE;
table_format = format;
format = FALSE;
} else if ( f2 == cstop ) {
table_f = FALSE;
format = table_format;
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"'tl' Command Only Recognizes 'start' or 'stop'.\n");
exit 3;

if ( format ) add_line;
else if ( table_f ) format_table($0);
else output_line($0,TRUE);

# end of file - clean up between files
local dummy;

imbedded_file = FALSE;
if ( ad_line ) {
# printline(no);
if ( !top ) page_eject;
fprintf(stderr,"Place Envelope in Printer\nPress Enter");
for ( sr_line in sender ) printf(" %s\n",sender[sr_line]);
for ( ad_line in addressee ) printf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n",addressee[ad_line]);
sr_line = FALSE;
ad_line = FALSE;

# end of file - clean up and eject last page
END { # use for single document
if ( toc_pnum ) print_toc;
if ( !top ) page_eject;

# function to add current line to parsed text
function add_line() {
for ( i = 1 ; i <= NF ; i++ ) if ( length($i) ) addword($i);

# output accumulated words
function output_line(oline,leftm) {
if ( top ) print_top;
if ( leftm ) printf(left_margin);
if ( list_left_mh ) {
left_margin = list_left_mh;
list_left_mh = FALSE;
gsub(req_be," ",oline);
print oline;
line_cnt += 1 + double_space; # increment line counter
if ( line_cnt >= num_lines ) # check for end of page
end_page; # function to print page numbers - note absence
# of '()' to invoke
else if ( double_space ) print "";

# accumlate words for line
function addword(w) {
local lw = length(w); # length of added word

if ( cnt + size + lw > width ) printline(yes); # check new line length
line[++cnt] = w; # add word to line array
size += lw;

# print accumulated words in justified line
function printline(f) {
local i, nb, nsp, holes;
local tline;
local adj = adjust + cnt;
local fmt = format;

if ( cnt ) {
if ( para_start && para_indent ) line[1] = copies(" ",para_indent) line[1];
if ( strlwr(f) == no && size < (width - adj) ) fmt = fmt < right_justify ? left_justify : fmt;
tline = form_line(line,cnt,width,fmt);
if ( set_width ) {
width = set_width;
set_width = FALSE;
size = cnt = 0;
deletea line;
if ( para_start ) para_start = FALSE;

# eject current page - print blank lines to bottom,
# print page number and form feed
function page_eject() {
while ( ++line_cnt <= num_lines ) print "";

# end of page clean up - print page number & eject
function end_page() {
local pnl = replace(ftr_line); # replace defined variables in footer
local r_num = set_pnum(page_num);
local left_margin = copies(" ",d_left_m);
local ftrs = ftr_skip;

if ( footer ) {
while ( ftrs-- ) print "";
sub(/#/,r_num,pnl); # substitute for page number
# print left margin and footer text split across default page width
print left_margin split_text(pnl,d_width);
# use following line if want text centered instead of split
# print left_margin center(pnl,width);
line_cnt = 0;
top = TRUE;
if ( wait_on_page ) { # if waiting at end of page - display message, wait
fprintf(stderr,"Insert New Page, Press Carriage Return\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Finished Page: %s (%u)\n",set_pnum(page_num),ttl_page_cnt);

# print top margin and header if any
function print_top() {
local hdr_lne = replace(hdr_line); # replace defined variables in header
local r_num = set_pnum(page_num);
local left_margin = copies(" ",d_left_m);
local hdrs = hdr_skip;

top = FALSE;
# print top margin
while ( ++line_cnt <= top_margin ) print "";
if ( header ) {
sub(/#/, r_num , hdr_lne ); # substitute for page number
# print left margin and header text split across default page width
print left_margin split_text(hdr_lne,d_width);
# use following line if want text centered instead of split
# print left_margin center(hdr_lne,width);
while ( hdrs-- ) { print ""; line_cnt++; }

# function to convert decimal number to roman numeral
# used if roman numeral page numbering desired - see roman_num variable
function roman_numeral(num) {
# pwr_ten ==> maximum integer representable as roman numeral
local i, pwr_ten = 10000;
local frst_sym = '?', secd_sym = 'm', thrd_sym = '?';
local num_str = "";
local three_sym;

num = int(num);
if ( num <= pwr_ten )
do {
pwr_ten /= 10;
i = num / pwr_ten;
num -= i * pwr_ten;
three_sym = "";
switch ( i ) {
case 3:
num_str ï= secd_sym;
case 2:
num_str ï= secd_sym;
case 1:
num_str ï= secd_sym;
case 4:
num_str ï= secd_sym;
num_str ï= thrd_sym;
case 5:
num_str ï= thrd_sym;
case 8:
three_sym ï= secd_sym;
case 7:
three_sym ï= secd_sym;
case 6:
three_sym ï= secd_sym;
num_str ï= thrd_sym three_sym;
case 9:
num_str ï= secd_sym;
num_str ï= frst_sym;
case 0:
switch ( frst_sym = secd_sym ) {
case 'm':
secd_sym = 'c';
thrd_sym = 'd';
case 'c':
secd_sym = 'x';
thrd_sym = 'l';
case 'x':
secd_sym = 'i';
thrd_sym = 'v';
} while ( pwr_ten && num );
return num_str;

# convert decimal number to alphabetic number - useful if alphabetic page
# numbering wanted
function d_to_alpha(num) {
local num_str = "";
local k;
local alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

num = int(num);
if ( num > 0 && num <= 308915776 ) { # test for maximum number convertable
while ( num > 26 ) {
k = num % 26;
num /= 26;
if ( !k ) {
k = 26;
num_str = substr(alphabet,k,1) num_str;
num_str = substr(alphabet,num,1) num_str;
return num_str;

# function to split text '.sx' control word
function split_text(text,line_width) {
local cnt;
local sx_line, s_line;
local delim = substr(text,1,1);

# split line on delimitor
cnt = split(text,s_line,delim);
# check for three fields
if ( cnt == 3 ) {
# center center portion in 'line_width'
sx_line = center(s_line[2],line_width,stx_chr);
# overlay left portion
sx_line = overlay(sx_line,s_line[1],1);
# overlay right portion
sx_line = overlay(sx_line,s_line[3],line_width - length(s_line[3]) + 1);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"'.sx' Command Needs 3 Fields.\nLine: %d\nFile: %s\n",FNR,FILENAME);
exit 1;
return sx_line;

# function to format input lines into table columns
function format_table(iline) {
local oline, ocnt;
local cline, ccnt;
local pline = copies(" ",width);
local i, j;

ocnt = split(iline,oline,t_sep); # split input line into columns
for ( i in t_col ) {
if ( i > ocnt ) break;
ccnt = split(oline[i],cline,/[\s\t]+/); # split column into words
pline = overlay(pline,form_line(cline,ccnt,width,left_justify),t_col[i]);

# function to output list item
function list_item() {
local lmrgn = length(left_margin);
local lsth;
local bchr, bhdr, bnum;
local blnk_sep = copies(req_bs,2);

list_left_mh = left_margin;
left_margin = copies(" ",lmrgn - 4);
if ( list_list[list_level] > 0 ) { # ordered list
lsth = lstb[olist % olstn] blnk_sep;
# use numeric for odd levels, alpha for even levels
if ( olist & 1 ) $1 = list_list[list_level]++ lsth $1;
else $1 = d_to_alpha(list_list[list_level]++) lsth $1;
} else if ( !list_list[list_level] ) { # un-ordered list
if ( ulist & 1 ) bchr = 'þ'; else bchr = '-';
for ( bnum = int((ulist + 1) / 2) ; bnum ; bnum-- ) bhdr = bchr bhdr;
$1 = bhdr blnk_sep $1;
set_width = width;
width += 4;

# function to convert year/month/day into julian day number
function jdn(year,month,day) {
local yr;
local pfac = 0.6;
local ljdn;

yr = year + (month - 3.0) / 12.0;
ljdn = int(367.0 * yr + pfac) - (2 * int(yr)) + int(yr/4.0)
+ int(day) + 1721117;
if ( !greg_jul ) ljdn += -int(yr/100.0) + int(yr/400.0) + 2;
return ljdn;

# form array of words into output line
# line ==> array of words
# cnt ==> number of elements in line
# width ==> character width of line to form
# format == 1 justify on width
# format == right_justify || left justify
function form_line(line,cnt,width,format) {
local i, oline;

if ( format > TRUE ) {
for ( i = 2 , oline = line[1] ; i <= cnt ; i++ ) oline ï= " " line[i];
if ( format == right_justify )
oline = copies(" ",width - length(oline)) ï oline;
} else oline = justify(line,cnt,width);
return oline;

function print_toc() {
local tline;
local tcnt;
local stx_chr_h = stx_chr;
local hld_hdr = hdr_line;
local hld_ftr = ftr_line;
local prefix_hld = page_num_prefix;

if ( !top ) page_eject;
hdr_line = toc_hdr_line;
ftr_line = toc_ftr_line;
page_num_prefix = "";
alpha_num = FALSE;
roman_num = TRUE;
page_num = toc_pnum;
output_line("Table of Contents",TRUE);
for ( tcnt = 0 ; tcnt < tc_cnt ; tcnt++ ) {
if ( toc_lines[tcnt]["skip"] ) output_line("",TRUE);
tline = '\x0ff' ï toc_lines[tcnt]["line"] ï " " ï "\x0ff\x0ff" ï " " ï toc_lines[tcnt]["pgn"] ï '\x0ff';
stx_chr = '.';
tline = split_text(tline,d_width);
stx_chr = stx_chr_h;
if ( !top ) page_eject;
hdr_line = hld_hdr;
ftr_line = hld_ftr;
page_num_prefix = prefix_hld;

# return page number aaccording to style set
function set_pnum(pnum) {
local r_num = roman_num ? roman_numeral(pnum) : alpha_num ? d_to_alpha(pnum) : pnum;

return replace(page_num_prefix) ï r_num;

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : FMTDOC.EXP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: