Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : DISPLAY.DOC

Output of file : DISPLAY.DOC contained in archive : QTAWKU42.ZIP
# QTAwk "more" utility
# Display one screen of a file at a time
# Command Line Parameters Available: (Note: must precede on command line
# with "--" option to prevent QTAwk from trying to recognize)
# ansi = FALSE --> turn off use of ANSI.SYS display driver
# -ppath --> use "path" to locate files to read
# +/r.e.[/] --> read first file until locate match to r.e. regular expression
# "commands" allow user to:
# [Qq](uit)? -> quit
# [Hh](elp)? -> diplay help
# [Ff](ile)? -> skip to next file
# [Rr](edraw)? -> re-draw last screen
# [Nn](umbers)? -> turn line numbers on/off
# [Tt](abs)? -> turn tab substitution on/off
# [Cc](ontext)? -> display search/match/highlight r.e.
# {_d}+ -> go to {_d} line, {_d} > current line number
# {_d}*l -> skip {_d} lines
# {_d}*s -> skip {_d} screens
# {_d}*/r/ -> go to {_d} next match of r.e.
# {_d}*m -> go to {_d} next match of last r.e. entered as above
# {_d}*p -> set number of lines prior to match to display
# {_d}*d -> set display line length to {_d}, default 79
# h{_d}/r/ -> Highlight text matching r.e.
# a{_d}/r/s/ -> replace matching string
# [Ii](nit)? -> re-initialize
# - line numbering
# - tab expansion
# - display line length
# - prior lines (to match)
# - search/highlight/replace patterns
# if optional {_d}* not entered - default to 1
# Use the getdir function to find files matching the patter(s) passed.
# Patterns follow the wildcard syntax of DOS expanded to allow the use
# of character classes, and to allow characters after the '*' wildcard.
# Dos does not recognize characters following the '*'. Must also enclose
# filename specifications in quotes, "fn", to prevent expansion by the QTAwk
# wild card expansion routine. For example the DOS wildcard expression for
# all file names starting with 'c' and ending with 't' or 'p' and with an
# extension of "exp" would be:
# "c*[pt].exp"
# this is translated into the regular expression syntax:
# /^C[!\X001-\X021."\/\\\[\]:|<>+=;,]*[PT]\.EXP$/
# Multiple patterns may also be specified:
# QTAwk -fmore.exp -- "[gdh]*.(hlp|txt)" "*(dir|bnc).exp"
local p_indx = 0;
local sub_dir = ""; # default to current sub-directory
local fnames;
local cnames, cindex = 0;
local ipat;
local i, j;

# set the standard error file
stderr = "stderr";

# set displayed line length
display_length = def_display_length = 79;

# flag for expanding tabs
sub_tabs = FALSE;

if ( ARGC == 1 ) {
exit 1;

init_sre = FALSE;

# set the regular expressions for recognizing "commands"
Quit = /^{_w}*[Qq](uit)?{_w}*$/;
Help = /^{_w}*[Hh](elp)?{_w}*$/;
Re_display = /^{_w}*[Rr](edraw)?{_w}*$/;
Next_file = /^{_w}*[Ff](ile)?{_w}*$/;
Numbersl = /^{_w}*[Nn](umbers)?{_w}*$/;
Sub_Tabs = /^{_w}*[Tt](abs)?{_w}*$/;
Review_P = /^{_w}*[Cc](ontext)?{_w}*$/;
GoTo_line = /^{_w}*{_d}+{_w}*$/;
Skip_lines = /^{_w}*{_d}*l{_w}*$/;
Skip_scrn = /^{_w}*{_d}*s{_w}*$/;
Match_RE = /^{_w}*{_d}*\//;
RE_reset = /^{_w}*{_d}*m{_w}*$/;
Prior_cmd = /^{_w}*{_d}*p{_w}*$/;
Display_L = /^{_w}*{_d}*d{_w}*$/;
High_RE = /^{_w}*h{_w}*{_d}*{_w}*\//;
Replace_RE = /^{_w}*r{_w}*{_d}*{_w}*\//;
Init_RE = /^{_w}*[Ii](nit)?{_w}*$/;

# set regular expressions for command line options
# must precede these on the command line to QTAwk with "--"
# to prevent QTAwk from recognizing
Set_path = /^-[Pp]/;
RE_cmd = /^\+\//;

# set regular expression for recognizing leading digits in a command
ldg_digits = /^{_w}*{_d}+/;

# DOS filename wild card search pattern
wild_cards = /[\*\?]/;

# specify legal filename characters by excluding those which are illegal
legal_chars = /[!\x001-\x021."\/\\\[\]:|<>+=;,]/;

for ( i = 1 ; i < ARGC ; i++ ) {
ipat = ARGV[i];
switch ( ipat ) {
case Set_path:
if ( length(ipat) == 0 ) ipat = ARGV[++i];
sub_dir ï= ipat;
# check for trailing back-slash on path
if ( sub_dir !~ /\\$/ ) sub_dir ï= '\\';
case RE_cmd:
init_sre = TRUE;
# convert DOS filename wild card characters to appropriate regular
# expression operators and escape extension period to prevent
# interpretation as r.e. "any character" operator - other r.e.
# operators allowed.
ipat = strupr(ipat);
if ( ipat ~~ wild_cards ) {
# the following line will convert the command line strings
# into regular expressions. This is to prevent the constant
# conversion of a string into a regular expression in the
# "getdir" function.
execute("pattern[" ï ++p_indx ï "] = /^" ï ipat ï "$/;");
} else cnames[++cindex] = ARGV[i];
# if you want to see the r.e. for the files un-comment the following line
# for ( i in pattern ) print "Searching For: " ï replace(pattern[i]);
# delete command line arguments - will replace with directory search below
while ( 1 in ARGV ) delete ARGV[1];
i = 1;
fsize_indx = 1; # initialize index into file size array
file_sizea[0] = 0;
if ( cindex )
for ( cindex in cnames ) {
ipat = ARGV[i++] = cnames[cindex];
file_sizea[fsize_indx++] = get_size(ipat);
if ( p_indx ) {
# go find matching files and print names
# for ( i in pattern ) print "Searching For: " ï replace(pattern[i]);
fnames = getdir(sub_dir,pattern);
for ( j in fnames ) {
ARGV[i++] = sub_dir ï fnames[j];

# check for NO directory entries which match - exit
# If do not exit, then QTAwk will read from Standard Input - with no
# prompt - it will appear as if the machine has hung. a Ctrl-Z will
# input an end-of-file and terminate, but user probably not expecting
# to have to do that
if ( i == 1 ) {
print "No Directory Entries Match filename Specifications";

# set the number of command arguments
ARGC = i;

# initialize index into file size array
fsize_indx = 1;

# set number of lines on screen
screen_size = 25;

# set number of lines to display prior to line matching r.e.
prior_lines = dprior_lines = 2;

# NOTE: use '\x0ff' in ANSI sequences below. The '\x0ff' will get
# translated to '[' before being printed. Use '\x0ff' character
# so that '[' may be used in search and hihgh lighted text regular
# expressions without being substituted for. This assumes that
# the '\x0ff' character will probably not be in a search pattern
# or high lighted text pattern.
# set ANSI strings for text highlighting
ansi = TRUE; ### turn on use of ANSI.SYS display driver
Red_on_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;31;40m";
Green_on_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;32;40m";
Yellow_on_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;33;40m";
Blue_on_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;34;40m";
Magenta_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;35;40m";
Cyan_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;36;40m";
White_Black = "\x01b\x0ff0;37;40m";
Black_on_Red = "\x01b\x0ff0;30;41m";
Green_on_Red = "\x01b\x0ff0;32;41m";

# set ANSI strings for text highlighting - bold text
Red_on_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;31;40m";
Green_on_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;32;40m";
Yellow_on_Blackh= "\x01b\x0ff1;33;40m";
Blue_on_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;34;40m";
Magenta_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;35;40m";
Cyan_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;36;40m";
White_Blackh = "\x01b\x0ff1;37;40m";
Black_on_Redh = "\x01b\x0ff1;30;41m";
Green_on_Redh = "\x01b\x0ff1;32;41m";

# set array members for highlighting phrases
High_Text[1] = Red_on_Blackh;
High_Text[2] = Green_on_Blackh;
High_Text[3] = Yellow_on_Blackh;
High_Text[4] = Blue_on_Blackh;
High_Text[5] = Magenta_Blackh;
High_Text[6] = Cyan_Blackh;
High_Text[7] = White_Blackh;
High_Text[8] = Black_on_Redh;
High_Text[9] = Green_on_Redh;

# set ANSI sequence for normal text
Normal = White_on_Blue = "\x01b\x0ff0;37;44m";

# set patterns to delete and replace printer control codes
# emphasized/underline codes
Replace_pat[10][0] = /\x01b([EF]|-[\x001\x080])/;
Replace_pat[10][1] = "";

# set patterns to highlight text surrounded by printer emphasized code
High_pat[10] = /\x01bE.+\x01bF/;
High_Text[10] = Red_on_Blackh;

# set expressions for highlighting desired expressions
High_pat[11] = /[Rr]egular|[Ee]xpressions?/; # highlight "regular expression"
High_Text[11] = Green_on_Blackh;
High_pat[12] = /Q[TS]grep|QTAwk/;
High_Text[12] = Yellow_on_Blackh;
High_pat[13] = /[Kk]eyword/;
High_Text[13] = Blue_on_Blackh;
High_Text[14] = Cyan_on_Blackh;

blank_line = /^\f?{_w}*$/;

line_count = 1;
# matching_re_start = matching_re_length = 0;
searching_re = init_sre;
exit_endfile = init_sre = FALSE;
file_size = file_sizea[ARGI - 1];
amt_read = 0;
print "=====> " ï FILENAME ï " : " ï file_size ï " <=====";

blank_line {
if ( !searching_re && !print_blank ) {
print_blank = TRUE;
print "";
last_screen[row++] = "";

local i;
local inp;
local hdr = line_numbers ? FNR ï ": " : "";
local ol = length; # set to length of input line
local dl;

print_blank = FALSE;
amt_read += ol + 2; # added 2 to size read to account for CR/LF
dl = hdr ï $0;
ol += length(dl); # reset length of displayed line
# set line to be displayed, truncate to keep from overflowing display line
# will still overflow on some lines since tabs are counted as a single
# character here, but expanded by DOS on output to display. Could replace
# tabs with a single blank to prevent this from happening
if ( length(dl) > display_length ) dl = substr(dl,1,display_length);
if ( !searching_re ) {
# here when not searching for regular expression or have found
# check if translating horizontal tabs to blanks - do if TRUE
if ( sub_tabs ) dl = stran(dl,' ','\t');
# check if ANSI.SYS display driver being used
if ( ansi ) {
# If a search pattern exists - high-light
if ( Search_pat ) gsub(Search_pat,Red_on_Black ï "$$0" ï Normal,dl);
# put in high light ansi sequences for high lighted text
for ( i in High_pat ) gsub(High_pat[i],High_Text[i] ï "$$0" ï Normal,dl);
# replace matching strings
for ( i in Replace_pat ) gsub(Replace_pat[i][0],Replace_pat[i][1],dl);
# translate '\x0ff' character to '[' for ANSI sequences
dl = stran(dl,'[','\x0ff');
} else {
for ( i in Replace_pat ) gsub(Replace_pat[i][0],Replace_pat[i][1],dl);
# translate '\x0ff' character to '[' for ANSI sequences
dl = stran(dl,'[','\x0ff');
print dl;
# store display line
last_screen[row++] = $0;
# check if last line on screen
if ( ++line_count >= screen_size ) {
percent_rd = (int((1000.0 * amt_read)/file_size) + 5)/ 10;
while ( TRUE ) {
printf("%s : %u%%/%lu/%u <-> (Command)? ÄÙ",FILENAME,percent_rd,file_size,FNR);
if ( length(inp) > 0 ) {
if ( break_loop ) {
break_loop = FALSE;
} else break;
line_count = 1;
deletea last_screen;
row = 0;
} else if ( $0 ~~ Search_pat ) {
# here if found match in r.e. search
if ( !--searching_re ) {
# printf("xxxxxx : Match xxx/xxx \r");
printf(" \r");
row += line_count += re_draw(match_last);
last_screen = match_last;
} else {
printf("%6u : Match: %3u/%3u\r",FNR,match_found,searching_re);
} else {
# here if searching for r.e., but current line does not match
# 'rotate' storage array an tack current line on end
match_last[1] = $0;

for ( ++line_count ; ++line_count < screen_size ; ) print "";
print "=====> " ï FILENAME ï " <=====";
if ( !exit_endfile ) {
printf("%s <-> Press Enter",FILENAME);
exit_endfile = FALSE;

# function to check for valid command and execute
function execute_cmd(cmd_str) {
local i, j;
local scrn_m = 1;
local digits = FALSE;

# NOTE: If leading digits on command, find
# add 0 to digits to convert to integer. Otherwise if only one
# digit, "substr" function returns a character value. Incrementing
# a character value with '++' operator gives next character in ASCII
# sequence, decrementing with '--' gives previous character.
if ( cmd_str ~~ ldg_digits ) {
digits = substr(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH) + 0;
cmd_str = strim(deletec(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH));
if ( cmd_str ) switch ( cmd_str ) {
case Numbersl:
# toggle line numbering on/off
line_numbers = !line_numbers;
case Help:
case GoTo_line:
if ( digits > FNR ) skip_ahead(digits - FNR - 1);
break_loop = TRUE;
case Quit:
exit_endfile = TRUE;
case Re_display:
case Next_file:
deletea last_screen;
exit_endfile = TRUE;
case Prior_cmd:
prior_lines = digits ? digits : dprior_lines;
deletea match_last;
case Skip_scrn:
scrn_m = screen_size;
case Skip_lines:
skip_cnt = 1;
if ( digits ) skip_cnt = digits;
skip_ahead(skip_cnt * scrn_m);
break_loop = TRUE;
case Match_RE:
if ( cmd_str !~ /\/$/ ) cmd_str ï= '/';
execute("Search_pat = " ï cmd_str ï ";");
case RE_reset:
if ( Search_pat ) {
searching_re = digits ? digits : TRUE;
match_found = 0;
for ( j = prior_lines , i = 1 ; j ; i++ , j-- )
match_last[i] = last_screen[screen_size - j];
break_loop = TRUE;
case High_RE:
cmd_str = deletec(cmd_str,1,1);
if ( cmd_str ~~ ldg_digits ) {
digits = substr(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH) + 0;
cmd_str = strim(deletec(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH));
if ( !digits ) digits = 1;
} else digits = 1;
if ( digits < 10 ) {
if ( cmd_str !~ /\/$/ ) cmd_str ï= '/';
execute("High_pat[digits] = " ï cmd_str ï ";");
case Review_P:
if ( Search_pat ) print "Search Pattern: /" ï Search_pat ï '/';
for ( i in High_pat ) print "High Lighted Pattern (" ï i ï "): /" ï High_pat[i] ï '/';
for ( i in Replace_pat ) {
print "Replace Pattern (" ï i ï "): /" ï Replace_pat[i][0] ï '/';
print "Replace String (" ï i ï "): \"" ï Replace_pat[i][1] ï '"';
case Display_L:
if ( digits ) display_length = digits;
else display_length = def_display_length;
case Sub_Tabs:
sub_tabs = !sub_tabs;
case Replace_RE:
cmd_str = deletec(cmd_str,1,1);
if ( cmd_str ~~ ldg_digits ) {
digits = substr(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH) + 0;
cmd_str = strim(deletec(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH));
if ( !digits ) digits = 1;
} else digits = 1;
if ( digits < 10 && cmd_str ~~ /\/[!\/]+\// ) {
i = substr(cmd_str,MSTART,MLENGTH);
cmd_str = substr(cmd_str,MSTART + MLENGTH);
execute("Replace_pat[digits][0] = " ï i ï ";");
execute("Replace_pat[digits][1] = \"" ï cmd_str ï "\";");
case Init_RE:
display_length = def_display_length;
prior_lines = dprior_lines;
searching_re = line_numbers = sub_tabs = Search_pat = FALSE;
} else if ( digits > FNR ) {
skip_ahead(digits - FNR - 1);
break_loop = TRUE;

# function to redraw screen
function re_draw(screen) {
local j = 0;
local k = 0;
local i, n;
local cl;

for ( i in screen ) k++;
j = FNR - k + 1;
for ( i in screen ) {
cl = (line_numbers ? j++ ï ": " : "") ï screen[i];
if ( sub_tabs ) cl = stran(cl," ","\t");
if ( length(cl) > display_length ) cl = substr(cl,1,display_length);
# check if ANSI.SYS display driver being used
if ( ansi ) {
if ( Search_pat ) gsub(Search_pat,Red_on_Black ï "$$0" ï Normal,cl);
for ( n in High_pat ) gsub(High_pat[n],High_Text[n] ï "$$0" ï Normal,cl);
for ( n in Replace_pat ) gsub(Replace_pat[n][0],Replace_pat[n][1],cl);
cl = stran(cl,'[','\x0ff');
} else {
for ( n in Replace_pat ) gsub(Replace_pat[n][0],Replace_pat[n][1],cl);
cl = stran(cl,'[','\x0ff');
print cl;
return k;

# function to skip ahead number of lines in current file specified
function skip_ahead(lines) {
local dummy;

while ( lines-- ) {
# read next line, check for input and not EOF
if ( getline(dummy) <= 0 ) {
exit_endfile = TRUE;
# added 2 to size read to account for CR/LF
amt_read += length(dummy) + 2;

function help() {
local tabs = sub_tabs ? "ON" : "OFF";

if ( ansi ) {
print "\x01b[1;32;40mMORE\x01b[0;37;44m File Function Commands";
print "Commands: (i stands for an integer matched by {_d}.)";
print "i* means the integer is optional (match {_d}*) - 1 defaults.";
print "i+ means the integer is mandatory (match {_d}+) - no default.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mQq\x01b[0;37;44m](uit)? -> exit to DOS.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mRr\x01b[0;37;44m](edraw)? -> re-display last screen.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mFf\x01b[0;37;44m](ile)? -> proceed to next file.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mNn\x01b[0;37;44m](umbers)? -> turn line numbers on/off.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mTt\x01b[0;37;44m](abs)? -> Sub. Tabs - toggle on/off, starts off, currently:" ï tabs;
print " if on, replace tabs with blank";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mCc\x01b[0;37;44m](ontext)? -> Review Search and High Lighted Text Patterns";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mIi\x01b[0;37;44m](nit)? -> re-Initialize";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi+\x01b[0;37;44m -> Go To Line number i, if i > current line number.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*l\x01b[0;37;44m -> skip forward i Lines.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*s\x01b[0;37;44m -> skip forward i Screens.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*/r/\x01b[0;37;44m -> search for ith expression. If found begin";
print " display starting 'p' lines before matching line.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*m\x01b[0;37;44m -> search for next ith Match to previous";
print " regular expression.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*p\x01b[0;37;44m -> set number of lines prior to match to display";
print " defaults to 2 if i not specified.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*d\x01b[0;37;44m -> set display line length to i, 79 default";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mhi*/r/\x01b[0;37;44m -> High-light text matching ith expression";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mri*/r/s/\x01b[0;37;44m -> Replace r with string s";
} else {
print "MORE File Function Commands";
print "Commands: (i stands for an integer matched by {_d}.)";
print "i* means the integer is optional (match {_d}*) - 1 defaults.";
print "i+ means the integer is mandatory (match {_d}+) - no default.";
print "[Qq](uit)? -> exit to DOS.";
print "[Rr](edraw)? -> re-display last screen.";
print "[Ff](ile)? -> proceed to next file.";
print "[Nn](umbers)? -> turn line numbers on/off.";
print "[Tt](abs)? -> Sub. Tabs - toggle on/off, starts off, currently:" ï tabs;
print " if on, replace tabs with blank";
print "[Cc](ontext)? -> Review Search and High Lighted Text Patterns";
print "[Ii](nit)? -> re-Initialize";
print "i+ -> Go To Line number i, if i > current line number.";
print "i*l -> skip forward i Lines.";
print "i*s -> skip forward i Screens.";
print "i*/r/ -> search for ith expression. If found begin";
print " display starting 'p' lines before matching line.";
print "i*m -> search for next ith Match to previous";
print " regular expression.";
print "i*p -> set number of lines prior to match to display";
print " defaults to 2 if i not specified.";
print "i*d -> set display line length to i, 79 default";
print "hi*/r/ -> High-light text matching ith expression";
print "ri*/r/s/ -> Replace r with string s";

# function to clear screen and home cursor
# NOTE: MUST have ANSI.SYS device driver installed to work
function cls() {
# clear screen and home cursor string
local _cls_ = "\x01b[2J";


# function to get size of filename passed
function get_size(filename) {
local tmp_file = "$tmptmp$.dir";
local gdir = "dir " ï filename ï " >" ï tmp_file;
local ddir = "del " ï tmp_file;
local inline;
local fsize = 0;

fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
while ( fgetline(tmp_file,inline) > 0 ) {
print inline;
# discard if not a filename line
if ( inline !~ /^[A-Za-z]/ ) continue;
# discard if a directory name line
if ( inline ~~ /{_w}+{_w}+/ ) continue;
# split out file information
nf = split(inline,tmparr);
# form "filename.ext"
fsize = tmparr[3] + 0;
# delete temporary directory file
return fsize;

# Function to get desired file names and print
# Use DOS "dir" command to list all files to a temporary file
# read temporary file picking up:
# 1) path from third line
# 2) filenames from remainder of lines
# 3) match filenames against filepattern for desired files and print if match
# Could also get file sizes, dates and times if desired
# Arguments passed:
# dir ==> path of desired files
# file_template ==> array of string or regular expression patterns
# for filenames
function getdir(dir,file_template) {
local tmp_file = "$tmptmp$.dir";
local gdir = "dir " ï dir ï "*.* > " ï tmp_file;
local ddir = "del " ï tmp_file;
local tmparr, inline, filename;
local f_indx = 1, f_list;
local i;

fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
split(inline,tmparr); # split out to get path
drive = substr(tmparr[3],1,2); # set disk drive
path = sustr(tmparr[3],3) ï '\\'; # delete drive and set path
# print drive ï path; # un-comment to print path
fgetline(tmp_file,inline); # read and discard header lines
while ( fgetline(tmp_file,inline) > 0 ) {
# discard if not a filename line
if ( inline !~ /^[A-Za-z]/ ) continue;
# discard if a directory name line
if ( inline ~~ /{_w}+{_w}+/ ) continue;
# split out file information
nf = split(inline,tmparr);
# form "filename.ext"
filename = tmparr[1] ï '.' ï tmparr[2];
for ( i in file_template ) {
if ( filename ~~ file_template[i] ) {
f_list[f_indx++] = filename;
# store file size as integer
if ( tmparr[size_field] ~~ /^{_d}+$/ )
file_sizea[fsize_indx++] = tmparr[3] + 0;
# delete temporary directory file
return f_list;

#function to display command line help
function cmd_help() {
print "Usage:";
if ( ansi ) {
print "\x01b[1;32;40mQTAwk -fmore.exp -- [-ppath] [+/r.e.[/]] file1 file2 ...\x01b[0;37;44m";
print "Options:";
print " ppath - specifiy path to find files";
print " +/r.e./ - specify regular expression for starting search";
print "Commands:";
print "i below stands for an integer matched by {_d}.";
print "i* means the integer is optional (match {_d}*) - 1 defaults.";
print "i+ means the integer is mandatory (match {_d}+) - no default.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mQq\x01b[0;37;44m](uit)? -> exit to DOS.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mRr\x01b[0;37;44m](edraw)? -> re-display last screen.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mFf\x01b[0;37;44m](ile)? -> proceed to next file.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mNn\x01b[0;37;44m](umbers)? -> turn line numbers on/off.";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mTt\x01b[0;37;44m](abs)? -> Sub. Tabs - toggle on/off, starts off, currently:" ï tabs;
print " if on, replace tabs with blank";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mCc\x01b[0;37;44m](ontext)? -> Review Search and High Lighted Text Patterns";
print "[\x01b[1;32;40mIi\x01b[0;37;44m](nit)? -> re-Initialize";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi+\x01b[0;37;44m -> Go To Line number i, if i > current line number.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*l\x01b[0;37;44m -> skip forward i Lines.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*s\x01b[0;37;44m -> skip forward i Screens.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*/r/\x01b[0;37;44m -> search for ith expression. If found begin";
print " display starting 'p' lines before matching line.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*m\x01b[0;37;44m -> search for next ith Match to previous";
print " regular expression.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*p\x01b[0;37;44m -> set number of lines prior to match to display";
print " defaults to 2 if i not specified.";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mi*d\x01b[0;37;44m -> set display line length to i, 79 default";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mhi*/r/\x01b[0;37;44m -> High-light text matching ith expression";
print "\x01b[1;32;40mri*/r/s/\x01b[0;37;44m -> Replace r with string s";
} else {
print "QTAwk -fmore.exp -- [-ppath] [+/r.e.[/]] file1 file2 ...";
print "Options:";
print " ppath - specifiy path to find files";
print " +/r.e./ - specify regular expression for starting search";
print "Commands:";
print "i below stands for an integer matched by {_d}.";
print "i* means the integer is optional (match {_d}*) - 1 defaults.";
print "i+ means the integer is mandatory (match {_d}+) - no default.";
print "[Qq](uit)? -> exit to DOS.";
print "[Rr](edraw)? -> re-display last screen.";
print "[Ff](ile)? -> proceed to next file.";
print "[Nn](umbers)? -> turn line numbers on/off.";
print "[Tt](abs)? -> Sub. Tabs - toggle on/off, starts off, currently:" ï tabs;
print " if on, replace tabs with blank";
print "[Cc](ontext)? -> Review Search and High Lighted Text Patterns";
print "[Ii](nit)? -> re-Initialize";
print "i+ -> Go To Line number i, if i > current line number.";
print "i*l -> skip forward i Lines.";
print "i*s -> skip forward i Screens.";
print "i*/r/ -> search for ith expression. If found begin";
print " display starting 'p' lines before matching line.";
print "i*m -> search for next ith Match to previous";
print " regular expression.";
print "i*p -> set number of lines prior to match to display";
print " defaults to 2 if i not specified.";
print "i*d -> set display line length to i, 79 default";
print "hi*/r/ -> High-light text matching ith expression";
print "ri*/r/s/ -> Replace r with string s";

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : DISPLAY.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: