Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : APPTADD.EXP

Output of file : APPTADD.EXP contained in archive : QTAWKU42.ZIP
# Utility to Add Repetitive Appoints to Calender
# Input Line of Form:
# Start Stop Time Rept. Appointment Comments
# xx/xx/xx xx/xx/xx xx:xx weekly appointment comments --->
# daily
stderr = "stderr";
greg_jul = FALSE;

# the following date formats would be used for U.S. style dates
t0date = sdate(0); # todays date: mm/dd/yy
t1date = sdate(1); # todays date: mm/dd/yyyy

today_jdn = jdn(tdate[3],tdate[1],tdate[2]);
century = tdate[3] / 100;

tdc = /{_d}{1,2}/;
t_pattern = /{tdc}:{tdc}/;
time_pattern = /^{t_pattern}$/;
date_pattern = /{tdc}\/{tdc}\/{tdc}/;
double_date = /({date_pattern}{_w}+){2,2}/;
appt_date = /^{_w}*{date_pattern}{_w}/;

colon_s = /:/;
slash_s = /\//;

# input format
adate = /^{_w}*{double_date}{t_pattern}{_w}+/;

apptfile = "c:\\appt" ï cdate[3] ï ".dat";
tmpf = "c:\\$tmp$.tmp";
system("copy " ï apptfile ï " " ï tmpf);


hour = 1;
minute = 2;

if ( FILENAME == "stdin" ) {
print "Add Repeat Appointments.";
print "Input Appointments to Add.";
print "Format: (repeat == weekly/wkly/daily)";
print "start_date stop_date time repeat Appointment";

adate {
local rc, ii = $1, tac, i;

# index start date - element to stop date
if ( tac[3] < 100 ) tac[3] += century * 100;
start_date[ii][0] = jdn(tac[3],tac[1],tac[2]);
start_date[ii][1] = $3; # index start date - element to appt. time
rc = strlwr($4) ~~ /w(ee)?kly/ ? 7 : 1;
start_date[ii][2] = rc; # index start date - element to repitition count
$1 = $2 = $3 = $4 = "";
start_date[ii][3] = $0; # index start date - appointment

local iline, cline, sd, atim, repc, appt;
local tac, tas, i, c_cnt,c_jdn, i_jdn;

for ( s_date in start_date ) {
if ( tac[3] < 100 ) tac[3] += century * 100;
sd = set_date(tac);
c_jdn = jdn(tac[3],tac[1],tac[2]);
stpd = start_date[s_date][0];
atim = start_date[s_date][1];
repc = start_date[s_date][2];
appt = start_date[s_date][3];
while ( c_cnt = fgetline(tmpf,iline) > 0 ) {
if ( iline ~~ appt_date ) {
print cline[1];
if ( tas[3] < 100 ) tas[3] += century * 100;
i_jdn = jdn(tas[3],tas[1],tas[2]);
while ( tas[3] == tac[3] && c_jdn <= i_jdn ) {
if ( !(sd = set_next(tac,stpd,repc)) ) break;
else c_jdn = jdn(tac[3],tac[1],tac[2]);
if ( !sd ) break;
while ( fgetline(tmpf,iline) > 0 ) fprint(apptfile,iline);
system("del " ï tmpf);

# format date array passed as mm/dd/yy
# date array passed as:
# date[1] == month
# date[2] == day
# date[3] == year
function set_date(date) {
local rdate;

rdate = sprintf("%02u/%02u/%02u",date[1],date[2],(date[3] + 0) % 100);
return rdate;

# return date for next appointment or FALSE if past stop date
# tac passes the current date in array and returns new date in array
# tac[1] == month
# tac[2] == day
# tac[3] == year
# function return is new date as string: mm/dd/yy
function set_next(tac,stop_jdn,rept) {
local njdn;
local rdate = FALSE;

njdn = jdn(tac[3],tac[1],tac[2]) + rept;
if ( njdn <= stop_jdn ) {
tac = caln(njdn);
rotate(tac); # get proper order of month/day/year
rdate = set_date(tac);
return rdate;

# function to convert year/month/day into julian day number
function jdn(year,month,day) {
local yr;
local pfac = 0.6;
local ljdn;

yr = year + (month - 3.0) / 12.0;
ljdn = int(367.0 * yr + pfac) - (2 * int(yr)) + int(yr/4.0)
+ int(day) + 1721117;
if ( !greg_jul ) ljdn += -int(yr/100.0) + int(yr/400.0) + 2;
return ljdn;

# function to convert julian dday number to year/month/day
# return array:
# date[1] = year
# date[2] = month
# date[3] = day
function caln(cjdn) {
local n, ic, np, npp, mp;
local yr, mo, day;
local dte; # dte[1] == year, dte[2] == month, dte[3] == day

n = int(cjdn) - 1721119;
ic = int((n - 0.2)/36524.25);
if ( greg_jul ) np = n + 2; else np = n + ic - (ic / 4);
yr = int((np - 0.2)/365.25);
npp = np - int(365.25 * yr);
mp = int((npp - 0.5)/30.6);
day = int(npp + 0.5 - 30.6 * mp);
if ( mp <= 9 ) mo = mp + 3;
else {
mo = mp - 9;
dte[1] = yr;
dte[2] = mo;
dte[3] = day;
return dte; # return date ARRAY

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : QTAWKU42.ZIP
Filename : APPTADD.EXP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: