Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : STROKE.C

Output of file : STROKE.C contained in archive : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
* Copyright (C) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 1987
* This source may be copied, distributed, altered or used, but not sold for profit
* or incorporated into a product except under licence from the author.
* It is not in the public domain.
* This notice should remain in the source unaltered, and any changes to the source
* made by persons other than the author should be marked as such.
* Crispin Goswell @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory [email protected]
#include "main.h"

#include "graphics.h"

int PStrokePath ();

int in_stroke = FALSE;

int Stroke ();

InitStroke ()
InstallOp ("strokepath", PStrokePath, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("stroke", Stroke, 0, 0, 0, 0);

int Stroke ()
int res;

if (!PFlattenPath ())
return FALSE;
if (EmptyPath (gstate->path))
return TRUE;
if (gstate->device->dev == NULL)
return PNewPath ();
if (ThinStroke ())
return TRUE;
in_stroke = TRUE;
res = PStrokePath () && Fill ();
VOID PNewPath ();
in_stroke = FALSE;

return res;

float Magnitude (v) Vector v;
return sqrt (v.vx * v.vx + v.vy * v.vy);

static void Dash ()
Matrix m;
Path p, new = NewPath (), last_move, last_dash;
HardPoint move, here, next;
Vector v, unit;
int marking, start_marking = TRUE, index, start_index = 0;
float dash_left, start_dash_left = gstate->dash_offset;
float umag, dmag;

m = gstate->CTM;
m = NewMatrix (m.A, m.B, m.C, m.D, 0.0, 0.0);

while (start_dash_left > gstate->dash_array [start_index])
start_dash_left -= gstate->dash_array [start_index];
if (++start_index == gstate->dash_length)
start_index = 0;
start_marking = !start_marking;
start_dash_left = gstate->dash_array [start_index] - start_dash_left;

for (p = gstate->path->next; p != gstate->path; p = p->next)
switch (p->ptype)
case EMove:
index = start_index;
marking = start_marking;
dash_left = start_dash_left;
here = move = p->pe.point;
VOID MoveTo (new, here);
last_move = last_dash = new->last;

case ELine:
case EClose:
next = p->ptype == ELine ? p->pe.point : move;
v = NewVector (next.hx - here.hx, next.hy - here.hy, 1.0);
dmag = Magnitude (v);
if (dmag == 0)
here = next;
umag = Magnitude (ITransform (v, m));
unit = NewVector (v.vx / umag, v.vy / umag, 1.0);
while (umag > dash_left)
here.hx += unit.vx * dash_left;
here.hy += unit.vy * dash_left;
(*(marking ? LineTo : MoveTo)) (new, here);
if (!marking)
last_dash = new->last;
marking = !marking;
umag -= dash_left;
if (++index == gstate->dash_length)
index = 0;
dash_left = gstate->dash_array [index];
if (p->ptype == ELine)
dash_left -= umag;
if (marking)
VOID LineTo (new, next);
if (marking)
if (start_marking)
if (last_dash == last_move)
ClosePath (new);
/* LineTo (new, move); */
MoveChunk (last_move, last_dash, new->last);
VOID LineTo (new, move);
here = next;

Panic ("Dash: unknown Path Element type");
PathFree (gstate->path);
gstate->path = new;
gstate->cp = new->next->pe.point;

MoveChunk (dest, begin, end) Path dest, begin, end;
dest->ptype = ELine;
end->next->last = begin->last;
begin->last->next = end->next;
dest->last->next = begin;

end->next = dest;
begin->last = dest->last;
dest->last = end;

* is 'b' to the left of 'a' ? if 'a' carries into 'b' ?
* /
* /
* b
* /
* /
* --------- a -------o

leftof (a, b) float a, b;
return Normalise (b - a) > 0;

Miter (new, last_angle, angle, width) Path new; float last_angle, angle, width;
Matrix old;
float diff;

old = gstate->CTM;
if (leftof (last_angle, angle))
diff = angle - last_angle;
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0)));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, -diff);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, diff / 2);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -(width / 2) / cos (diff / 2))));
gstate->CTM = old;
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
diff = last_angle - angle;
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, diff / 2);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, (width / 2) / cos (diff / 2))));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, diff / 2);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = old;
ClosePath (new);

Bevel (new, last_angle, angle, width) Path new; float last_angle, angle, width;
Matrix old;
float diff;

old = gstate->CTM;
if (leftof (last_angle, angle))
diff = angle - last_angle;
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0)));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, -diff);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = old;
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
diff = last_angle - angle;
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = Rotate (gstate->CTM, diff);
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
gstate->CTM = old;
ClosePath (new);

BeginCap (new, width) Path new; float width;
switch (gstate->line_cap)
case CBUTT: break;

VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (-width / 2, width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (-width / 2, -width / 2)));
ClosePath (new);

case CROUND:
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
Arc (new, 1, NewPoint (0.0, 0.0), width / 2, PI / 2, 3 * PI / 2);
ClosePath (new);

Panic ("BeginCap - unknown line cap encountered");

LineJoin (new, width, last_angle, angle) Path new; float width, last_angle, angle;
float ang, sa;

switch (gstate->line_join)
case JMITRE:
ang = Normalise (leftof (last_angle, angle) ? angle - last_angle : last_angle - angle);
ang = ang < 0 ? -ang : ang;
ang = ang > PI / 2 ? PI - ang : ang;
sa = sin (ang / 2);
if (sa != 0 && 1 / sa <= gstate->miter_limit && 1 / sa >= -gstate->miter_limit)
Miter (new, last_angle, angle, width);
Bevel (new, last_angle, angle, width);


case JROUND:
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (width / 2, 0.0)));
Arc (new, 1, NewPoint (0.0, 0.0), width / 2, 0.0, 2 * PI);
ClosePath (new);

case JBEVEL: Bevel (new, last_angle, angle, width); break;

Panic ("LineJoin - unknown line join encountered");

EndCap (new, width, length) Path new; float width, length;
switch (gstate->line_cap)
case CBUTT: break;

VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length, -width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length + width / 2, -width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length + width / 2, width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length, width / 2)));
ClosePath (new);

case CROUND:
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length, -width / 2)));
Arc (new, 1, NewPoint (length, 0.0), width / 2, -PI / 2, PI / 2);
ClosePath (new);

Panic ("StrokeLineEnd - unknown line cap encountered");

static float move_angle;
static Matrix move_matrix;

float LineSegment (p, new, ehere, enow, width, last_angle, last_type) Path p, new; Point ehere, enow; float width, last_angle; enum pelem_type last_type;
float angle = atan2 (enow.y - ehere.y, enow.x - ehere.x),
length = sqrt ((enow.y - ehere.y) * (enow.y - ehere.y) + (enow.x - ehere.x) * (enow.x - ehere.x));
Matrix old;

old = gstate->CTM;

gstate->CTM = Rotate (Translate (gstate->CTM, ehere.x, ehere.y), angle);
VOID MoveTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, -width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length, -width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (length, width / 2)));
VOID LineTo (new, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, width / 2)));
ClosePath (new);

if (last_type == EMove)
move_angle = angle;
move_matrix = gstate->CTM;
else if (last_type == ELine)
LineJoin (new, width, last_angle, angle);

if (p->ptype == EClose)
if (last_type == ELine)
gstate->CTM = move_matrix;
LineJoin (new, width, angle, move_angle);
else if (p->next->ptype == EMove || p->next->ptype == EHeader)
EndCap (new, width, length);
gstate->CTM = move_matrix;
BeginCap (new, width);

gstate->CTM = old;
return angle;

int PStrokePath ()
Path p, new = NewPath ();
HardPoint prev, here, move;
enum pelem_type last_type = EHeader;
float angle, last_angle, width = gstate->line_width;

PFlattenPath ();
if (gstate->dash_length != 0)
Dash ();
for (p = gstate->path->next; p != gstate->path; last_type = p->ptype, p = p->next)
switch (p->ptype)
case EMove:
prev = here;
move = here = p->pe.point;

case EClose:
if (last_type == EMove)
angle = LineSegment (p, new, IntToExt (here), IntToExt (move), width, last_angle, last_type);
prev = here;
here = move;
last_type = EHeader;

case ELine:
angle = LineSegment (p, new, IntToExt (here), IntToExt (p->pe.point), width, last_angle, last_type);
prev = here;
here = p->pe.point;

Panic ("unknown path element type in StrokePath");
last_type = p->ptype;
last_angle = angle;
PathFree (gstate->path);
gstate->path = new;
return TRUE;

int ThinStroke ()
Path p;
Vector v;
HardPoint here, prev;

if (stroke_method != STROKE_THIN)
return FALSE; /* not used - get better results with area fill */
v = Transform (NewVector (gstate->line_width, gstate->line_width, 0.0), gstate->CTM);
if (fabs (v.vx) > 1.1 || fabs (v.vy) > 1.1)
return FALSE;
if (gstate->dash_length != 0)
Dash ();
for (p = gstate->path->next; p != gstate->path; p = p->next)
switch (p->ptype)
case EMove:
here = prev = p->pe.point;

case ELine:
DevicePaintLine (gstate->device, prev, p->pe.point, gstate->colour);
prev = p->pe.point;

case EClose:
DevicePaintLine (gstate->device, prev, here, gstate->colour);
prev = here;

Panic ("unknown path element type in ThinStroke");
VOID PNewPath ();

return TRUE;

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : STROKE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: