Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : FILL.C

Output of file : FILL.C contained in archive : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
* Copyright (C) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 1987
* This source may be copied, distributed, altered or used, but not sold for profit
* or incorporated into a product except under licence from the author.
* It is not in the public domain.
* This notice should remain in the source unaltered, and any changes to the source
* made by persons other than the author should be marked as such.
* Crispin Goswell @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory [email protected]
#include "main.h"
#include "graphics.h"


* Trapezoid decomposition algorithm:
* Edges are characterised by a line description, with topY, bottomY, topX, bottomX, startingY
* Build edge lists from path.
* Sort edges on top Y value.
* find topmost interestingY value, which will be the minimum topY. This becomes interestingY.
* loop
* examine edge list from here to end. Move edges with topY value less than interestingY into
* interesting edge set, computing intersections for each as you go. This should establish next
* interestingY value, nextY.
* form the pairings for all edges in the interesting set, according to the fill rule at interestingY.
* to do this, while inside, keep a pointer to the last up-transition edge, and pair it with the
* next down-transition edge.
* for any edges which have changed pairing, emit a trapezoid from their startingY to interestingY,
* (if they were paired) and set their startingY to interestingY
* break if (ninteresting == 0 && nedges_left == 0)
* interestingY := nextY
* pool

static struct edge
int topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY; short dir;
struct edge *pair;
int startingY, where, up, clip;
int name;

int names = 0;

extern int in_stroke;

int InitClip ();
static int Clip ();
static int EOClip ();
int Fill ();
static int EOFill ();
static int PClipPath ();

InitFill ()
InstallOp ("initclip", InitClip, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("clip", Clip, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("eoclip", EOClip, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("fill", Fill, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("eofill", EOFill, 0, 0, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("clippath", PClipPath, 0, 0, 0, 0);

static struct hardware *output_device;
static Colour output_colour;

static int FillIt ();
static int EoRule (), NwRule ();

static void EmitTrapezoid (left, right, top, bottom) struct edge *left, *right; int top, bottom;
struct edge *temp;

if (left->topX > right->topX || left->bottomX > right->bottomX)
temp = left, left = right, right = temp;
PaintTrapezoid (output_device,
NewDevicePoint (left->topX, left->topY),
NewDevicePoint (left->bottomX, left->bottomY),
NewDevicePoint (right->topX, right->topY),
NewDevicePoint (right->bottomX, right->bottomY),
top, bottom,

int Fill ()
int res;

if (gstate->device->dev == NULL)
return PNewPath ();

output_device = gstate->device->dev;
output_colour = gstate->colour;
res = FillIt (gstate->path, NwRule, gstate->clip, NwRule, EmitTrapezoid);
/* XXX needs optimising */

VOID PNewPath ();

return res;

static int EOFill ()
int res;

if (gstate->device->dev == NULL)
return PNewPath ();

output_device = gstate->device->dev;
output_colour = gstate->colour;
res = FillIt (gstate->path, EoRule, gstate->clip, NwRule, EmitTrapezoid);
/* XXX needs optimising */

VOID PNewPath ();

return res;

static Path output_path;

static void PathTrapezoid (left, right, top, bottom) struct edge *left, *right; int top, bottom;
int ll, ul, lr, ur;
struct edge *temp;

if (left->topX > right->topX || left->bottomX > right->bottomX)
temp = left, left = right, right = temp;

ll = Xvalue (left->topX, left->topY, left->bottomX, left->bottomY, bottom);
ul = Xvalue (left->topX, left->topY, left->bottomX, left->bottomY, top);
lr = Xvalue (right->topX, right->topY, right->bottomX, right->bottomY, bottom);
ur = Xvalue (right->topX, right->topY, right->bottomX, right->bottomY, top);

MoveTo (output_path, NewHardPoint ((float) ll, (float) bottom));
LineTo (output_path, NewHardPoint ((float) lr, (float) bottom));
LineTo (output_path, NewHardPoint ((float) ur, (float) top));
LineTo (output_path, NewHardPoint ((float) ul, (float) top));
ClosePath (output_path);

int InitClip ()
PathFree (gstate->clip);
gstate->clip = PathCopy (gstate->device->default_clip);

UnlinkDevice (gstate->clipdevice);
gstate->clipdevice = NULL;

SetClipHardware (gstate->device->dev, NULL);

return TRUE;

static int Clip ()
int res;

output_path = NewPath ();
res = FillIt (gstate->path, NwRule, gstate->clip, NwRule, PathTrapezoid);
/* XXX - needs optimising */

PathFree (gstate->clip);
gstate->clip = output_path;

if (res)
gstate->clipdevice = UniqueDevice (gstate->clipdevice);
SetClipHardware (gstate->device->dev, gstate->clipdevice->dev);

output_device = gstate->clipdevice->dev;
output_colour = NewColour (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
res = FillIt (gstate->clip, NwRule, gstate->device->default_clip, NwRule, EmitTrapezoid);
return res;

static int EOClip ()
int res;

output_path = NewPath ();
res = FillIt (gstate->path, EoRule, gstate->clip, NwRule, PathTrapezoid);
/* XXX - needs optimising */

PathFree (gstate->clip);
gstate->clip = output_path;

if (res)
gstate->clipdevice = UniqueDevice (gstate->clipdevice);
SetClipHardware (gstate->device->dev, gstate->clipdevice->dev);

output_device = gstate->clipdevice->dev;
output_colour = NewColour (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
res = FillIt (gstate->clip, NwRule, gstate->device->default_clip, NwRule, EmitTrapezoid);
return res;

static int PClipPath ()
PathFree (gstate->path);
gstate->path = PathCopy (gstate->clip);
gstate->cp_defined = TRUE;
gstate->cp = gstate->path->last->pe.point;

return TRUE;


static struct edge edge [MAXPATHELEMENTS];

static struct edge *interesting [MAXPATHELEMENTS];

static int nedges, here, ninteresting;

static int interestingY, nextY;

static int infinity;

static int FillIt (path_a, rule_a, path_b, rule_b, emitfn)
Path path_a, path_b; int (*rule_a)(), (*rule_b)(); void (*emitfn)();
Path new;
static int edgecmp ();
static void Trapezoids (), BuildEdgeList ();

if (EmptyPath (path_a) || EmptyPath (path_b))
return TRUE;

path_a = FlattenPath (path_a);
path_b = FlattenPath (path_b);

if (!CloseAll (path_a) || !CloseAll (path_b))
PathFree (path_a);
PathFree (path_b);

return FALSE;

nedges = 0;
BuildEdgeList (path_a, TRUE);
BuildEdgeList (path_b, FALSE);
qsort ((char *) edge, (unsigned) nedges, sizeof (struct edge), edgecmp);
PathFree (path_a);
PathFree (path_b);
Trapezoids (rule_a, rule_b, emitfn);

return TRUE;

static void AddLowest ();

static void Trapezoids (rule_a, rule_b, emitfn) int (*rule_a)(), (*rule_b)(); void (*emitfn)();
static void FindInfinity (), AddInteresting ();

nextY = edge[0].topY;
AddLowest (nextY);
FindInfinity ();

here = 0;
ninteresting = 0;
names = 0;

while (here != nedges || ninteresting)
static void RemoveEdges ();

interestingY = nextY;
ProcessEdges (rule_a, rule_b, emitfn);

AddInteresting ();

RemoveEdges (interestingY, emitfn);

ProcessEdges (rule_a, rule_b, emitfn);

ProcessEdges (rule_a, rule_b, emitfn) int (*rule_a)(), (*rule_b)(); void (*emitfn)();
struct edge *up_edge;
int i, count_a = 0, count_b = 0;
static void RemoveEdges ();

for (i = 0; i < ninteresting; i++)
static void Emit ();
int d_a = 0, d_b = 0;

if (interesting[i]->clip)
d_a = interesting[i]->dir;
d_b = interesting[i]->dir;

if (UpEdge (count_a, count_b, d_a, d_b, rule_a, rule_b))
up_edge = interesting[i];
else if (DownEdge (count_a, count_b, d_a, d_b, rule_a, rule_b))
ThisBit (up_edge, interesting[i], interestingY, emitfn);
NotThisBit (interesting[i], interestingY, emitfn);

count_a += d_a;
count_b += d_b;
if (count_a || count_b)
fprintf (stderr, "count_a = %dcount_b = %d\n", count_a, count_b);
PanicIf (count_a || count_b, "something wrong in area fill");

ThisBit (left, right, where, emitfn) struct edge *left, *right; int where; void (*emitfn)();
if (left->pair != right || right->up)
if (left->pair != NULL)
(*emitfn) (left, left->pair, left->startingY, left->where);
left->pair->startingY = left->pair->where;
left->pair->pair->startingY = left->pair->pair->where;
left->pair->pair = NULL;
if (right->pair != NULL)
(*emitfn) (right, right->pair, right->startingY, right->where);
right->pair->startingY = right->pair->where;
right->pair->pair->startingY = right->pair->pair->where;
right->pair->pair = NULL;

left->pair = right;
right->pair = left;
left->startingY = right->startingY = where;
left->where = right->where = where;
left->up = TRUE; right->up = FALSE;

NotThisBit (edge, where, emitfn) struct edge *edge; int where; void (*emitfn)();
if (edge->pair != NULL)
(*emitfn) (edge, edge->pair, edge->startingY, where);
edge->pair->startingY = where;
edge->pair->where = where;
edge->pair->pair = NULL;
edge->pair = NULL;
edge->startingY = where;
edge->where = where;

static void RemoveEdges (interestingY, emitfn) int interestingY; void (*emitfn)();
int i, j = 0;

for (i = 0; i < ninteresting; i++)
if (interesting [i]->bottomY > interestingY)
interesting [j++] = interesting [i];
NotThisBit (interesting[i], interestingY, emitfn);
ninteresting = j;

static int UpEdge (count_a, count_b, inc_a, inc_b, rule_a, rule_b) int count_a, count_b, inc_a, inc_b, (*rule_a) (), (*rule_b) ();
return (*rule_b)(count_b + inc_b) && !(*rule_a) (count_a) && (*rule_a) (count_a + inc_a) ||
(*rule_a)(count_a + inc_a) && !(*rule_b) (count_b) && (*rule_b) (count_b + inc_b);

static int DownEdge (count_a, count_b, inc_a, inc_b, rule_a, rule_b) int count_a, count_b, inc_a, inc_b, (*rule_a) (), (*rule_b) ();
return (*rule_b)(count_b + inc_b) && (*rule_a) (count_a) && !(*rule_a) (count_a + inc_a) ||
(*rule_a)(count_a + inc_a) && (*rule_b) (count_b) && !(*rule_b) (count_b + inc_b);

static int EoRule (n) int n;
return n & 1;

static int NwRule (n) int n;
return n;

static float Yintersect (a, b) struct edge *a, *b;
num = (a->bottomX * a->topY - a->bottomY * a->topX) * (b->topY - b->bottomY) -
(b->bottomX * b->topY - b->bottomY * b->topX) * (a->topY - a->bottomY),
denom = (a->bottomX - a->topX) * (b->topY - b->bottomY) -
(b->bottomX - b->topX) * (a->topY - a->bottomY);

if (denom == 0)
return infinity;
return num / denom;

static int Xvalue (ax, ay, bx, by, cy) int ax, ay, bx, by, cy;
return bx + (cy - by) * (ax - bx) / (float) (ay - by);

static int intercmp (aa, bb) char *aa, *bb;
struct edge *a = *(struct edge **) aa, *b = *(struct edge **) bb;
int sign;

sign = Xvalue (a->topX, a->topY, a->bottomX, a->bottomY, interestingY + 1) -
Xvalue (b->topX, b->topY, b->bottomX, b->bottomY, interestingY + 1);
if (sign == 0)
return a->bottomX - b->bottomX;
return sign;

static void AddInteresting ()
int i;

nextY = infinity;
for (; here < nedges && edge[here].topY <= interestingY; here++) /* look at each new interesting edge */
int i, n;

for (i = 0; i < ninteresting; i++) /* look at all possible intersections */
int inter = Yintersect (&edge[here], interesting[i]);

if (inter >= interestingY && inter <= edge[here].bottomY && inter <= interesting[i]->bottomY)
AddLowest (inter);
n = ninteresting++;
interesting[n] = &edge[here];
interesting[n]->pair = NULL;
interesting[n]->up = FALSE;
interesting[n]->startingY = interesting[n]->where = edge[here].topY;
interesting[n]->name = names++;
i = NextLowest (interestingY);
if (i)
nextY = i;
if (here != nedges && edge[here].topY < nextY)
nextY = edge[here].topY;
for (i = 0; i < ninteresting; i++)
if (interesting[i]->topY > interestingY && interesting[i]->topY < nextY)
nextY = interesting[i]->topY;
if (interesting[i]->bottomY > interestingY && interesting[i]->bottomY < nextY)
nextY = interesting[i]->bottomY;
qsort ((char *) interesting, (unsigned) ninteresting, sizeof (struct edge *), intercmp);

static void FindInfinity ()
int i;

infinity = edge[0].topY;
for (i = 0; i < nedges; i++)
if (edge[i].bottomY > infinity)
infinity = edge[i].bottomY;


static int edgecmp (a, b) char *a, *b;
struct edge *aa = (struct edge *) a, *bb = (struct edge *) b;

return aa->topY - bb->topY;

static int AddEdge (e, from, to, clip) struct edge *e; HardPoint from, to; int clip;
int dir = 1;
HardPoint temp;

if ((int) (from.hy) == (int) (to.hy))
return 0;
if ((int) (from.hy) > (int) (to.hy))
temp = from; from = to; to = temp;
dir = -dir;
e->topX = from.hx;
e->topY = from.hy;
e->bottomX = to.hx;
e->bottomY = to.hy;
e->dir = dir;
e->clip = clip;

return 1;

static void BuildEdgeList (path, clip) Path path; int clip;
Path p;
HardPoint move, here;

for (p = path->next; p != path; p = p->next)
switch (p->ptype)
case EMove: move = here = p->pe.point; break;
case ELine:
nedges += AddEdge (&edge[nedges], here, p->pe.point, clip);
here = p->pe.point;

case EClose:
nedges += AddEdge (&edge[nedges], here, move, clip);
here = move;

/* keep list of interesting entries to come */

struct lowest
struct lowest *higher;
int e;
} *lowest_free = NULL, *lowest = NULL;

static int NextLowest (y) int y;
int res;
struct lowest *p;

for (p = lowest; p && p->e <= y; p = lowest) /* delete any which are now irrelevent */
lowest = p->higher;
p->higher = lowest_free;
lowest_free = p;

if (lowest == NULL)
return 0;
res = lowest->e;

return res;

static void AddLowest (e) int e;
struct lowest *res, *p, *q;

for (p = lowest; p && p->e < e; q = p, p = p->higher)

if (p && p->e == e)
if (lowest_free == NULL)
res = (struct lowest *) Malloc (sizeof (struct lowest));
res = lowest_free, lowest_free = lowest_free->higher;

res->e = e;
res->higher = p;
if (p != lowest)
q->higher = res;
lowest = res;

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : FILL.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: