Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : CACHE.C

Output of file : CACHE.C contained in archive : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
* Copyright (C) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 1987
* This source may be copied, distributed, altered or used, but not sold for profit
* or incorporated into a product except under licence from the author.
* It is not in the public domain.
* This notice should remain in the source unaltered, and any changes to the source
* made by persons other than the author should be marked as such.
* Crispin Goswell @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory [email protected]
#include "main.h"
#include "graphics.h"

static struct cache
struct cache *cache_next, *cache_prev;
int fid;
Matrix mat; /* character -> device */
int width, height, swidth, sheight; /* device coords */
} cache_header = { &cache_header, &cache_header },
*cache_ring = &cache_header;

static struct char_table {
Object char_key;
struct cache *char_cache;

struct device *char_device;
Point char_width; /* character coords */
} *CharTable;

static int bsize = 0, bmax = 0;
static int msize = 0, mmax = 0;
static int csize = 0, cmax = 0;

static int maxbits = 0;

static int CacheStatus ();
static int PSetCharWidth ();
static int SetCacheLimit ();
static int PCurrentCharWidth ();
static int PSetCacheDevice ();
static int SetCache ();
static int SaveCurrentFont ();

int SetCacheDevice ();
static struct cache *NewCache (), *CacheRemove ();

InitCache ()
InstallOp ("cachestatus", CacheStatus, 0, 7, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("setcachedevice", PSetCacheDevice, 6, 0, 0, 0, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float);
InstallOp ("setcharwidth", PSetCharWidth, 2, 0, 0, 0, Float, Float);
InstallOp (".currentcharwidth", PCurrentCharWidth, 0, 2, 0, 0);
InstallOp ("setcachelimit", SetCacheLimit, 1, 0, 0, 0, Integer);
InstallOp ("setcache", SetCache, 3, 0, 0, 0, Integer, Integer, Integer);
InstallOp ("savecurrentfont", SaveCurrentFont, 0, 0, 0, 0);

static InitCharTable ()
int i;

CharTable = (struct char_table *) Malloc ((unsigned) (sizeof (struct char_table) * cmax));
for (i = 0; i < cmax; i++)
CharTable[i].char_cache = NULL;

static struct char_table *CharAddition (table, cache, key, size)
struct char_table *table;
struct cache *cache;
Object key;
int size;
int i, h = (BodyInteger (key) + (int) cache) % size;

for (i = h;;)
if (table[i].char_cache == NULL)
table[i].char_key = key;
table[i].char_cache = cache;

return &table[i];
if (++i == size)
i = 0;
if (i == h)
return NULL;

CharStore (key, width, dev) Object key; Point width; struct device *dev;
struct char_table *p;

while (csize == cmax)
DestroyCache (CacheRemove (cache_ring->cache_prev));

if (p = CharAddition (CharTable, gstate->show->ccache, key, cmax))
p->char_width = width;
p->char_device = dev;
Panic ("dictionary full in CharStore");

static struct char_table *CharFind (table, cache, key, size)
struct char_table *table;
struct cache *cache;
Object key;
int size;
int i, h = (BodyInteger (key) + (int) cache) % size;

for (i = h;;)
/* if (table[i].char_cache == NULL)
return NULL;
*/ if (table[i].char_cache == cache && Equal (key, table[i].char_key))
return &table[i];
if (++i == size)
i = 0;
if (i == h)
return NULL;

static struct char_table *CharLoad (key) Object key;
return CharFind (CharTable, gstate->show->ccache, key, cmax);

static FlushChars (p) struct cache *p;
int i;

for (i = 0; i < cmax; i++)
if (CharTable[i].char_cache == p)
CharTable[i].char_cache = NULL;

/* convert bounding box to equivalent one in device coordinates */
DeviceBBox (left, right, top, bottom, llx, urx, ury, lly) float *left, *right, *top, *bottom, llx, urx, ury, lly;
HardPoint ll;

ll = ExtToInt (NewPoint (llx, lly));

*left = *right = ll.hx; *top = *bottom = ll.hy;

Bound (left, right, top, bottom, ExtToInt (NewPoint (urx, lly)));
Bound (left, right, top, bottom, ExtToInt (NewPoint (llx, ury)));
Bound (left, right, top, bottom, ExtToInt (NewPoint (urx, ury)));

int EqVector (a, b) Vector a, b;
return (int) a.vx == (int) b.vx && (int) a.vy == (int) b.vy;

static int PCurrentCharWidth ()
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeReal (gstate->show->Width.x));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeReal (gstate->show->Width.y));
return TRUE;

static int PSetCharWidth (wx, wy) Object wx, wy;
if (!gstate->show->InShow)
return Error (PUndefined);
SetCharWidth (NewPoint (BodyReal (wx), BodyReal (wy)));
return TRUE;

SetCharWidth (width) Point width;
gstate->show->Width = width;

static int PSetCacheDevice (wx, wy, llx, lly, urx, ury) Object wx, wy, llx, lly, urx, ury;
if (!gstate->show->InShow)
return Error (PUndefined);
return SetCacheDevice (gstate->show->CharName,
NewPoint (BodyReal (wx), BodyReal (wy)),
BodyReal (llx), BodyReal (lly),
BodyReal (urx), BodyReal (ury));

static int CharTooBig (width, height) float width, height;
return width * height > maxbits * 8;

int SetCacheDevice (name, char_width, llx, lly, urx, ury)
Object name; Point char_width; float llx, lly, urx, ury;
float left, right, top, bottom, width, height;
struct device *new_char;
struct cache *ccache = gstate->show->ccache;

SetCharWidth (char_width);
if (!ccache)
return TRUE;
DeviceBBox (&left, &right, &top, &bottom, llx, urx, ury, lly);
width = right - left; height = top - bottom;

if (CharTooBig (width, height))
return TRUE;

new_char = NewCacheDevice (ccache->mat, ccache->width, ccache->height, ccache->swidth, ccache->sheight);
CharStore (name, char_width, LinkDevice (new_char));
SetDevice (new_char);

PathFree (gstate->clip);
gstate->clip = NewClipPath (0.0, width, height, 0.0);
gstate->CTM.tx = ccache->swidth;
gstate->CTM.ty = ccache->sheight;
VOID MoveTo (gstate->path, ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0)));

return TRUE;

printMatrix (m) Matrix m;
printf ("[%g %g]\n", m.A, m.B);
printf ("[%g %g]\n", m.C, m.D);
printf ("[%g %g]\n", m.tx, m.ty);

#ifdef notdef
int EqFont (m, n, bbox) Matrix m, n; float *bbox;
Vector morigin, norigin, mright, nright, mbottom, nbottom;

morigin = Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m);
norigin = Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), n);
mright = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_RIGHT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m), morigin);
nright = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_RIGHT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), n), norigin);
mbottom = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_BOTTOM], 1.0), m), morigin);
nbottom = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_BOTTOM], 1.0), n), norigin);

return EqVector (mbottom, nbottom) && EqVector (mright, nright);

int EqFont (m, n) Matrix m, n;
return m.A == n.A && m.B == n.B && m.C == n.C && m.D == n.D;

extern float fontbboxCache[];
extern int fidCache;

struct cache *SearchCache (m, fid) Matrix m; int fid;
struct cache *p;

for (p = cache_ring->cache_next; p != cache_ring; p = p->cache_next)
if (p->fid == fid && EqFont (m, p->mat))
if (cache_ring->cache_next != p)
CacheInsert (cache_ring->cache_next, CacheRemove (p));
return cache_ring->cache_next;

return NULL;

int FindCache ()
HardPoint origin;
float left, right, top, bottom;
int width, height, swidth, sheight;

if ((gstate->show->ccache = SearchCache (gstate->CTM, fidCache)) != NULL)
return TRUE;
Message ("building a new cache");
DeviceBBox (&left, &right, &top, &bottom,
fontbboxCache[BBOX_LEFT], fontbboxCache[BBOX_RIGHT], fontbboxCache[BBOX_BOTTOM], fontbboxCache[BBOX_TOP]);

width = right - left; height = top - bottom;
if (CharTooBig ((float) width, (float) height))
Message ("character too big to cache");
return TRUE;

if (msize == mmax)
DestroyCache (CacheRemove (cache_ring->cache_prev));

origin = ExtToInt (NewPoint (0.0, 0.0));
swidth = origin.hx - left; sheight = origin.hy - bottom;

CacheInsert (cache_ring->cache_next,
NewCache (fidCache,
width, height,
swidth, sheight));
gstate->show->ccache = cache_ring->cache_next;

LoadDiskCache (gstate->CTM, fontbboxCache);

return TRUE;

int CacheShow (name, cp) Object name; HardPoint cp;
struct char_table *b;
struct cache *ccache = gstate->show->ccache;
DevicePoint from, to, extent;

if (!ccache)
return FALSE;
gstate->show->CharName = name;
if ((b = CharLoad (name)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* SetCharWidth (b->char_width); */
gstate->show->Width = b->char_width;

from.dx = from.dy = 0;
to.dx = cp.hx - ccache->swidth;
to.dy = cp.hy - ccache->sheight;
extent.dx = ccache->width; extent.dy = ccache->height;

Paint (b->char_device->dev, gstate->device->dev, from, to, extent, gstate->colour);

return TRUE;

static struct cache *NewCache (fid, m, width, height, swidth, sheight)
int fid; Matrix m; int width, height, swidth, sheight;
struct cache *res = (struct cache *) Malloc (sizeof (struct cache));

m.tx = m.ty = 0.0;
res->fid = fid;
res->mat = m;
res->width = width;
res->height = height;
res->swidth = swidth;
res->sheight = sheight;

return res;

static DestroyCache (p) struct cache *p;
FlushChars (p);
Free ((char *) p);

static CacheInsert (where, cache) struct cache *where, *cache;
cache->cache_next = where; cache->cache_prev = where->cache_prev;
where->cache_prev->cache_next = cache;
where->cache_prev = cache;

static struct cache *CacheRemove (item) struct cache *item;
item->cache_prev->cache_next = item->cache_next;
item->cache_next->cache_prev = item->cache_prev;

return item;

static int SetCacheLimit (mb) Object mb;
int b = BodyInteger (mb);
if (b < 0)
return Error (PRangeCheck);
maxbits = b;
return TRUE;

static int SetCache (bitmap, fonts, chars) Object bitmap, fonts, chars;
int b = BodyInteger (bitmap);
int f = BodyInteger (fonts);
int c = BodyInteger (chars);

if (b < 0 || f < 0 || c < 0)
return Error (PRangeCheck);
bmax = b; mmax = f; cmax = c;
InitCharTable ();
return TRUE;

static int CacheStatus ()
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (bsize));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (bmax));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (msize));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (mmax));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (csize));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (cmax));
VOID Push (OpStack, MakeInteger (maxbits));

return TRUE;

LoadDiskCache (m, bbox) Matrix m; float *bbox;
Object font_name;
FILE *fp;
Vector origin, right, bottom;
char disk_name [BUFSIZE], *bits, mess[BUFSIZ];
/* struct hardware *screen = gstate->device->dev; */

Message ("Attempting to find a cache on disk");
font_name = DictLoad (gstate->font, FontName);
if (TypeOf (font_name) != Name)
origin = Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m);
right = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_RIGHT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m), origin);
bottom = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_BOTTOM], 1.0), m), origin);
VOID sprintf (disk_name,
lengthName (font_name), BodyName (font_name),
(int) right.vx, (int) right.vy, (int) bottom.vx, (int) bottom.vy);
Message (disk_name);
if ((fp = fopen (disk_name, "r")) == NULL)
Message ("found a disk cache");
VOID GSave ();
bits = Malloc ((unsigned) maxbits);

sprintf (mess, "width = %d, height = %d\n", gstate->show->ccache->width, gstate->show->ccache->height);
Message (mess);
sprintf (mess, "computed length = %d", gstate->show->ccache->height * ((gstate->show->ccache->width + 7) / 8));
Message (mess);

while (!feof (fp))
char char_name [BUFSIZE];
struct hardware *newdev;
int width, height, length;

if (fscanf (fp, "%s %d %d %d\n",
&width, &height,
&length) == EOF)
VOID fread (bits, (unsigned) length, 1, fp);
VOID getc (fp);
newdev = HardwareFromString (bits, gstate->show->ccache->width, gstate->show->ccache->height);
/* VOID BitBlt (newdev, screen,
NewDevicePoint (0, 0), NewDevicePoint (200, 200),
NewDevicePoint (gstate->show->ccache->width, gstate->show->ccache->height),
VOID SetCacheDevice (NameFrom (char_name),
NewPoint ((float) width, (float) height),
bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_TOP],
bbox [BBOX_RIGHT], bbox [BBOX_BOTTOM]);

VOID BitBlt (newdev, gstate->device->dev,
NewDevicePoint (0, 0), NewDevicePoint (0, 0),
NewDevicePoint (gstate->show->ccache->width, gstate->show->ccache->height),
DestroyHardware (newdev);
Free (bits);
VOID GRestore ();
VOID fclose (fp);
Message ("load completed");

static int SaveCurrentFont ()
Matrix fm, m;
Vector origin, right, bottom;
Object font_name;
FILE *fp;
char disk_name [BUFSIZE];
int i;
float bbox[4];
struct cache *ccache;

ExtractMatrix (&fm, DictLoad (gstate->font, FontMatrix));
m = MatMult (fm, gstate->CTM);
ExtractBBox (bbox, DictLoad (gstate->font, FontBBox));
font_name = DictLoad (gstate->font, FontName);

origin = Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m);
right = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_RIGHT], bbox [BBOX_TOP], 1.0), m), origin);
bottom = DiffVector (Transform (NewVector (bbox [BBOX_LEFT], bbox [BBOX_BOTTOM], 1.0), m), origin);

if ((ccache = SearchCache (m, BodyFontID (DictLoad (gstate->font, Fid)))) == NULL)
return Error (PInvFont);

Message (disk_name);
VOID sprintf (disk_name,
lengthName (font_name), BodyName (font_name),
(int) right.vx, (int) right.vy, (int) bottom.vx, (int) bottom.vy);

if ((fp = fopen (disk_name, "w")) == NULL)
return Error (PInvFileAccess);

for (i = 0; i < cmax; i++)
if (CharTable[i].char_cache == ccache)
Object char_name;
char *bits;
DevicePoint extent;
int length;

char_name = CharTable[i].char_key;
extent = HardwareExtent (CharTable[i].char_device->dev);
length = (extent.dx + 7) / 8 * extent.dy;
bits = StringFromHardware (CharTable[i].char_device->dev);
VOID fprintf (fp,
"%.*s %d %d %d\n",
lengthName (char_name), BodyName (char_name),
(int) CharTable [i].char_width.x,
(int) CharTable [i].char_width.y,
VOID fwrite (bits, (unsigned) length, 1, fp);
putc ('\n', fp);
/* Free (bits);*/


VOID fclose (fp);

return TRUE;

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : PSTSCSRC.ZIP
Filename : CACHE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: