Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : FORTRAN.ZIP
Filename : TESTALL.FOR

Output of file : TESTALL.FOR contained in archive : FORTRAN.ZIP
- Program to test SBM Fortran compiler.
/ exclude rtl
- Here we declare a character array and initialize it to whatever size the
- data requires.

character outbuf/esc,'[2J',cr,lf,' -- Testing ---',cr,lf
'1. UNFORMATTED OUTPUT: write(*) outbuf',cr,lf
' (also data statement to set the output)',cr,lf,lf,0/
write(*) outbuf ; display the array.

data command/'now is the-time',0/
parse_only command,outbuf,'-'

write(*,*) '' ; line-feed
- now test formatted output.
integer*2 int2_1, int2_2, int2_3, int2_4, int2_5
- Since the variables were declared without any intervening data, they
- can be initialized as though they were an array.
data int2_1 /1,23,456,7890,32767/
write(*,1012) int2_1, int2_2, int2_3, int2_4, int2_5
1012 format('3. FORMATTED OUTPUT ',i2,i3,i4,i5, i30, ' maximum')

- notice how we can insert long skips ^.
- one should never need the 'x' descriptor on output.
- Standard fortran works this way too.

- try some tricky subscripting and display max negative number.
data int2_5/-32768/
write(*,1012) int2_1(m), int2_2, int2_1(m+2), int2_5(m-1), int2_5
write(*,*) '' ; xtra line-feed

- disk output....
write(*,*) '4. Testing disk output.'
write(*,*) ' Do-loops are also tested here.'
if(cy) call exit
do 809 counter=1,10
write(16,309) counter
309 format('test output record',i3)
809 continue
write(*,*) ' 10 records written to "testall.dat".'
close 16
write(*,*) ' "testall.dat" closed.'
write(*,*) '' ; line-feed

- appending disk data to an existing file.
write(*,*) ' "testall.dat" re-opened for appending.'
do 909 counter=1,4
write(17,409) counter
409 format('appended record',i3)
909 continue
write(*,*) ' 4 records appended.'
write(*,*) '' ; line-feed

- read from an internal file.
- also called a re-read. with it you can read a record as many times
- as you wish, using a different format each time. above, notice that
- we assigned an alias to unit 16. In this buffer area, we still have
- the last record that was written with format 309.

integer lastnum
read(memfile,160) lastnum
160 format(19x,i3)
add lastnum,2000 ; test the 'add' statement.
write(*,161) lastnum
161 format('5. Reading from internal file, should be 2010, have',i5/)

- using the dollar descriptor for console message.
write(*,*) 'press any key to continue ',$

- get next character from console
wait (you could also use 'nexchar' here)
data outbuf/esc,'[2J',0/
write(*) outbuf ; clear the screen

write(*,*) '6. Testing assign statements and subscripts'
- also notice the nested 'do'.
data outbuf/' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789',cr,lf,0/
do 211 k=1,4
do 200 j=4,100
if(al.eq.0) goto 201
200 continue
201 write(*) outbuf
211 continue
write(*,*) '' ; line-feed

data outbuf/cr,lf,' -- Testing Completed ---',cr,lf,lf,0/
write(*) outbuf
call exit

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : FORTRAN.ZIP
Filename : TESTALL.FOR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: