Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EXEC33A.ZIP

Output of file : CHECKPAT.PAS contained in archive : EXEC33A.ZIP
Unit checkpat;
--- Version 3.3 91-11-21 16:12 ---

CHECKPAT.PAS: Wrapper unit for path check function.

Needs Assembler file 'checkpat.asm' (assembled as 'checkpap.obj').

Public domain software by

Thomas Wagner
Ferrari electronic GmbH
Beusselstrasse 27
D-1000 Berlin 21

BIXname: twagner



INF_NODIR = 1; { Don't interpret name as directory }

{e Error Return codes }
{d Fehlercodes }

ERR_DRIVE = -1; { Invalid drive }
ERR_PATH = -2; { Invalid path }
ERR_FNAME = -3; { Malformed filename }
ERR_DRIVECHAR = -4; { Illegal drive letter }
ERR_PATHLEN = -5; { Path too long }
ERR_CRITICAL = -6; { Critical error (invalid drive) }

{e Good returns (values ORed): }
{d Rckgabewerte wenn kein Fehler auftrat: }

HAS_WILD = 1; { Filename/ext has wildcard characters }
HAS_EXT = 2; { Extension specified }
HAS_FNAME = 4; { Filename specified }
HAS_PATH = 8; { Path specified }
HAS_DRIVE = $10; { Drive specified }
FILE_EXISTS = $20; { File exists, upper byte has attributes }
IS_DIR = $1000; { Directory, upper byte has attributes }

{ The file attributes returned if FILE_EXISTS or IS_DIR is set }

IS_READ_ONLY = $0100;
IS_HIDDEN = $0200;
IS_SYSTEM = $0400;
IS_ARCHIVED = $2000;
IS_DEVICE = $4000;

function checkpath (var name; inflags: integer; var drive; var dir;
var fname; var ext; var fullpath) : integer;

function exists (var fname): boolean;


{$L checkpap}
function checkpath (var name; inflags: integer; var drive; var dir;
var fname; var ext; var fullpath) : integer; external;
function exists (var fname): boolean; external;


  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EXEC33A.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: