Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EPISTAT.ZIP
Filename : BAYES.BAS

Output of file : BAYES.BAS contained in archive : EPISTAT.ZIP
ÿ¡:Ù BAYES' THEOREMÛ:Ù Written by Tracy L. Gustafson, M.D.:Ù Round Rock, Texas. Version 3.0, 19843• § ‰ ˆ:þŒ ½ "EPIMRG",J† D(),PT(),PD()g„ "BAYES' THEOREM",28,16ÿ‘" This theorem is especially valuable in evaluating the prior probability":‘ " of disease given a certain symptom, sign or laboratory result."+#‘:‘:‘ "Do you want to evaluate the: ":‘w(‘ Î);"1.) Probabilities of False Positive and False Negative tests":‘¹-‘ Î);"2.) Probability of Disease given a Positive test":‘:‘2‘ Î);:… "Enter choice: ",ASUB:‹ ÿ†(@êASUB)æ€ Í Å:‰ 27À:• ASUB ‰ <,so<‘ Î
);Ö(8,Í):‘½A… "What is the NAME of the disease or condition being tested for? ",D()HFDQç"What is the probability of a POSITIVE test":‘ Î);DQ:‘ Î!);:‘ "when a person has ";D();:… PT:‹ ÿ†(PTê€)æç€ Í  ×:‰ FwK‘ Î);"TEST SENSITIVITY = ";PTëd;"%":‘:‘ÜP‘ Î);DQ:‘ Î);:‘ "when a person does not have ";D();:… PF:‹ ÿ†(PFê€)æç€ Í  ×:‰ PU‘ Î);"TEST SPECIFICITY = ";(êPF)ëd;"%":‘:‘œZ‘ Î);"Enter estimated incidence of ";D():‘ Î
);:… "in the population in which the test is used (PER/10,000) = ",PD:‹ PDæ' Í Å:‰ Zì_PDçPDë·Qs:PPç(PFë(êPD))ì(PFéPDë(PTêPF)):PNç((êPT)ëPD)ì(êPFêPDë(PTêPF))d Ò:‘:‘:¿ CLR2,CLR1Oi‘ Î
);"The probability of a FALSE POSITIVE result is ";PP;ÎO):‘:‘¦n‘ Î
);"The probability of a FALSE NEGATIVE result is ";PN;ÎO):¿ CLR1,CLR2:‰ Ãôs‘ Î);"PROBABILITIES OF DISEASE GIVEN A POSITIVE TEST":‘ Î);Ö(.,Í):‘wx‘ Î); "What is the name of the SYMPTOM COMPLEX, PHYSICAL FINDING,": ‘ Î);:… "or LABORATORY TEST under consideration? ",T$ï}‘ Î);"In the tested population, HOW MANY DISEASES exist ":‘ Î);:… "in which this test can be positive? ",N:‘‚¥ PT,PD,D:† PT(N),PD(N),D(N):TFçM‡‘ Î);" PERCENT of people PROBABILITY of a "„Œ‘ Î);" in tested population + test in people"¹‘‘ Î);"who have this disease: known to have"ü–‘ Î);"DISEASE (SUM must = 100%) this disease:": ‘-›‚ Zç Ì N:‘ Z;:‹ TFç Í ‘ D(Z); :¡ …;"",D(Z)e ‘ Î);:…;"",P:PD(Z)çPë
×#z:‘ Î.);:… "",PT(Z):ƒ ZŒ¥SPç:‚ Zç Ì N:SPçSPéPD(Z)ëPT(Z):ƒªÊ ,<:¿ CLR2,CLR1:‘ " PROBABILITY of ":Ê 
,<:‘ " this disease in ":Ê  ,<:‘ " a person with a ":Ê  ,<:‘ " positive test: ": ÒP¯‚ Zç Ì N:Ê 
éZ,B:‘ × ".######";PD(Z)ëPT(Z)ìSP:ƒ§´¿ CLR1,CLR2:Ê ,:‘ "Would you like to modify these calculations in relation to";â¹Ê ,:…;"the SAME TEST and the SAME DISEASES? ",A$#¾‹ A$ç"y" ï A$ç"Y" Í TFç:À:Ê ,:‘ "TEST = ";T$:Ê ,:‰ ‡ŠÃÊ ,:‘ ÎP):Ê ,:‘ ÎO):Ê ,:…;"Do you want another calculation using Bayes' Theorem? ",A$¦ȋ A$ç"Y" ï A$ç"y" Í ³ÍÊ ,:åÒþ“ "MB MS O2 T200 L32 DF#AF#DF#AF#DF# L2 D":Ž8×Å:ARçÛ:Ê ,:‘ "Probability should be a fraction between 0 and 1.";:Ê AR,:Ž¼ˆÅ:‹ Õèæ5 î ÕèæG Í ’ :¡ Ê 
:‘ "Please place EPISTAT in drive A: (or other default).":‘ Î);"Press any key to continue:"؍A$çÞ:‹ A$ç"" Í  :¡ ¨è’• § ‰ :ce EP

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EPISTAT.ZIP
Filename : BAYES.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: