Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : E!518.ZIP
Filename : API.PAS

Output of file : API.PAS contained in archive : E!518.ZIP
{ This an example UNIT showing how to use the E! API interrupt routines. }
{ This file may be compiled using Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0 }





{ These are the declarations of useful Records allowing you to retrieve }
{ more easily E! variables values. }

FlagRecord = RECORD
AddOnLast : boolean; { Key down insert newline on last line flag }
AlarmFlag : boolean; { Error beep flag }
AsciiMode : boolean; { Control characters entry flag }
AutoBackFlag : boolean; { Backspace behaviour flag }
AutoSaveFlag : boolean; { Autosave flag }
AutoScrollFlag : boolean; { Autoscroll flag }
AutoTabFlag : boolean; { Autotab flag }
BakFlag : boolean; { .BAK files generation flag }
BlanksFlag : boolean; { Strip trailing spaces when saving flag}
CompFlag : boolean; { Compression mode flag }
Ega_Vga_OK : boolean; { 43 lines mode flag }
Flag35 : boolean; { 35 lines mode flag - EGA_VGA_OK must be on}
LogFlag : boolean; { Log file flag }
PauseMode : boolean; { Pause on return from DOS flag }
ShiftFlag : boolean; { Accelerated cursor flag }
Warning : boolean; { Warning before saving flag }
Enter_Classic : boolean; { Split line using ENTER flag }
Refresh : boolean; { Display authorization }
SelfInsert : boolean; { Braces autoinsertion flag }

AttrRecord = RECORD
Text_Attr : byte; { Edited text attribute }
BlockAttr : byte; { Marked block attribute }
CommandLineAttr : byte; { Command line attribute }
LoStatusLineAttr : byte; { Status line 1 attribute }
HiStatusLineAttr : byte; { Status line 2 attribute }
MessageAttr : byte; { Messages attribute }
HelpAttr : byte; { Help line attribute }
CursorAttr : byte; { Virtual cursor attribute}

MargRecord = RECORD
ShiftKeyCount : word; { Delay value for secondary help lines }
AutoSaveLimit : word; { Seconds# for autosave }
ScrollAmountGlb : integer;{ Left / Right scroll amount }
DrawModel : integer;{ Drawing style }
LeftMargin : integer;{ Left margin }
ParMargin : integer;{ New paragraph margin }
RightMargin : integer;{ Right margin }

MessageRecord = RECORD
HelpLine : array[1..4] of string[80];
{ Help line and 3 secondary help lines }
EditErrorMessages : array[1..47] of string[43];
{ Error messages --> 38 for the english version}

StatusRecord = RECORD
linenum, { Line number of current text }
line : word; { Current row in current text }
col, { Current column in current text }
firstcol, { First displayed column }
lower, { Displayed lines number }
nbwin : byte; { Number of windows }

LockArray = array [1..25] of string[3];
{ locked extensions }

compileline = string[128];

compileentry = RECORD
fileext : string[3];
compcommand : compileline;

CompileExt = array [1..10] of compileentry;
{ block of compile commands definitions }

textline = string; { Each line has 255 char. max. }
lineptr = ^textline; { Textflow points to a pointers ar- }
textflowar = array [0..1] of lineptr; { ray (1 to linenum - see above). }
textflow = ^textflowar; { Each pointer points to a text line.}

commandline = string[80];


E_Vec : byte = $C0; { No de l'interruption utilis‚e par E! }

{ This value may be changed if it conflicts with an already used }
{ interrupt vector. See E! API USER's GUIDE. }

{ Values to pass in AH to specify the E! API service you want to use }
FUNCTION_REQUEST = 0; { Call a E! function - code in BX }

EDITBUFF_REQUEST = 1; { Request Editbuffer address }
FLAGS_REQUEST = 2; { Request flags block address }
ATTR_REQUEST = 3; { Request attribute block address }
MARG_REQUEST = 4; { Request margins+misc. block address }
MESS_REQUEST = 5; { Request messages block address }
FLOW_REQUEST = 6; { Request pointers array address-text flow}
NAME_REQUEST = 7; { Request current name address }

STATUS_REQUEST = 8; { Request curr.line, line#, column etc... }

LOCK_REQUEST = 20; { Request locked extensions array addr. }
COMP_REQUEST = 21; { Request compile commands block addr. }
SCR_REQUEST = 22; { Request screen address }

DISPLINE_SERVICE = 9; { Display contents of edit buffer }
REFRESH_SERVICE = 10; { Rebuild the whole E! screeen }
MASK_SERVICE = 11; { Refresh text mask }
STORE_SERVICE = 12; { Store edit Buffer to text }
CHANGE_SERVICE = 13; { Set change flag to true }
SEEK_SERVICE = 14; { Set active line }
VERSION_SERVICE = 15; { Return version number }
REGISTER_SERVICE = 16; { Execute command after exit }
GETMEM_SERVICE = 17; { Request memory for API program }
FREEMEM_SERVICE = 18; { Free API program owned memory }
E_IDLE_SERVICE = 19; { Resident program may call E! API}
MODIF_SERVICE = 23; { Was the file modified ? }

{ If AH is set to 0 please use one of the following function code }
{ and pass it to E! API thru BX. }

ALIGN_TEXT = 001; { Align text to cursor }
PASCAL_STYLE = 002; { See documentation (Ctrl B) }
CLEAR_LINE = 003; { Clear line }
REPEAT_CHAR = 004; { Repeat specified character }
CLEAR_EOL = 005; { Erase end of line }
WRAP = 006; { Toggle Wordwrap }
_43LINES = 007; { Toggle 35/43/50 lines mode }
DELETE_LEFT = 008; { Delete left character }
NEXT_TAB = 009; { Go to next tab }
JUSTIFICATION = 010; { Toggle justify mode }
EDIT = 012; { Edit a file }
ENTER = 013; { Insert a line or validate a command }
INSERT_NAME = 014; { Insert filename }
MACRO = 016; { Execute active macro }
RESTORE_MACRO = 017; { Restore previous macro }
REPEAT_SEARCH = 019; { Repeat last search }
INSERT_DATE = 020; { Insert date and time }
INIT_SEARCH = 022; { Initialize search variables }
DEL_WORD = 023; { Delet current word }
LIST_DIR = 026; { List current line as a directory }
REMOVE_LINE = 127; { Remove current line }
PREV_TAB = 271; { Go to previous tab }
CONTINUE = 272; { Insert a continue-mark in macro }
WORD_MARK = 273; { Mark the current Word }
END_OF_BLOCK = 274; { Go to end of block }
REMOVE_TAB = 275; { Remove current tab position }
RECORD_TAB = 276; { Create a new tab positioneur }
BLOCK_BEGIN = 277; { Go to block begin }
UNMARK = 278; { Unmark block }
REMOVE_TABS = 279; { Remove all tab positions }
OVERLAY = 280; { Overlay block at cursor position }
PARAGRAPH = 281; { Go to next paragraph }
ADJUST = 286; { Adjust block position }
SPLIT = 287; { Split line at cursor }
DELETE_BLOCK = 288; { Delete marked block }
FILL_BLOCK = 289; { Fill block with specified character }
SORT = 290; { Sort block }
BOX = 291; { Draw a box around the block }
JOIN = 292; { Join current line and next line }
BOOKMARK = 293; { Drop bookmark }
LINE_MARK = 294; { Mark lines }
SENTENCE_MARK = 300; { Mark sentences }
GRAPHICS = 301; { Toggle control characters access }
COPY_BLOCK = 302; { Copy block to cursor position }
REMOVE_SPACES = 303; { Remove trailing blanks }
BLOCK_MARK = 304; { Mark block }
MOVE_BLOCK = 306; { Move block }
HELP = 315; { Load help file }
SAVE = 316; { Save current file }
QUIT = 317; { Quit current file }
QUIT_SAVE = 318; { Quite and save current file }
WINDOW = 319; { Create/Remove window }
DRAW = 320; { Toggle draw mode }
NAME = 321; { Name current file }
LOAD = 322; { Edit a new file }
RESTORE = 323; { Restore (undo) current line }
NEXT = 324; { Go to next file }
LINE_BEGIN = 327; { Go to line begin }
UP = 328; { Up }
PREV_PAGE = 329; { Scroll screen up }
LEFT = 331; { Left }
RIGHT = 333; { Right }
EOL = 335; { Go to end of line }
DOWN = 336; { Down }
NEXT_PAGE = 337; { Scroll screen down }
TOGGLE_INSERT = 338; { Toggle insert mode }
DEL_CHAR = 339; { Delete character at cursor }
SCROLL_RIGHT = 340; { Scroll right }
SCROLL_LEFT = 341; { Scroll left }
SCROLL_UP = 342; { Scroll up }
SCROLL_DOWN = 343; { Scroll down }
CENTER_LINE = 344; { Center line in window }
RAISE_LINE = 345; { Raise line to top of window }
CLEAR_WINDOWS = 346; { Delete all windows }
UPCASE_WORD = 350; { Upcase word }
LOWCASE_WORD = 351; { Lowcase word }
UPCASE_BLOCK = 352; { Upcase block }
LOWCASE_BLOCK = 353; { Lowcase block }
CENTER_BLOCK = 354; { Center text in block }
FORMAT_PAR = 355; { Format paragraph }
FORMAT_BLOCK = 356; { Format paragraphs within block }
KEYHELP = 360; { Key oriented help }
PAGE_RIGHT = 362; { Scroll page right }
PAGE_LEFT = 363; { Scroll page left }
CHANGE_WINDOW = 364; { Change active window }
DELETE_WINDOW = 365; { Supprime une fenˆtre }
ZOOM = 366; { Zoom / Unzoom active window }
NEXT_ERROR = 367; { Go to next compilation error }
PREV_ERROR = 368; { Go to previous compilation error }
PREVIOUS = 369; { Go to previous file }
PREV_WORD = 371; { Go to previous word }
NEXT_WORD = 372; { Go to next word }
TEXT_END = 373; { Go to end of text }
PAGE_BOTTOM = 374; { Go to bottom of window }
TEXT_BEGIN = 375; { Go to text begin }
TEXTMARK1 = 376; { Drop text mark 1 }
TEXTMARK2 = 377; { Drop text mark 2 }
TEXTMARK3 = 378; { Drop text mark 3 }
UNMARK_TEXTS = 379; { Remove text marks }
REFRESH = 380; { Reload (refresh) original file }
PAIRED_BRACE = 381; { See documentation }
MATCH_BRACE = 382; { See documentation }
UNDO = 383; { Restore removed lines }
INSERT_DOS = 384; { Insert captured lines (DOS SHELL) }
SEARCH_WORD = 385; { Search current word }
INSERT_BLOCK = 386; { Insert blanks before block }
INSERT_BLANK = 387; { Insert blanks without moving cursor }
PAGE_TOP = 388; { Go to top of window }

{ A bad function id has been passed to Call_E_Function }

Function Call_E_Function(funcno : word) : byte;
{ Use this function to execute a E! function }

Function Request_E_Address(request_name : byte) : pointer;
{ Use this function to get the address of E! variables }

Procedure Get_E_Status(VAR status : statusrecord);
{ Use this function to get cursor current position and window status }

Procedure Request_E_Service(service : byte);
{ Use this function to get special services }

Procedure Get_E_Version(VAR major, minor : byte);
{ Retrieve E! version }

Procedure RegisterCommand(commandstr : commandline);
{ Execute a E! command after exit}

Function Seek_E_Line(line : word; curpos : byte):byte;
{ Call E! seek function and return error code }

Function Get_E_Memory(paragraphs, memID : word;
VAR blockptr : pointer;
VAR firsttime : boolean):boolean;
{ Request a block of memory from E! heap to store permanent information }

Function Free_E_Memory(memID : word):boolean;
{ Free a previously requested memory block }

Function Is_E_Idle:boolean;
{ Is E! idle ? }

Function Is_File_Modified:boolean;
{ Was the current file modified ? }


Function Call_E_Function(funcno : word):byte;
{ Call E! function #funcno and return error code }
{ Example : retcode:=Call_E_Function(Page_Top) }

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);

Function Request_E_Address(request_name : byte):pointer;
{ Returns a pointer to the requested variables block }

VAR regs : registers;

IF NOT request_name IN [1..7, 20..22] THEN Exit;
Intr(E_Vec, regs);
Request_E_Address:=Ptr(regs.ES, regs.BX);

Procedure Get_E_Status(VAR status : statusrecord);
{ Loads status members with appropriate values }

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);
WITH status DO
linenum :=regs.CX;
line :=regs.DX;
col :=regs.AH;
lower :=regs.BH;
nbwin :=regs.BL;

Procedure Request_E_Service(service:byte);

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);

Procedure Get_E_Version(VAR major, minor : byte);

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);

Procedure RegisterCommand(commandstr : commandline);

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);

Function Seek_E_Line(line : word; curpos : byte):byte;
{ Call E! seek function and return error code }

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);

Function Get_E_Memory(paragraphs, memID : word;
VAR blockptr : pointer;
VAR firsttime : boolean):boolean;

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);
IF regs.AL = 0 THEN blockptr:=Ptr(regs.ES, regs.BX);
firsttime:=regs.AH = 1;
Get_E_Memory:=regs.AL = 0;

Function Free_E_Memory(memID : word):boolean;

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);
Free_E_Memory:=regs.AL = 0;

function getflagstatus(flagid:byte):boolean;

VAR regs : registers;

Intr(E_Vec, regs);
getflagstatus:=regs.AL = 1;

Function Is_E_Idle:boolean;


Function Is_File_Modified:boolean;

VAR regs : registers;



  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : E!518.ZIP
Filename : API.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: