Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : COGTEX.ZIP
Filename : MYFILE.PLM

Output of file : MYFILE.PLM contained in archive : COGTEX.ZIP
hanoihanoiýÿýÿýÿ)þÿþÿphanoiwwn_openintroductionwn_clearlset_polecrstack_diskswriteget0_noechomoveafterfclosetoldÆ;ÿÿýÿýÿýÿ#L Towers of Hanoi ÿÿ

(ùÿùÿ-(öÿöÿ Instructions 2
-Hit any key to start
- (óÿóÿ4 Afterword .... 2
-(òÿòÿ-Hit any key to end 

 move"ÿÿ$$ &movearith_plustake_diskput_diskl¹ÿÿ!####2-ÿÿ
-(öÿöÿ Itake_diskget_colget_pole-iswn_locate<<wcaarith_plusset_poleœ
-,(öÿöÿ get_coll$ÿÿZ  get_colcÿÿ$ get_colrÿÿ!< get_colrclÿÿâÿÂÿ¢ÿget_polelcntr_get$)ÿÿi get_poleccntr_getÿÿ get_polercntr_getÿÿ! get_polerclÿÿÝÿ¸ÿ“ÿset_polelcntr_set$)ÿÿi set_poleccntr_setÿÿ set_polercntr_setÿÿ! set_polerclÿÿÝÿ¸ÿ“ÿ)introductionwriteget0_noechown_clearœ±ÿÿýÿýÿýÿ

Legend has it that, thousands of years ago, priests in Vietnam were
given a task to perform. They were told that when the task was complete
the world would end.

The task was simple. Three poles were set up with a stack of disks on
the left hand pole. No two disks were the same size and no larger
disk was on top of a smaller one....

Hit any key to continue ..

The priests had to move all the disks to the center pole given the
following constraints:

At no time could a larger disk be on a smaller one.
Only one disk could be moved at a time.

A disk could only be moved to another pole.
Only the topmost disk on a pole can be moved.

The priests had 50 disks to move but we will perform a similar task with
with seven disks .. hit any key

afterwrite™ÿÿýÿýÿýÿ.. Don't worry. Moving one disk each
minute, it will take the priests about
2,142,123,110 years to move all fifty disks 

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : COGTEX.ZIP
Filename : MYFILE.PLM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: