Dec 292017
A animation demo of the new Borland BGI graphics drivers (VGA).
File BGIANI.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
A animation demo of the new Borland BGI graphics drivers (VGA).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BOX.0 7310 324 deflated
BOX.1 7310 500 deflated
BOX.2 7310 536 deflated
BOX.3 7310 501 deflated
BOX.PAL 768 219 deflated
CHAIR.0 6990 372 deflated
CHAIR.1 6990 503 deflated
CHAIR.2 6990 592 deflated
CHAIR.3 6990 671 deflated
CHAIR.PAL 768 340 deflated
DEMO.BAT 681 292 deflated
README.DOC 3073 1167 deflated
TEXT.0 2166 203 deflated
TEXT.1 3966 346 deflated
TEXT.2 10926 806 deflated
TEXT.3 31398 1416 deflated
TEXT.PAL 768 523 deflated
TWKANIM.EXE 37600 21513 deflated
UPDATE.DOC 348 237 deflated

Download File BGIANI.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

TWK256.BGI -- A standard VGA BGI driver for Turbo C and Pascal
-- Now also supports: 320x400 with 2 pages!
-- Runs on all register standard VGA boards
-- Great for games, animation, etc...
-- Now supports monitors with narrow tolerance in bandwidth
** VGAEMS.EXE and VGACAPT.EXE can create additional
frames to animate. They can be found on Compuserve in
both BprogB and BprogA (lib 5 and lib 2) in a file
called: BGICAP.COM. In the PICS forum it's called:

Modes supported:
0 - 320x200 by 256 - with 4 pages of video ram
1 - 320x240 by 256 - with 3 pages of video ram
2 - 320x400 by 256 - with 2 pages of video ram
3 - 360x480 by 256 - with 1 page of video ram

4 - 320x400V - same as mode 2, but for monitors that won't sync

** NOTES **
-- PutImage: the following are supported: COPY_PUT, OR_PUT, XOR_PUT, AND_PUT
NOT_PUT does not do a NOT!
NOT_PUT has been changed to do a modified COPY_PUT. It will
copy all the bits in an image that are not 0 (zero). Bits that
are zero will not be written to the screen. This facilitates
displaying an image, say of a ball, and not having to worry
about the corners of the putimage box.
Typically you would have to use NOT_PUT to create a bit mask
of the bits not to effect on the screen. Let us know if you
like this method of circumventing extra calls to getimage and

---------------- Order form for other drivers available ------------
These drivers cost $15.00 per driver. Mark with: __X__ for choice.

(ATI VGA) (Video 7) (Paradise) (Tecmar) (Tseng Labs)
256 color BGI: ATI256.BGI VID256.BGI PAR256.BGI TEC256.BGI ORC256.BGI
Turbo C: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Turbo Pascal: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Turbo C: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Turbo Pascal: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

** new addition! $25.00 (supports multiple video pages for animation)
Tweaked 256: TWK256.BGI
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

** new addition! $35.00 (unless your upgrading, which is $25.00)
Merged 256 color driver: ISVGA256.BGI (contains all the above 256 color drivers)
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

Diskette form: 3 1/2" ____ 5 1/4" ____

Soon to come: HPPCL.BGI -- HP LaserJet PCL (printer command language)
HPGL.BGI -- HP Plotter

 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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