Dec 232017
Demonstration AWK programs. Helpful when learning AWK programming.
File AWKDEMO2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Demonstration AWK programs. Helpful when learning AWK programming.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
-READ.ME 1265 703 deflated
10CONVRT.AWK 1189 461 deflated
10CONVRT.DAT 21 18 deflated
COMMAS1.AWK 615 318 deflated
COMMAS1.DAT 76 59 deflated
DEC-INT.AWK 1160 596 deflated
DEC-INT.DAT 28 27 deflated
DEMO2.BAT 346 164 deflated
KALEID.AWK 1112 455 deflated
LIN-FIT.AWK 909 491 deflated
LIN-FIT.DAT 228 122 deflated
LINTERP.AWK 1450 656 deflated
LINTERP.DAT 188 115 deflated
LOGSUM.AWK 1004 562 deflated
MEAN&SIG.AWK 553 343 deflated
MEAN&SIG.DAT 41 29 deflated
MORTGAGE.AWK 1694 683 deflated
MORTGAGE.DAT 14 14 stored
NORMAL1.AWK 1366 614 deflated
NORMAL1.DAT 14 14 stored
PERMCOMB.AWK 621 314 deflated
PERMCOMB.DAT 89 49 deflated
QUADRATC.AWK 748 355 deflated
QUADRATC.DAT 28 19 deflated
USAGE.LOG 3081 552 deflated

Download File AWKDEMO2.ZIP Here

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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