Dec 292017
Flowchart ASM source codes, with demo. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
ASMFLOW.EXE | 48725 | 29152 | deflated |
DEMO.BAT | 349 | 237 | deflated |
FILE1.ASM | 6039 | 1273 | deflated |
MANUAL.DOC | 12919 | 4365 | deflated |
README | 383 | 253 | deflated |
Download File ASMFLO.ZIP Here
Contents of the README file
1. ASMFLOW is a commercial program to be released in June.
This is a free demo version, not for commercial use.
2. The DEMO version has a number of internal tables and
parameters that have been reduced in size.
Mike Schmit 76347,3661
Quantum Software
19855 Stevens Creek Blvd, suite 154
Cupertino, CA 95014
Contents of the MANUAL.DOC file
1. ASMFLOW is a commercial program to be released in June.
This is a free demo version, not for commercial use.
2. The DEMO version has a number of internal tables and
parameters that have been reduced in size.
Mike Schmit 76347,3661
Quantum Software
19855 Stevens Creek Blvd, suite 154
Cupertino, CA 95014
An Assembly Language Programmer's Tool
for the IBM PC and compatibles
Fully working Demo Version
with condensed manual
(C)Copyright Quantum Software 1988
Quantum Software
19855 Stevens Creek Blvd, suite 154
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 244-6826
ASMFLOW is a program for IBM PC (or compatible) assembly
language programmers. The program is intended for novice to
expert programmers. ASMFLOW generates flow charts, tree
diagrams and provides a variety of other functions. All
features are implemented by performing static source code
analysis. In other words, only the source code is examined
without actually running the target software.
The major program features are:
- Flow charts
- Tree Diagrams
- Approximate Machine Cycle Information
- Stack Size determination
- Recursion detection
- CPU Register analysis
- Procedural Cross-reference
- Listings of Externals, non-Publics,
Externals not used
- Instruction Histograms
ASMFLOW.EXE runs by itself and needs no support files.
All other files are for information only.
Hard disk systems
Copy ASMFLOW.EXE to the directory where you do assembly
language work, or to a directory that is in your path.
Floppy disk systems
Copy ASMFLOW.EXE to a disk with your assembler on it or
on to its own disk. If you use menu operation, then you
can swap disks after the program starts.
ASMFLOW can be run in two modes:
1) menu operation (Chapter 2)
2) command line operation (Chapter 3)
To start in menu mode:
To start in command line mode:
ASMFLOW source
where: source is the name of your assembly
language source file
Menu operation is automatically assumed if no filename
is entered on the command line. You may optionally type
any number of command line qualifiers or switches from
the command line or a batch file.
All setup features can be seen on the one setup menu.
Once in the menu, operation is very simple. Move the
highlight bar to any field, then edit it. There are
three types of fields:
1) file names
2) numbers
3) multiple choice
The bottom of the screen prompts you for the correct
method for editing each type of field.
Help while in the menu
Press F1 at any time while in the setup menu to get
context sensitive help. Press F2 to get a general
help screen.
Saving your setups
After you have selected all the program options for a
particular run you can save these setups in a file. To
do this press F3. You will be prompted for the name of
a batch file. If no file type is given, then .BAT is
used. Once you have created the batch file, it can be
used just the same as the ASMFLOW program. If you type
in the name of the batch file with no file name
parameter then the menu mode is started, with all your
setups preset. If you enter a file name parameter then
the program is run directly from the batch file with all
your setups.
Summary of the Setup Menu Options
Input type
ASM The file is a source file
List The file contains a list of .ASM files
Make The file is a Make File
Input File
This is the name of the input file.
Output type
Screen Output to the screen
File Output to a file (named below)
Output File
This is the name of the output file, if FILE
is selected above.
Flow Charts
Off No flow chart
Single Single-spaced compact flow chart
Double Double-spaced flow chart
Charts Conventional flow chart diagram
No Comments not printed
Yes Print comments in flow charts
Tree Diagram
Off No tree diagram
Single Single-spaced tree diagram
Double Double-spaced tree diagram
Box Procedures Boxed in tree diagram
No No duplicates trees
Yes Print all duplicate trees
No Macros ignored in trees
Yes Treat macro calls like procedure calls
No Do not calculate stack depth
Yes Calculate stack depth
integer Max tree depth to display. For Boxed
trees this is the level where the tree
reverts to a single spaced tree.
(Legal values: 2 - 16)
Graphics Char set
integer Graphical character set. See help
for examples.
Printer type
integer Zero is the default value. Other values
are reserved for printers requiring special
configurations. Laser printers and Epson
printers require no special configuration.
Page length
integer Number of lines on a printed page.
Use 0 for continuous non-paged output.
Page Width
integer Width of a printed page. Use 80
for the screen. Must be 80 - 132.
Off No cross-reference listings.
Procedure List of all procedures that call a
given procedure.
Labels List of labels defined in a procedure
Both Both procedures and labels
No No Listings.
Yes List of all Externals, externals not
used, all publics and all items that
are not public by type.
Off no register information
I/O register inputs/outputs to each procedure
All complete register summary for each procedure
Off no instruction histogram
Brief histogram based on 16 categories of
All histogram based on 35 categories of
instructions and directives
Clock cycles
Off no clock cycle information
8088 calculate cycles for 8088/8087
80286 calculate cycles for 80286/287
80386 calculate cycles for 80386/387
All calculate cycles for all 3 processor sets
No no warnings
Yes display programming style warnings
Command line operation is provided for several reasons.
First, it can be run unattended from batch files.
Second, it is the fastest method of operation. Finally,
the program can be run as a child process with the
output redirected, then read by the parent process.
Menu operation is suggested for learning the features of
the program and creating batch files by saving your
Although command line operation is somewhat confusing
and may be difficult to learn, the following tips will
help you understand how to use command line operation:
o All switches must be preceeded by a forward slash (/)
and may appear anywhere on the command line
o Except as noted below, all switches consist of a
single letter (case ignored) optionally followed by
one or more digits
o If a switch is not followed by a digit then the value
of one is assumed
o In general, a zero value causes less processing and no
printing and higher numeric values causes more printing
o A switch that consists of only a digit, sets all
switches to that value (i.e. /0 sets all to zero)
o If a switch is set to a value less than its minimum or
greater than its maximum then it is set to the
boundary value
o Most switches have a mneumonic meaning, shown on the
next page
Command Line summary
Command Syntax:
ASMFLOW [[@|$]
December 29, 2017
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