Dec 092017
Cross reference utility for ADA, includes full ADA source code.
File ADAXREF.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Cross reference utility for ADA, includes full ADA source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CHRSTRM.LIB 1608 681 deflated
CHRSTRM.PKG 3404 1130 deflated
CMDLINE.LIB 4014 1276 deflated
CMDLINE.PKG 6121 1574 deflated
XREF.ADA 19393 5324 deflated
XREF.DOC 2567 906 deflated
XREFINFO.DOC 1065 547 deflated

Download File ADAXREF.ZIP Here

Contents of the XREF.DOC file

How to Use XREF

XREF requires three pieces of information to do its job of cross-
referencing your progams. It needs to know the name of the source
file it should read, the name to give its output file, and whether or
not it should include Ada reserved words in the cross-reference. You
may supply this information by 1) including it in the DOS command that
runs XREF, 2) answering prompts after XREF starts up, or 3) a mixture
of the two methods.

The DOS command for running XREF can take any of the following forms:


XREF file-spec [C2]

XREF reserved-word-option [C3]

XREF file-spec reserved-word-option [C4]

where file-spec is the name, possibly including path information, of a
source file, and where reserved-word-option is one of

/R or /rInclude Ada reserved words in cross-reference

/X or /xDo not include Ada reserved words

Here are some examples.

Example 1


This is the simplest form an XREF command can take. When you use this
form, you will be prompted for the name of an input file, the name of
an output file and whether or not to include reserved words. The
prompts will look like this:

Source file (input): [P1]

Cross reference file (output): [P2]

Include reserved words (y/n): [P3]

Example 2


This is an example of command form [C2]. When you use this form, only
the [P3] prompt appears. The output is automatically assigned to file
the CMDLINE.XRF. If a file of that name already exists, it will be
lost. If you want to control the naming of the output file, you can
not use this form or form [C4]; you must use one of the forms [C1] or

Example 3


This is an example of command form [C3]. When you use this form, the
[P1] and [P2] prompts appear. Because of the explicit /R option,
reserved words are automatically included in the cross-reference

Example 4


This is an example of command form [C4]. When you use this form, no
prompts appear. XREF goes to work immediately. The output is auto-
matically assigned to file CMDLINE.XRF. Because of the explicit /X
option, no reserved words appear in the cross-reference output.

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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