Dec 082017
A simple batch file menuing system written in Janus Ada. Includes full source code.
File ADAMENU2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
A simple batch file menuing system written in Janus Ada. Includes full source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADALIB.PKG 7296 2173 deflated
ADALIB.SPC 1408 557 deflated
ADAMENU.MDF 896 384 deflated
AM2.PKG 16128 4259 deflated
AUTO.BAT 384 230 deflated
MSDOS.PKG 7040 2188 deflated
MSDOS.SPC 1920 731 deflated
READ.ME 2048 874 deflated
STRINGS.PKG 3840 1008 deflated
STRINGS.SPC 1408 470 deflated
VIDEO.PKG 9216 2072 deflated
VIDEO.SPC 1664 620 deflated

Download File ADAMENU2.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Febuary 16, 1988

This is a drastically revised version of the menu program that I
uploaded in January.

The program must always be invoked from the batch file, AUTO.BAT.
This allows the menu to restart after an application has

To start the menu, the following files need to be in the default
directory :


The menu selections are read from a file named ADAMENU.MDF. This
file can be viewed and modified in a text editor. The example
definition file found in his archive should be in the default
directory when you run the program.

The entries in the definition file are marked with a symbol in
the first column :

%This is the menu title at the top of the screen
*This is the selection title
?This is the help message at the bottom of the screen
+cd c:\ --\
+dir | These are the batch lines to execute
+cd \adamenu |
+auto __/

The password feature, which is a line starting with '^', does not
currently work.

Compiling the program :

The program and all of the supporting packages were compiled under
the Janus/Ada C-Pak version 2.0.1. The main program is in the
source file, AM2.MDF.

The packages bodies of Video and Msdos need to be compiled using
the compatability option because of the ASM statments.

The link to .exe linker option will also be needed. You will
also need to use the trim unused code option at least on the main
program. The code segment size seems to be coming close to the
memory model 0 limit. Nevertheless, the code in this archive
will most definetely compile under 2.0.1

Let me know if you have any ideas for improvment.

Bob Monroe

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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