Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : WDAUG92.ZIP
Filename : 3N08049A

Output of file : 3N08049A contained in archive : WDAUG92.ZIP
/* texttsr.c */
/* -- This TSR is used to enter and leave 80x25 text */
/* mode. */
/* -- Windows video state is saved on entry to text */
/* mode and restored on exit. */

/* Header files. */
#include "texttsr.h"

/* Constants. */
#define cbBlock 0x0040
#define cblkMax 0x0010
#define cbState (cbBlock * cblkMax)
#define pbNull ((unsigned char *)0)

/* Globals. */
/* Imports. */
extern unsigned end;

/* Internal. */
void (interrupt far * pfnOld)(); /* Next in chain. */

/* Video state buffer. */
unsigned char rgbState[cbState];

/* Previous video mode. */
unsigned char bModeSav;

/* Number of 64 byte blocks required to save state. */
unsigned int cblk;

/* Routines. */

void interrupt far
IntHandler(int es, int ds, int di, int si, int bp,
int sp, int bx, int dx, int cx, int ax, int ip,
int cs, int flags)
/* -- Multiplex interrupt handler. */
switch (ax)

case cmdIsLoaded:
ax = 0x00ff;

case cmdEnterText:
unsigned char * pb;

pb = rgbState;
/* Fill hardware state buffer. */
push ds
pop es
mov bx, pb
mov cx, 0x0007
mov ax, 0x1c01
int 0x10

/* Remember current video mode. */
mov ah, 0x0f
int 0x10
mov bModeSav, al

/* Set 80x25 text mode. */
mov ax, 0x0007
int 0x10

case cmdExitText:
unsigned char * pb = rgbState;

/* Restore previous video mode. */
mov ah, 0x00
mov al, bModeSav
int 0x10

/* Restore previous VGA state. */
mov cx, 0x0007
push ds
pop es
mov bx, pb
mov ax, 0x1c02
int 0x10

/* -- Entry point. */
unsigned far * lpuwUpper;
unsigned int cpgf, cpgfMax, cbStack;
unsigned char bVal;

/* Check to see if we have been loaded already. */
mov ax, cmdIsLoaded;
int 0x2f
mov bVal, al
if (bVal == 0xff)
return 0;

/* Make sure adaptor supports save/restore */
/* state. Use the get buffer size, returns 0x1c */
/* in AL for success. */
mov ax, 0x1c00
mov cx, 0x0007
int 0x10
mov cblk, bx
mov bVal, al

if (bVal != 0x1c || cblk > cblkMax)
return -1;

/* Install TSR. */
lpuwUpper = &end;
cbStack = ((stackavail() + 2048) / 2048) * 2048;
cpgf = (FP_SEG(lpuwUpper) - _psp) +
(FP_OFF(lpuwUpper) + cbStack) / 16 + 1;
pfnOld = _dos_getvect(0x2f);
_dos_setvect(0x2f, IntHandler);
_dos_setblock(cpgf, _psp, &cpgfMax);
_dos_keep(0, cpgf);
return -1;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : WDAUG92.ZIP
Filename : 3N08049A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: