Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL7N21.ZIP
Filename : WRITE123.BAS

Output of file : WRITE123.BAS contained in archive : VOL7N21.ZIP
'********** WRITE123.BAS
'Copyright (c) 1988, Ziff Communications Co.
'PC Magazine * Ethan Winer * Martin Valley
'Writes data to a file readable by Lotus 123

DECLARE SUB WriteColWidth (Column, ColWidth)
DECLARE SUB WriteNumber (Row, Column, ColWidth, Fmt$, Number#)
DECLARE SUB WriteInteger (Row, Column, ColWidth, Integ)
DECLARE SUB WriteLabel (Row, Column, ColWidth, Msg$)

DIM SHARED ColNum(40) 'the maximum number of columns to be written
DIM SHARED FileNum 'the file number to use

FileNum = FREEFILE 'get the next available file number

Temp = 0 'OpCode for Start of File
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 2 'the data length is 2 (for the following integer)
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 1028 'the Lotus version number
PUT FileNum, , Temp 'Note: Lotus version 1 = 1028; version 2 = 1030

Row = 0 'row numbers in Lotus begin with 0
WriteLabel Row, 0, 16, "This is a Label" 'a label
WriteLabel Row, 1, 12, "So's This" 'another label
WriteInteger Row, 2, 7, 12345 'an integer
WriteNumber Row, 3, 9, "C2", 57.23# 'a number: $57.23
WriteNumber Row, 4, 9, "F5", 12.3456789# 'another number
WriteInteger Row, 6, 9, 99 'it's okay to skip a column
Row = Row + 1 'go on to the next row

'Write the "End of File" record and close the file
Temp = 1 'OpCode for End of File
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 0 'its Data length is zero
PUT FileNum, , Temp


SUB WriteColWidth (Column, ColWidth)

IF ColNum(Column) = 0 THEN 'if width record not already written
IF ColWidth = 0 THEN ColWidth = 9 'default to 9 if no value
Temp = 8
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 3
PUT FileNum, , Temp
PUT FileNum, , Column
Temp$ = CHR$(ColWidth)
PUT FileNum, , Temp$
ColNum(Column) = 1 'show we did this one for later


SUB WriteInteger (Row, Column, ColWidth, Integ)

Temp = 13 'OpCode for an integer
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 7 'Length + 5 byte header
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp$ = CHR$(127) 'the format portion of the header
PUT FileNum, , Temp$ '(use CHR$(255) for a protected field)
PUT FileNum, , Column
PUT FileNum, , Row
PUT FileNum, , Intg

CALL WriteColWidth(Column, ColWidth)


SUB WriteLabel (Row, Column, ColWidth, Msg$)

IF LEN(Msg$) > 240 THEN Msg$ = LEFT$(Msg$, 240)

Temp = 15 'OpCode for a label
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = LEN(Msg$) + 7 'Length + 5-byte header + "'" + CHR$(0) byte
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp$ = CHR$(127) '127 is default format for unprotected cell
PUT FileNum, , Temp$
PUT FileNum, , Column
PUT FileNum, , Row
Temp$ = "'" + Msg$ + CHR$(0) 'NOTE: "'" means label will be left aligned

PUT FileNum, , Temp$
CALL WriteColWidth(Column, ColWidth)


SUB WriteNumber (Row, Column, ColWidth, Fmt$, Number#)

IF LEFT$(Fmt$, 1) = "F" THEN 'fixed ...
Format$ = CHR$(0 + VAL(RIGHT$(Fmt$, 1))) 'number of decimal places
ELSEIF LEFT$(Fmt$, 1) = "C" THEN 'currency ...
Format$ = CHR$(32 + VAL(RIGHT$(Fmt$, 1))) 'number of decimal places
ELSEIF LEFT$(Fmt$, 1) = "P" THEN 'percent ...
Format$ = CHR$(48 + VAL(RIGHT$(Fmt$, 1))) 'number of decimal places
Format$ = CHR$(127) 'use default format
'Format$ = CHR$(255) 'optional to protect cell

Temp = 14
PUT FileNum, , Temp
Temp = 13
PUT FileNum, , Temp
PUT FileNum, , Format$
PUT FileNum, , Column
PUT FileNum, , Row
PUT FileNum, , Number#

CALL WriteColWidth(Column, ColWidth)


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL7N21.ZIP
Filename : WRITE123.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: