Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL7N12.ZIP
Filename : FSB.ASM

Output of file : FSB.ASM contained in archive : VOL7N12.ZIP
; FSB.ASM -- "File Search and Browse" for OS/2
; (c) 1988, Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Charles Petzold, 3/88
; Macro to call OS/2 functions without declaring them first
OS2Call MACRO fnctname

IFNDEF fnctname
EXTRN fnctname:FAR
Call Far Ptr fnctname

; Structures used in OS/2 functions
FileFindBufStr STRUC
create_date dw ?
create_time dw ?
access_date dw ?
access_time dw ?
write_date dw ?
write_time dw ?
file_size dd ?
falloc_size dd ?
attributes dw ?
string_len db ?
file_name db 13 dup (?)
FileFindBufStr ENDS

KeyDataStruc STRUC
char_code db ?
scan_code db ?
status db ?
nls_shift db ?
shift_state dw ?
time dd ?
KeyDataStruc ENDS

ModeDataStruc STRUC
md_length dw ?
md_type db ?
color db ?
col dw ?
row dw ?
hres dw ?
vres dw ?
ModeDataStruc ENDS
; Define all segments and DGROUP
dw 1024 dup (?)
; Initialized Data Segment

SyntaxMsg db 13, 10, "Syntax: FSB filespec"
db 13, 10
db 13, 10, "File Search and Browse "
db "(c) 1988, Ziff Communications Co."
db 13, 10, "PC Magazine ", 254," Charles Petzold, 3/88"
CRLF db 13, 10, 0

DriveError db "FSB: Invalid disk drive", 0
StartDirError db "FSB: Invalid directory", 0
FileFindError db "FSB: Invalid file spec", 0
PipeError db "FSB: Cannot not create pipe", 0
ThreadError db "FSB: Cannot not create second thread", 0
FileOpenError db 9, "FSB: Cannot open file for reading", 13, 10, 0
VideoModeError db 9, "FSB: Unsupported video mode", 13, 10, 0
RootDir db "\", 0
Delimiters db 9, ' ,;=', 0
DoBrowse db 1

; Uninitialized Data Segment

FileSpec dw ?, ?
LastBackSlash dw ?
PipeReadHandle dw ?
PipeWriteHandle dw ?
ThreadID dw ?
ThreadStack dw 1024 dup (?)
FullFileName db 80 dup (?)
BytesRead dw ?
BytesWritten dw ?

; Code Segment
; Parse command line to get file specification
Entry: Push DS ; Data segment selector
Pop ES ; Transfer it to ES
Mov DS, AX ; DS = Environment selector
Mov SI, BX ; SI = Start of command line

SkipProgName: Lodsb ; Pull a command line byte
Or AL, AL ; Check if it's zero
Jnz SkipProgName ; If not, continue

SkipDelim: Lodsb ; Get command line byte
Or AL, AL ; See if it's zero
Jnz CheckDelim ; If not, check for delimiter
Jmp DoSyntaxMsg ; If so, display message

CheckDelim: Mov CX, 5 ; Five delimiters
Mov DI, Offset Delimiters ; pointer to them
Repne Scasb ; scan for delimiter
Jz SkipDelim ; if delimiter, loop around

Cmp Byte Ptr [SI], ':' ; Check if a drive present
Jnz NoDiskDrive ; If not, skip section

And AL, 0DFh ; Capitalize it
Sub AL, '@' ; Change from A to 1, etc
Sub AH, AH ; Zero out top byte

Push AX ; Change to that drive
OS2Call DosSelectDisk ; by calling OS/2

Mov DX, Offset DriveError
Or AX, AX ; If AX not zero,
Jnz ErrorExit ; display message and exit

Add SI, 2 ; Skip past drive
NoDiskDrive: Dec SI ; First character of rest
Mov ES:[FileSpec], SI ; Save the address
Mov ES:[FileSpec + 2], DS
FindEnd: Lodsb ; Get a byte
Cmp AL, '\' ; Check if it's a backslash
Jnz NotBackSlash ; If not, continue

Mov ES:[LastBackSlash], SI ; If so, save the address
NotBackSlash: Mov CX, 6 ; now six delimiters
Mov DI, Offset Delimiters ; pointer to delimiters
Repne Scasb ; scan them
Jnz FindEnd ; if not delimiter, loop around

Mov Byte Ptr [SI-1], 0 ; terminate with zero
DoChangeDir: Mov SI, ES:[LastBackSlash] ; Address of last back slash
Or SI, SI ; See if any at all
Jz NoChangeDir ; If none, skip this section

Dec SI ; Points to last backslash now
Cmp SI, ES:[FileSpec] ; Check if at beginning
Jnz ChangeToDir ; If not, use directory

Inc Word Ptr ES:[FileSpec] ; Skip past initial backslash
Push DGROUP ; Segment of new dir
Push Offset RootDir ; Offset of new dir
Jmp Short CallChangeDir ; Change to root directory

ChangeToDir: Mov Byte Ptr [SI], 0 ; Terinate dir name with zero
Push Word Ptr ES:[FileSpec + 2] ; This is segment
Push Word Ptr ES:[FileSpec] ; This is offset
Inc SI ; Save address of filename
Mov ES:[FileSpec], SI ; in FileSpec

CallChangeDir: Push 0 ; Reserved bytes
Push 0
OS2Call DosChdir ; Change directory

Mov DX, Offset StartDirError
Or AX, AX ; If non-zero return code,
Jnz ErrorExit ; display message and leave

NoChangeDir: Push ES ; Set DS to data segment
Pop DS

Call MainRoutine ; Go!

Push 1 ; All threads to terminate
Push 0 ; Return code
OS2Call DosExit ; End the program
; Error Exit: DX is pointer to string
DoSyntaxMsg: Mov DX, Offset SyntaxMsg
ErrorExit: Mov AX, DGROUP ; Set DS to data segment
Mov DS, AX
Mov BX, 2 ; Standard Error handle
Call StringLen ; Get length of DX string
Mov CX, AX ; Move it to CX
Call MyDosWrite ; Display error message

Push 1 ; All threads to terminate
Push 1 ; Error return code
OS2Call DosExit ; End the program
; Main Routine, create pipe, start second thread, and do browses
MainRoutine: Push DS ; Address for read handle
Push Offset PipeReadHandle
Push DS ; Address for write handle
Push Offset PipeWriteHandle
Push 16384 ; Size of pipe
OS2Call DosMakePipe ; Create it

Mov DX, Offset PipeError
Or AX, AX ; If non-zero return code,
Jnz ErrorExit ; depart from program

Push CS ; Address of second thread
Push Offset SecondThread
Push DS ; Address for thread ID
Push Offset ThreadID
Push DS ; Top of thread stack
Push Offset ThreadStack + 2048
OS2Call DosCreateThread ; Create the thread

Mov DX, Offset ThreadError
Or AX, AX ; Again, if error code,
Jnz ErrorExit ; get out of this place

StartPipeRead: Mov CX, 80 ; Read 80 chars from pipe
Mov DX, Offset FullFileName ; Store it here
ReadPipe: Mov BX, [PipeReadHandle] ; Pipe handle
Call MyDosRead ; Read it

Cmp [BytesRead], 0 ; Check if read no bytes
Jz NothingLeft ; If so, pipe is empty

Add DX, [BytesRead] ; Increment destination ptr
Sub CX, [BytesRead] ; Decrement counter
Jnz ReadPipe ; If not 80 bytes, read again

Mov DX, Offset FileFindError
Cmp [FullFileName], 0 ; See if file name present
Jz ErrorExit ; If not, thread had problem

NoErrFromThread:Mov BX, 1 ; Standard output handle
Mov DX, Offset FullFileName ; Full file name
Call StringLen ; Get its length
Mov CX, AX ; Store in CX
Call MyDosWrite ; Write to standard output

Mov CX, 2 ; Two bytes
Mov DX, Offset CRLF ; for carriage ret/line feed
Call MyDosWrite ; Write that out also

Cmp [DoBrowse], 1 ; See if still doing browse
Jnz StartPipeRead ; If not, skip the call

Call Browse ; Browse the file

Or AX, AX ; If zero returned, continue
Jz StartPipeRead
Cmp AX, -1 ; If -1, Esc pressed -->
Jz NothingLeft ; terminate gracefully

Cmp AX, Offset VideoModeError
Jnz ShowBrowseErr ; If video mode error,
Mov [DoBrowse], 0 ; don't try browse again
ShowBrowseErr: Mov BX, 2 ; Standard error output
Mov DX, AX ; Address of error message
Call StringLen ; Find length
Mov CX, AX ; and save in CX
Call MyDosWrite ; Dispay the string

Jmp StartPipeRead ; And get another file name
NothingLeft: Ret ; Return when all done
; DosRead and DosWrite routines (BX is handle, DX is buffer, CX is length)
MyDosRead: Push BX ; Input handle
Push DS ; Segment of buffer
Push DX ; Offset of buffer
Push CX ; Number of bytes to write
Push DS ; Segment for bytes read
Push Offset BytesRead ; Offset for bytes read
OS2Call DosRead ; Read

MyDosWrite: Push BX ; Output handle
Push DS ; Segment of buffer
Push DX ; Offset of buffer
Push CX ; Number of bytes to write
Push DS ; Segment for bytes written
Push Offset BytesWritten ; Offset for bytes written
OS2Call DosWrite ; Write
; StringLen routine (DS:DX points to string, AX is returned)
StringLen: Push ES ; Save some registers
Push DI
Push CX

Push DS
Pop ES ; Set ES to DS
Mov DI, DX ; Set DI to address of string
Mov CX, -1 ; Initialize CX to big number
Sub AL, AL ; Search for zero
Repnz Scasb ; Do the scan
Not CX ; Invert CX
Dec CX ; Take away one
Mov AX, CX ; That's the length

Pop CX ; Restore saved registers
Pop DI
Pop ES

; SECOND THREAD section to search for files and write to pipe

BackDir db "..", 0
StarDotStar db "*.*", 0



FileFindBuf FileFindBufStr <>
FileFindBufLen equ $ - FileFindBuf
FullPathName Label Byte
CurrentDisk db ?, ?, ?
CurrentDir db 64 dup (?)
CurrDirLen dw ?
Zeroes db 80 dup (?)
DriveMap dd ?

; Second Thread -- Calls FindThem, closes pipe, and exits

SecondThread: Push DS ; Variable to receive
Push Offset CurrentDisk ; current drive
Push DS ; Variable to receive
Push Offset DriveMap ; drive map
OS2Call DosQCurDisk

Add [CurrentDisk], '@' ; Convert to letter
Mov [CurrentDisk + 1], ':' ; Follow by colon
Mov [CurrentDisk + 2], '\' ; and backslash

Call FindThem ; Do the finds

TerminateThread:Push [PipeWriteHandle] ; Close the pipe for writing
OS2Call DosClose

Push 0 ; Terminate this thread only
Push 0 ; Result code (ignored)
OS2Call DosExit

SearchError: Mov BX, [PipeWriteHandle] ; If error,
Mov DX, Offset Zeroes ; write zeroes to
Mov CX, 80 ; pipe
Call MyDosWrite

Jmp TerminateThread ; and terminate
; Find Them -- Recursive routine to find files fitting file spec
FindThem: Enter 4, 0 ; Dir Handle is [BP - 2]
; Search Count is [BP - 4]
; Get current directory for printing
Mov [CurrDirLen], 64 ; Len for current dir
Push 0 ; Current disk drive
Push DS
Push Offset CurrentDir ; Space for current dir
Push DS
Push Offset CurrDirLen
OS2Call DosQCurDir ; Get current dir

Mov DX, Offset FullPathName ; Find length of it
Call StringLen
Cmp AX, 3 ; See if root
Jz NoMoreSlashes ; If so, skip next part

Mov SI, DX ; Add a slash
Add SI, AX ; at end of directory
Mov Byte Ptr [SI], '\'
Mov Byte Ptr [SI + 1], 0
Inc AX
NoMoreSlashes: Mov [CurrDirLen], AX ; Save total length
; Search for the files
Mov Word Ptr [BP - 2], -1 ; Initial directory Handle
Mov Word Ptr [BP - 4], 1 ; Search for one file

Push [FileSpec + 2] ; segment of find file name
Push [FileSpec] ; offset of find file name
Push SS ; segment of directory handle
Lea AX, [BP - 2] ; offset of directory handle
Push AX
Push 07h ; attribute
Push DS ; segment of buffer
Push Offset FileFindBuf ; offset of buffer
Push FileFindBufLen ; length of buffer
Push DS ; segment of search count
Lea AX, [BP - 4] ; offset of search count
Push AX
Push 0 ; Reserved
Push 0
OS2Call DosFindFirst ; Find first file

FindResult1: Or AX, AX ; See if error
Jz NoFindError1 ; If not skip next
Cmp AX, 18 ; See if no more files
Jz FindAllDone1 ; If so, done with search
Jmp SearchError ; Process error

NoFindError1: Cmp Word Ptr [BP - 4], 0 ; See if zero files found
Jz FindAllDone1 ; If so, done with search

Mov BX, [PipeWriteHandle] ; Write drive and
Mov DX, Offset FullPathName ; directory path
Mov CX, [CurrDirLen] ; to pipe
Mov SI, CX
Call MyDosWrite

Mov DX, Offset FileFindBuf.file_name
Mov CL, [FileFindBuf.string_len] ; Write file name
Sub CH, CH ; to pipe
Add SI, CX
Call MyDosWrite

Mov DX, Offset Zeroes ; Pad with zeroes
Mov CX, 80 ; written to pipe
Sub CX, SI
Call MyDosWrite

Push [BP - 2] ; Directory Handle
Push DS ; segment of buffer
Push Offset FileFindBuf ; offset of buffer
Push FileFindBufLen ; length of buffer
Push DS ; segment of count
Lea AX, [BP - 4] ; offset of count
Push AX
OS2Call DosFindNext ; Find next file

Jmp FindResult1 ; Loop around

FindAllDone1: Push [BP - 2] ; directory handle
OS2Call DosFindClose ; close it
; Now search for subdirectories
Mov Word Ptr [BP - 2], -1 ; Initial directory handle
Mov Word Ptr [BP - 4], 1 ; Search for one directory

Push DS ; segment of spec
Push Offset StarDotStar ; offset of spec
Push SS ; segment of handle
Lea AX, [BP - 2] ; offset of handle
Push AX
Push 10h ; attribute (dirs only)
Push DS ; segment of buffer
Push Offset FileFindBuf ; offset of buffer
Push FileFindBufLen ; length of buffer
Push DS ; segment of count
Lea AX, [BP - 4] ; offset of count
Push AX
Push 0 ; reserved
Push 0
OS2Call DosFindFirst ; Find first dir

FindResult2: Or AX, AX ; Check if error
Jz NoFindError2
Cmp AX, 18 ; Check if all finished
Jz FindAllDone2
Jmp SearchError

NoFindError2: Cmp Word Ptr [BP - 4], 0 ; Check if no dirs found
Jz FindAllDone2
Test [FileFindBuf.attributes], 10h ; See if directory
Jz FindTheNext
Cmp [FileFindBuf.file_name], '.' ; Exclude '.' and '..'
Jz FindTheNext

Push DS ; Change the directory
Push Offset FileFindBuf.file_name
Push 0
Push 0
OS2Call DosChdir

Call FindThem ; Recursive call

Push DS ; Change to '..' directory
Push Offset BackDir
Push 0
Push 0
OS2Call DosChdir

FindTheNext: Push [BP - 2] ; search handle
Push DS ; segment of buffer
Push Offset FileFindBuf ; offset of buffer
Push FileFindBufLen ; length of buffer
Push DS ; segment of count
Lea AX, [BP - 4] ; offset of count
Push AX
OS2Call DosFindNext ; Find next directory

Jmp FindResult2

FindAllDone2: Push [BP - 2] ; directory handle
OS2Call DosFindClose ; close it

; BROWSE section to display files after names are read from pipe

db 'ATTR1='
Attribute1 db 1Eh ; Attribute for file text
db 'ATTR2='
Attribute2 db 4Fh ; Attribute for file name
db 'SHIFT='
ShiftHoriz db 8 ; Horizontal shift screen default
FileOffset dw -1, -1
Dispatch dw Home, Up, PgUp, Dummy, Left
dw Dummy, Right, Dummy, EndKey, Down, PgDn



ModeData ModeDataStruc <>
KeyData KeyDataStruc <>
Buffer db 16384 dup (?)
BufferMid db 16384 dup (?)
BufferEnd Label Byte
ScreenSize dw ?
ScreenStart dw ?
EndOfFile dw ?
HorizOffset dw ?
RightMargin dw ?
ScreenAddr Label DWord
ScreenOff dw ?
ScreenSeg dw ?
FileHandle dw ?
OpenAction dw ?
NewPointer dd ?
ScreenSaveSel dw ?

; Open the File for reading

Browse: Mov [FileOffset], -1 ; Initialize these pointers
Mov [FileOffset + 2], -1

Push DS ; segment of name
Push Offset FullFileName ; offset of name
Push DS ; segment for handle
Push Offset FileHandle ; offset for handle
Push DS ; segment for 'action'
Push Offset OpenAction ; offset for 'acton'
Sub AX, AX
Push AX ; high size (ignored)
Push AX ; low size (ignored)
Push AX ; attribute (ignored)
Push 1 ; open if file exists
Push 0A0h ; read only / deny write
Push AX ; reserved
Push AX ; reserved

OS2Call DosOpen ; Open File

Or AX, AX ; Check if error
Jz GotTheFile ; If not, continue

Mov AX, Offset FileOpenError
; Get Screen Mode Information
Mov [ModeData.md_length], 12 ; length of structure

Push DS ; segment of structure
Push Offset ModeData ; offset of structure
Push 0 ; reserved
OS2Call VioGetMode ; get video mode

Or AX, AX ; See if error (only if
Jz NotDetached ; program is detached)
VideoError: Mov AX, Offset VideoModeError

NotDetached: Test [ModeData.md_type], 2 ; See if graphics mode
Jnz VideoError ; If so, do not continue
Mov AX, [ModeData.col] ; character columns
Mul [ModeData.row] ; character rows
Jc VideoError ; Leave if exceeds 64K
Add AX, AX ; Ditto here
Jc VideoError
Mov [ScreenSize], AX ; Save screen size in bytes

Push DS ; Segment for address
Push Offset ScreenAddr ; Offset for address
Push DS ; Segment for size
Push Offset ScreenSize ; Offset for size
Push 0 ; Reserved
OS2Call VioGetBuf ; Get logical video buffer

Or AX, AX ; Leave if an error
Jnz VideoError
; Allocate memory and save screen in it
Push [ScreenSize] ; Size of segment
Push DS ; Segment for selector
Push Offset ScreenSaveSel ; Offset for selector
Push 0 ; No sharing
OS2Call DosAllocSeg ; Allocate segment

Or AX, AX ; If error, leave
Jnz VideoError

Push [ScreenSaveSel] ; Segment for destination
Sub AX, AX
Push AX ; Offset for destination
Push DS ; Segment of screen size
Push Offset ScreenSize ; Offset of screen size
Push AX ; Starting row
Push AX ; Starting column
Push AX ; Reserved
OS2Call VioReadCellStr ; Save the screen

Call SetExitList ; Will restore on exit
; Get keyboard key and decide on action
Call Home ; Read file in
Mov [ScreenStart],SI ; Set buffer address
KeyLoop: Push ThreadID ; Don't let the search
OS2Call DosSuspendThread ; slow down the update

Call UpDateScreen ; Update the screen

Push ThreadID
OS2Call DosResumeThread ; Let the search resume

GetKey: Push DS ; Segment of structure
Push Offset KeyData ; Offset of structure
Push 0 ; Wait for key
Push 0 ; Reserved
OS2Call KbdCharIn ; Read key

Mov AL, [KeyData.char_code] ; Get character code
Cmp AL, ' ' ; A space means do next
Je SpaceLeave ; file
Cmp AL,27 ; Check if ESC
Je EscLeave ; If so, terminate
Cmp AL, 0E0h ; E0 for enhanced keyboard
Jz ScanCode ; extended keys
Or AL, AL ; Check if extended
Jnz GetKey ; If not, try again
ScanCode: Mov AL, [KeyData.scan_code] ; Get scan code
Sub AL,71 ; Subtract Home key value
Jb GetKey ; If below that, not valid
Cmp AL,(81 - 71) ; Check if above PgDn
Ja GetKey ; If so, ignore it
Sub AH,AH ; Zero out top byte
Add AX,AX ; Double for word access
Mov BX,AX ; Offset in dispatch table
Mov SI,[ScreenStart] ; Set current buffer pointer
Call [Dispatch + BX] ; Do the call
Mov [ScreenStart],SI ; Set new buffer pointer
Jmp KeyLoop ; And update the screen
; Terminate -- Restore screen and close file
SpaceLeave: Call ExitRoutine ; Restore screen
Call UnsetExitList ; Take away exit list
Sub AX, AX ; 0 means continue with files
Ret ; Return

EscLeave: Call ExitRoutine ; Restore screen
Call UnsetExitList ; Take away exit list
Mov AX, -1 ; -1 means stop program
Ret ; Return
; Exit List Processing for Ctrl-Break
SetExitList: Push 1 ; Set an exit list
Push CS ; Segment of routine
Push Offset ExitList ; Offset of routine
OS2Call DosExitList

UnsetExitList: Push 2 ; Unset an exit list
Push CS ; Segment of routine
Push Offset ExitList ; Offset of routine
OS2Call DosExitList

ExitRoutine: Push [ScreenSaveSel] ; Segment of saved screen
Push 0 ; Offset of saved screen
Push [ScreenSize] ; Length of saved screen
Push 0 ; Starting row
Push 0 ; Starting column
Push 0 ; Reserved
OS2Call VioWrtCellStr ; Restore screen

Push [FileHandle] ; File handle
OS2Call DosClose ; Close it

ExitList: Call ExitRoutine ; Do exit routine
Push 3 ; Then continue exiting
Push 0
Push 0
OS2Call DosExitList
; Cursor Key Routines
Home: Sub BX,BX ; For zeroing out values
Mov AX,[FileOffset] ; Check if read in file
Or AX,[FileOffset + 2]
Mov [FileOffset],BX ; Zero out file address
Mov [FileOffset + 2],BX
Mov [HorizOffset],BX ; Zero out horizontal offset
Mov SI,Offset Buffer ; Reset buffer pointer
Jz Dummy ; Skip file read if in already
Mov DX,Offset Buffer ; Area to read file in
Mov CX,32768 ; Number of bytes to read
Call FileRead ; Read in file
Dummy: Ret

Up: Call GetPrevChar ; Get previous char in buffer
Jc UpDone ; If none available, finish
UpLoop: Call GetPrevChar ; Get previous char again
Jc UpDone ; if none, we're done
Cmp AL,10 ; Check if line feed
Jnz UpLoop ; If not, try again
Call GetNextChar ; Get char after line feed
UpDone: Ret

PgUp: Mov CX,Word Ptr [ModeData.row] ; Number of lines
Dec CX ; less title line

PgUpLoop: Call Up ; Do UP that many times
Loop PgUpLoop

Left: Mov [HorizOffset],0 ; Reset Horizontal Offset

Right: Mov AL,[ShiftHoriz] ; Get places to shift
Add [HorizOffset],AX ; Move that many right

EndKey: Mov BX,SI ; Save buffer pointer
Call PgDn ; Go page down
Cmp BX,SI ; Check if we did so
Jnz EndKey ; If so, do it again

Down: Call GetNextChar ; Get next character
Jc NoMoreDown ; If no more, we're done
DownLoop: Call GetNextChar ; Get one again
Jc UpLoop ; If no more, find prev LF
Cmp AL,10 ; See if line feed
Jnz DownLoop ; If not, continue
NoMoreDown: Ret

PgDn: Mov CX,Word Ptr [ModeData.row] ; Number of lines
Dec CX ; less title line

PgDnLoop: Call Down ; Do DOWN that many times
Loop PgDnLoop
; Update Screen
UpdateScreen: Push ES

Les DI,[ScreenAddr] ; Address of display
Mov CX,ScreenSize ; Number of bytes in screen
Shr CX,1 ; Half for number of chars
Mov AL,' ' ; Will blank screen
Mov AH,[Attribute1] ; With screen attribute
Rep Stosw ; Blank it
Mov CX, [ModeData.col] ; Number of character cols
Mov DI, [ScreenOff] ; Offset of screen
Mov SI, Offset FullFileName ; File name

DisplayName: Lodsb ; Get character
Or AL, AL ; See if end
Jz EndOfName
Mov AH, [Attribute2] ; Use second attribute
Stosw ; Display it
Loop DisplayName

EndOfName: Mov SI,[ScreenStart] ; Address of data in buffer
Mov DL, 1 ; Start with second line
Mov AL, Byte Ptr [ModeData.col] ; Length of row
Add AX,[HorizOffset] ; Add Horizontal Offset
Mov [RightMargin],AX ; That's right display margin

LineLoop: Sub BX,BX ; Column Number
Mov AL, Byte Ptr [ModeData.col] ; Use Line Length
Mul DL ; and Line Number
Add AX,AX ; to recalculate
Mov DI,AX ; display destination
Add DI,[ScreenOff] ; Add beginning address

CharLoop: Call GetNextChar ; Get next character
Jc EndOfScreen ; If no more, we're done
Cmp AL,13 ; Check for carriage return
Je CharLoop ; Do nothing if so
Cmp AL,10 ; Check for line feed
Je LineFeed ; Do routine if so
Cmp AL,9 ; Check for tab
Je Tab ; Do routine if so
Mov CX,1 ; Just 1 char to display

PrintChar: Cmp BX,[HorizOffset] ; See if we can print it
Jb NoPrint
Cmp BX,[RightMargin] ; See if within margin
Jae NoPrint
Mov AH,[Attribute1] ; Attribute for display

WriteIt: Stosw ; Write without retrace wait
NoPrint: Inc BX ; Bump up line counter
Loop PrintChar ; Do it CX times
Jmp CharLoop ; Then go back to top

Tab: Mov AX,BX ; Current column number
And AX,07h ; Take lower three bits
Mov CX,8
Sub CX,AX ; Subtract from 8
Mov AL,' ' ; Will print CX blanks
Jmp PrintChar

LineFeed: Inc DL ; Next line
Cmp DL,Byte Ptr [ModeData.row] ; See if down at bottom
Jb LineLoop ; If not, continue

EndOfScreen: Push 0 ; Offset of buffer
Push [ScreenSize] ; Size of buffer
Push 0 ; Reserved
OS2Call VioShowBuf ; Update the screen

Pop ES ; All done -- leave
; Get Next Character from buffer
; (Input is SI pointing to buffer, Returns AL, CY if no more)

GetNextChar: Cmp SI, [EndOfFile] ; See if at end of file
Jae NoMoreNext ; If so, no more chars
Cmp SI, Offset BufferEnd ; See if at end of buffer
Jb CanGetNext ; If not, just get character

Push CX ; Otherwise save registers
Push DX
Push DI
Push ES
Push DS ; Set ES to DS
Pop ES ; (could be different)

Mov SI,Offset BufferMid ; Move 2nd buffer half
Mov DI,Offset Buffer ; to 1st buffer half
Mov CX,16384
Sub [ScreenStart],CX ; New buffer pointer
Rep Movsb ; Move them
Mov SI,DI ; SI also buffer pointer
Add [FileOffset],32768 ; Adjust file addr to read
Adc [FileOffset + 2],0
Mov DX,Offset BufferMid ; Place to read file
Mov CX,16384 ; Number of bytes
Call FileRead ; Read the file
Sub [FileOffset],16384 ; Now adjust so reflects
Sbb [FileOffset + 2],0 ; 1st half of buffer

Pop ES ; Get back registers
Pop DI
Pop DX
Pop CX

Jmp GetNextChar ; And try again to get char
CanGetNext: Lodsb ; Get the character
And AL, 7Fh
NoMoreNext: Cmc ; So CY set if no more
; Get Previous Character from buffer
GetPrevChar: Cmp SI,Offset Buffer ; See if at top of buffer
Ja CanGetPrev ; If not, just get character
Mov AX,[FileOffset] ; See if at top of file
Or AX,[FileOffset + 2]
Jz AtTopAlready ; If so, can't get anymore

Push CX ; Save some registers
Push DX
Push ES
Push DS
Pop ES

Mov SI,Offset Buffer ; Move 1st half of buffer
Mov DI,Offset BufferMid ; to 2nd half of buffer
Mov CX, 16384
Add [ScreenStart], CX ; New buffer pointer
Rep Movsb ; Do the move
Sub [FileOffset], 16384 ; Adjust file addr for read
Sbb [FileOffset + 2], 0
Mov DX, Offset Buffer ; Area to read file into
Mov CX, 16384 ; Number of bytes
Call FileRead ; Read the file

Pop ES
Pop DX ; Get back registers
Pop CX

CanGetPrev: Dec SI ; Move pointer back
Mov AL,[SI] ; Get the character
And AL, 7Fh ; Wipe out high byte
Stc ; CY flag reset for success
AtTopAlready: Cmc ; CY flag set for no more
; Read CX bytes from the file into DX buffer
FileRead: Push AX ; Save some registers
Push BX
Mov [EndOfFile], -1 ; Initialize this

Push [FileHandle] ; File handle
Push [FileOffset + 2] ; New pointer (high)
Push [FileOffset] ; New pointer (low)
Push 0 ; Action
Push DS ; Segment for new pointer
Push Offset NewPointer ; Offset for new pointer
OS2Call DosChgFilePtr

Mov BX, [FileHandle] ; Read from the file
Call MyDosRead

Or AX, AX ; See if error
Mov AX, [BytesRead]
Jz NoReadError ; If no error, continue
Sub AX, AX ; Otherwise read zero bytes
NoReadError: Cmp AX,CX ; See if 32K has been read
Je GotItAll ; If so, we're home free
Add AX,DX ; Otherwise add to buffer addr
Mov [EndOfFile],AX ; And save as end of file

GotItAll: Pop BX
Pop AX

END Entry

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL7N12.ZIP
Filename : FSB.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: