Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL7N10.ZIP
Filename : TD.ASM
title TD.ASM --- time & date formatting
page 55,132
; TD.ASM --- Time and Date Formatting Functions
; Copyright (C) 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
; Ray Duncan * PC Magazine
; This module contains six public routines:
; TCVT convert time to ASCII
; DCVT convert date to ASCII
; SYSTCVT convert current time to ASCII
; SYSDCVT convert current date to ASCII
; DIRTCVT convert time in directory format to ASCII
; DIRDCVT convert date in directory format to ASCII
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
cbuff db 34 dup (0) ; current country info
dbuff db 8 dup (' ') ; date formatting buffer
tbuff db 11 dup (' ') ; time formatting buffer
; filled in by 'getctry'
doffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII day
moffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII month
yoffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII year
; date format determined
; by Int 21H Func. 38H
dtab dw mdy ; 0 = USA format
dw dmy ; 1 = Europe format
dw ymd ; 2 = Japan format
mdy dw dbuff+3 ; USA: month day year
dw dbuff
dw dbuff+6
dmy dw dbuff ; Europe: day month year
dw dbuff+3
dw dbuff+6
ymd dw dbuff+6 ; Japan: year month day
dw dbuff+3
dw dbuff
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
public dcvt ; make routines available
public tcvt ; to Linker
public systcvt
public sysdcvt
public dirtcvt
public dirdcvt
sysdcvt proc near ; format system date
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,2ah ; func. 2AH = get date
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
call dcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
sysdcvt endp
systcvt proc near ; format system time
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,2ch ; func. 2CH = get time
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
call tcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
systcvt endp
dirdcvt proc near ; format directory date
; AX = directory date
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov dx,ax ; isolate months & days
and dx,01ffh
mov cl,3 ; position month
shl dx,cl
shr dl,cl ; position day
mov cl,9 ; position year
shr ax,cl
add ax,1980
mov cx,ax
call dcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
dirdcvt endp
dirtcvt proc near ; format directory time
; AX = directory time
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov dx,ax ; isolate seconds field
and dx,1fh ; and position it
mov cl,9 ; (includes seconds*2)
shl dx,cl
mov cl,3 ; position hours
shr ax,cl
mov cl,2 ; position minutes
shr al,cl
mov cx,ax
call tcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
dirtcvt endp
dcvt proc near ; format ASCII date
; BX = length
; CX = year (1980+)
; DH = month (1-12)
; DL = day (1-31)
; DS:SI = buffer
; length clamped to 8
; destroys AX BX CX DX
cmp bx,8 ; make sure length OK
jle dcvt1
mov bx,8 ; too long, use 8 max
dcvt1: push es ; save registers
push di
push si
push bx
call getctry ; get country info
mov si,moffs ; convert month
mov al,dh
call b2dec
mov si,doffs ; convert day
mov al,dl
call b2dec
mov si,yoffs ; convert year,
sub cx,1900 ; corrected to 80-99
mov al,cl
call b2dec
mov ax,ds ; transfer ASCII date
mov es,ax ; to caller's buffer
mov si,offset DGROUP:dbuff
pop cx ; buffer length
pop di ; buffer address
push di
rep movsb ; copy string
pop si ; restore registers
pop di
pop es
ret ; return to caller
dcvt endp
tcvt proc near ; format ASCII time
; BX = length
; CH = hour
; CL = minute
; DH = second
; DL = hundredths
; DS:SI = buffer
; length clamped to 11
; destroys AX BX CX DX
cmp bx,11 ; make sure length OK
jle tcvt1
mov bx,11 ; too long, use 11 max
tcvt1: push es ; save registers
push di
push si
push bx
call getctry ; get country info
mov al,ch ; convert hours
mov si,offset DGROUP:tbuff
call b2dec
mov al,cl ; convert minutes
add si,3
call b2dec
mov al,dh ; convert seconds
add si,3
call b2dec
mov al,dl ; convert hundredths
add si,3
call b2dec
mov ax,ds ; transfer ASCII time
mov es,ax ; to caller's buffer
mov si,offset DGROUP:tbuff
pop cx ; buffer length
pop di ; buffer address
push di
rep movsb ; copy string
pop si ; restore registers
pop di
pop es
ret ; return to caller
tcvt endp
b2dec proc near ; convert binary 0-99
; to two ASCII digits.
; AL = value
; DS:SI = storage address
; destroys AX
aam ; divide AL by 10 ->
; AH = quot., AL = rem.
add ax,'00' ; convert to ASCII
xchg ah,al
mov [si],ax ; and store digits
ret ; back to caller
b2dec endp
getctry proc near ; get country information
test doffs,-1 ; did we already get info?
jnz getc4 ; if we did, just exit
push ax ; save registers
push bx ; (in case destroyed by
push cx ; Int 21H Function 38H)
push dx
mov ax,3000h ; Fxn. 30h = get DOS vers.
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
or al,al ; is it version 1.x?
jz getc1 ; yes, jump
push ax ; save MS-DOS version
mov ax,3800h ; get current country info
mov dx,offset DGROUP:cbuff
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop ax ; restore MS-DOS version
jc getc1 ; jump if get cntry failed
cmp al,3 ; is it version 3.x?
jne getc2 ; jump if version 2
; MS-DOS version 3...
mov al,cbuff+9 ; get decimal separator
mov bh,cbuff+11 ; get date separator
mov bl,cbuff+13 ; get time separator
jmp getc3
getc1: ; version 1.x or get
; country info failed,
; force date format=mdy
mov word ptr cbuff,0
getc2: ; versions 1.x and 2.x,
mov al,'.' ; force decimal separator
mov bh,'/' ; force date separator
mov bl,':' ; force time separator
getc3: mov tbuff+8,al ; store decimal separator
mov tbuff+2,bl ; store time separators
mov tbuff+5,bl
mov dbuff+2,bh ; store date separators
mov dbuff+5,bh
; set date field offsets
; using country info
mov bx,word ptr cbuff
shl bx,1 ; date code*2=dtab index
mov bx,[bx+dtab]
mov ax,[bx] ; offset for ASCII day
mov doffs,ax
mov ax,[bx+2] ; offset for ASCII month
mov moffs,ax
mov ax,[bx+4] ; offset for ASCII year
mov yoffs,ax
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
getc4: ret ; back to caller
getctry endp
_TEXT ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: