Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL11N18.ZIP
Filename : RANDFI.BAS

Output of file : RANDFI.BAS contained in archive : VOL11N18.ZIP

DECLARE SUB OpenFile (FileName$, FieldData$(), FieldType(), FileNumber)
DECLARE SUB GetData (FldData$(), FldText$(), FldType(), FileNum, RecNumber)
DECLARE SUB PutData (FldData$(), FldText$(), FldType(), FileNum, RecNumber)

'--- These constants are not used, and are here only to show the type codes.
CONST IntType% = -2 'integer
CONST LongType% = -3 'long integer
CONST SingleType% = -4 'single precision
CONST CurrencyType% = -7 'BASIC PDS Currency
CONST DoubleType% = -8 'double precision
'all positive numbers are string lengths

REDIM FieldArray$(1 TO 10) 'this holds the actual record data
REDIM FieldName$(1 TO 10) 'this is for prompting the user only
REDIM DataType(1 TO 10) 'this holds each field's data type

FOR X = 1 TO 10
READ FieldName$(X) 'read the field names for prompting
READ DataType(X) 'and the type of data each field is to hold

DATA CustNumber, -2 : 'this is an integer field
DATA FirstName, 15 : 'these are all string fields
DATA LastName, 15 : '(colons are needed to comment DATA lines)
DATA Company, 32
DATA Address, 32
DATA City, 15
DATA State, 2
DATA Zip, 9
DATA LastAmount, -8 : 'this is a double precision field
DATA LastTax, -4 : 'this is a single precision field

FOR X = 1 TO 10 'enter the data for a record
PRINT FieldName$(X); ": "; 'print a prompt
LINE INPUT Text$(X) 'then accept the field data as plain text

FileName$ = "TESTFILE.DAT" 'the name of our test file
FileNum = FREEFILE 'get next available number and open the file
CALL OpenFile(FileName$, FieldArray$(), DataType(), FileNum)

RecordNum = 1 'write the data in Text$() to record 1
CALL PutData(FieldArray$(), Text$(), DataType(), FileNum, RecordNum)
CLOSE #FileNum 'close the file to prove this is working

FileNum = FREEFILE 'open the file again and read the data
CALL OpenFile(FileName$, FieldArray$(), DataType(), FileNum)
CALL GetData(FieldArray$(), Text$(), DataType(), FileNum, RecordNum)

PRINT : PRINT 'kick out a couple of blank lines
FOR X = 1 TO 10 'print the data for a record
PRINT FieldName$(X); ": "; 'print the field name
PRINT Text$(X) 'then print the field data as text

SUB GetData (FldData$(), FldText$(), FldType(), FileNumber, RecNumber) STATIC

GET #FileNumber, RecNumber 'first read the record from disk

FOR X = 1 TO UBOUND(FldData$) 'process all of the fields
SELECT CASE FldType(X) 'based on their data type
CASE -2 'integer
FldText$(X) = STR$(CVI(FldData$(X)))
CASE -3 'long integer
FldText$(X) = STR$(CVL(FldData$(X)))
CASE -4 'single precision
FldText$(X) = STR$(CVS(FldData$(X)))
CASE -7 'BASIC PDS Currency
'FldText$(X) = STR$(CVC(FldData$(X)))
CASE -8 'double precision
FldText$(X) = STR$(CVD(FldData$(X)))
CASE ELSE 'string
FldText$(X) = RTRIM$(FldData$(X)) 'trim trailing blanks


SUB OpenFile (FileName$, FldData$(), FldType(), FileNumber) STATIC

RecLength = 0 'build the record length
TotalFields = UBOUND(FldData$) 'and number of fields

FOR X = 1 TO TotalFields 'go through once to get the length
RecLength = RecLength + ABS(FldType(X))

OPEN FileName$ FOR RANDOM AS #FileNumber LEN = RecLength

RecLength = 0 'build the record structure
FOR X = 1 TO TotalFields
ThisLength = ABS(FldType(X)) 'get the field length
IF FldType(X) = -3 THEN ThisLength = 4 'special test for long integers
IF FldType(X) = -7 THEN ThisLength = 8 'special test for Currency data
FIELD #FileNumber, RecLength AS Dummy$, ThisLength AS FldData$(X)
RecLength = RecLength + ThisLength


SUB PutData (FldData$(), FldText$(), FldType(), FileNumber, RecNumber) STATIC

FOR X = 1 TO UBOUND(FldData$) 'process all of the fields
SELECT CASE FldType(X) 'based on their data type
CASE -2 'integer
LSET FldData$(X) = MKI$(VAL(FldText$(X)))
CASE -3 'long integer
LSET FldData$(X) = MKL$(VAL(FldText$(X)))
CASE -4 'single precision
LSET FldData$(X) = MKS$(VAL(FldText$(X)))
CASE -7 'BASIC PDS Currency
'LSET FldData$(X) = MKC$(VAL(FldText$(X)))
CASE -8 'double precision
LSET FldData$(X) = MKD$(VAL(FldText$(X)))
CASE ELSE 'string
LSET FldData$(X) = FldText$(X)

PUT #FileNumber, RecNumber 'finally, write the record to disk


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL11N18.ZIP
Filename : RANDFI.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: