Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL11N02.ZIP
Filename : KEYCODE.SCR

Output of file : KEYCODE.SCR contained in archive : VOL11N02.ZIP
A 100
JMP 0126
DB " = "
DB " hex "
DB " "
DB " decimal",0D,0A,24
MOV AH, 00 ;for extended keyboard, change to MOV AH, 10
INT 16 ;return scan code AH, ascii in AL
MOV BX, AX ;store in BX. BX is uneffected by
MOV DL, AL ; hexidecimal or decimal routine
MOV AH, 02
INT 21 ;see if ascii printable character
MOV DI, 0106 ;pointer to start of hex template
CALL 0151 ;call hexadecimal routine
MOV AL, BL ;ascii value in AL
MOV DI, 011A
CALL 0170 ;call decimal routine
MOV AL, BH ;scan value in AL
MOV DI, 0116
CALL 0170 ;call decimal routine
MOV DX, 0102 ;display all values
MOV AH, 09
INT 21
JMP 0126 ;go again. Quit with Ctrl-Break
MOV CX, 0404 ;HEXIDECIMAL: counter in CH, rotate value in CL
ROL BX, CL ;get digit in BL. (Note that 4 rotations
MOV AL, BL ; will leave BX unchanged, when done.)
AND AL, 0F ;zero high bits--do one number at a time
OR AL, 30 ;add 30h, makes display-able ascii value
CMP AL, 3A ;digit 0-9 if below
JL 0162 ;jump to SHOW
ADD AL, 07 ;else make letter A-F
MOV [DI], AL ;place with DI pointer
INC DI ;next position right
CMP CH, 03 ;have we got end of scan code?
JNZ 016B
INC DI ; if so, then leave one space
DEC CH ;decrease counter
JNZ 0154 ;if counter not zero, go again
MOV CX, 030A ;DECIMAL: counter in CH, divisor in CL
XOR AH, AH ;zero AH
DIV CL ;divide AL by 0A (10 d), remainder in AH
OR AH, 30 ;make AH a display-able ascii value
MOV [DI], AH ;and place with pointer
DEC DI ;move one posiiton left
DEC CH ;decrease counter
JZ 018A ;if counter zero, jump to return
CMP AL, 00 ;still a numerator to work with?
JNZ 0173 ; if so, go again
MOV BYTE PTR [DI], 20 ;fill out three digits with blanks
JMP 017C ; if necessary, to clear work area


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL11N02.ZIP
Filename : KEYCODE.SCR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: