Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : V13N08.ZIP
Filename : DISKPI.DOC

Output of file : DISKPI.DOC contained in archive : V13N08.ZIP
DISKPIE.EXE (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1994, Neil Rubenking
First Published in PC Magazine April 26, 1994 (Utilities)

DISKPIE by Neil Rubenking

DiskPie is a Windows program that uses pie charts to give you a
graphical view of what's taking up space on your hard disk. When you mouse
click on a slice, information about that portion of your hard disk is
displaced on the status bar.

DiskPie uses the Visual Basic 3.0 runtime DLL and various other
support files. To install DiskPie on a system that has VB 3.0 Pro loaded,
simply unzip DISKPI.ZIP into the directory of your choice and add
DISKPIE.EXE to a Program Manager group.

If VB 3.0 Pro is not on your system, unzip DISKP.ZIP into the
directory of your choice and then move GRAPH.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX, GSW.EXE,
and GSWDLL.DLL into your Windows system directory
(usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). Put VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows system
directory, too, if it isn't already present. Then add DISKPIE.EXE to a
Program Manager group.

DiskPie can display two types of pie charts: directory (displays
files by name) or extention (displays files grouped by extension). You
select the type of pie chart from the DiskPie Window menu.

When you click on a pie slice, you get detailed in formation
about that slice on the status bar. The circle at the left of the status
bar changes to the color of the slice, and the status bar text shows the
directory or extension for this slice, the actual number of bytes used,
and the percentage.

If you prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse, you can
press the space bar to display each slice from the active window in turn.

If the active pie window is a directory pie, you can use the mouse
or the keyboard to zoom in on any of its slices. To do this, simply
double-click on the slice, or press the space bar until its name appears
on the status line and then press Enter. If the selected directory has
subdirectories, DiskPie creates a new directory pie. Otherwise it will
create an extension pie.
Neil Rubenking is Technical Editor of PC Magazine.

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : V13N08.ZIP
Filename : DISKPI.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: