Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : TSR.ZIP
Filename : STAYWNDO.341

Output of file : STAYWNDO.341 contained in archive : TSR.ZIP
{ W I N D O . I N C }
{ "...but I dont do floors !" }
{ Kloned and Kludged by Lane Ferris }
{ -- The Hunters Helper -- }
{ Original Copyright 1984 by Michael A. Covington }
{ Modifications by Lynn Canning 9/25/85 }
{ 1) Foreground and Background colors added. }
{ Monochrome monitors are automatically set }
{ to white on black. }
{ 2) Multiple borders added. }
{ 3) TimeDelay procedure added. }
{ Requirements: IBM PC or close compatible. }
{ To make a window on the screen, call the procedure }
{ MkWin(x1,y1,x2,y2,FG,BG,BD); }
{ The x and y coordinates define the window placement and are the }
{ same as the Turbo Pascal Window coordinates. }
{ The border parameters (BD) are 0 = No border }
{ 1 = Single line border }
{ 2 = Double line border }
{ 3 = Double Top/Bottom Single sides }
{ The foreground (FG) and background (BG) parameters are the same }
{ values as the corresponding Turbo Pascal values. }
{ }
{ The maximum number of windows open at one time is set at five }
{ (see MaxWin=5). This may be set to greater values if necessary. }
{ }
{ After the window is made, you must write the text desired from the }
{ calling program. Note that the usable text area is actually 1 }
{ position smaller than the window coordinates to allow for the border.}
{ Hence, a window defined as 1,1,80,25 would actually be 2,2,79,24 }
{ after the border is created. When writing to the window in your }
{ calling program, the textcolor and backgroundcolor may be changed as }
{ desired by using the standard Turbo Pascal commands. }
{ }
{ To return to the previous screen or window, call the procedure }
{ RmWin; }
{ }
{ The TimeDelay procedure is invoked from your calling program. It }
{ is similar to the Turbo Pascal DELAY except DELAY is based on clock }
{ speed whereas TimeDelay is based on the actual clock. This means }
{ that the delay will be the same duration on all systems no matter }
{ what the clock speed. }
{ The procedure could be used for an error condition as follows: }
{ MkWin - make an error message window }
{ Writeln - write error message to window }
{ TimeDelay(5) - leave window on screen 5 seconds }
{ RmWin - remove error window }
{ cont processing }


InitDone :boolean = false ; { Initialization switch }

On = True ;
Off = False ;
VideoEnable = $08; { Video Signal Enable Bit }
Bright = 8; { Bright Text bit}
Mono = 7; {MonoChrome Mode}

Imagetype = array [1..4000] of char; { Screen Image in the heap }
WinDimtype = record
x1,y1,x2,y2: integer

Screens = record { Save Screen Information }
Image: Imagetype; { Saved screen Image }
Dim: WinDimtype; { Saved Window Dimensions }
x,y: integer; { Saved cursor position }


Win: { Global variable package }
Dim: WinDimtype; { Current Window Dimensions }
Depth: integer;
{ MaxWin should be included in your program }
{ and it should be the number of windows saved }
{ at one time }
{ It should be in the const section of your program }
Stack: array[1..MaxWin] of ^Screens;


Crtmode :byte absolute $0040:$0049; {Crt Mode,Mono,Color,B&W..}
Crtwidth :byte absolute $0040:$004A; {Crt Mode Width, 40:80 .. }
Monobuffer :Imagetype absolute $B000:$0000; {Monochrome Adapter Memory}
Colorbuffer :Imagetype absolute $B800:$0000; {Color Adapter Memory }
CrtAdapter :integer absolute $0040:$0063; { Current Display Adapter }
VideoMode :byte absolute $0040:$0065; { Video Port Mode byte }
TurboCrtMode: byte absolute Dseg:6; {Turbo's Crt Mode byte }
Video_Buffer:integer; { Record the current Video}
x,y :integer;

{ Delay for X seconds }

procedure TimeDelay (hold : integer);
RegRec = { The data to pass to DOS }
AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI, DS, ES, Flags : Integer;
ah, al, ch, cl, dh:byte;
sec :string[2];
result, secn, error, secn2, diff :integer;

ah := $2c; {Get Time-Of-Day from DOS}
with regs do {Will give back Ch:hours }
{Cl:minutes,Dh:seconds }
ax := ah shl 8 + al; {Dl:hundreds }

with regs do
str(dx shr 8:2, sec); {Get seconds }
{with leading null}
if (sec[1] = ' ') then
sec[1]:= '0';
val(sec, secn, error); {Conver seconds to integer}
repeat { stay in this loop until the time }
ah := $2c; { has expired }
with regs do
ax := ah shl 8 + al;
intr($21,regs); {Get current time-of-day}

with regs do {Normalize to Char}
str(dx shr 8:2, sec);
if (sec[1] = ' ') then
sec[1]:= '0';
val(sec, secn2, error); {Convert seconds to integer}
diff := secn2 - secn; {Number of elapsed seconds}
if diff < 0 then { we just went over the minute }
diff := diff + 60; { so add 60 seconds }
until diff > hold; { has our time expired yet }
end; { procedure TimeDelay }

{ Get Absolute postion of Cursor into parameters x,y }
Procedure Get_Abs_Cursor (var x,y :integer);
Active_Page : byte absolute $0040:$0062; { Current Video Page Index}
Crt_Pages : array[0..7] of integer absolute $0040:$0050 ;


X := Crt_Pages[active_page]; { Get Cursor Position }
Y := Hi(X)+1; { Y get Row }
X := Lo(X)+1; { X gets Col position }
{ Turn the Video On/Off to avoid Read/Write snow }
Procedure Video (Switch:boolean);
If (Switch = Off) then
Port[CrtAdapter+4] := (VideoMode - VideoEnable)
else Port[CrtAdapter+4] := (VideoMode or VideoEnable);
{ InitWin Saves the Current (whole) Screen }
Procedure InitWin;
{ Records Initial Window Dimensions }

with Win.Dim do
begin x1:=1; y1:=1; x2:=crtwidth; y2:=25 end;
InitDone := True ; { Show initialization Done }
{ BoxWin Draws a Box around the current Window }
procedure BoxWin(x1,y1,x2,y2, BD, FG, BG :integer);

{ Draws a box, fills it with blanks, and makes it the current }
{ Window. Dimensions given are for the box; actual Window is }
{ one unit smaller in each direction. }


if Crtmode = Mono then begin
FG := 7;
BG := 0;

Window(x1,y1,x2,y2); {Make the Window}
TextColor(FG) ; {Set the colors}

Case BD of {Make Border characters}
0:; {No border option}
1:begin {Single line border option}
TB := 196; {Top Border}
SID := 179; {Side Border}
TLC := 218; {Top Left Corner}
TRC := 191; {Top Right Corner}
BLC := 192; {Bottom Left Corner}
BRC := 217; {Bottom Right Corner}
2:begin {Double line border option}
TB := 205;
SID := 186;
TLC := 201; TRC := 187;
BLC := 200; BRC := 188;
3:begin {Double Top/Bottom with single sides}
TB := 205; {"deary and dont spare the lace"}
SID := 179;
TLC := 213; TRC := 184;
BLC := 212; BRC := 190;

IF BD > 0 then begin { User want a border? }
{ Top }
gotoxy(1,1); { Window Origin }
Write( chr(TLC) ); { Top Left Corner }
For I:=2 to x2-x1 do { Top Bar }
Write( chr(TB));
Write( chr(TRC) ); { Top Right Corner

{ Sides }
for I:=2 to y2-y1 do
gotoxy(1,I); { Left Side Bar }
write( chr(SID) );
gotoxy(x2-x1+1,I) ; { Right Side Bar }
write( chr(SID) );

{ Bottom }
gotoxy(1,y2-y1+1); { Bottom Left Corner }
write( chr(BLC) );
for I:=2 to x2-x1 do { Bottom Bar }
write( chr(TB) );

{ Make it the current Window }
write( chr(BRC) ); { Bottom Right Corner }
end; {If BD > 0};

gotoxy(1,1) ;
TextColor( FG) ; { Take Low nibble 0..15 }
TextBackground (BG); { Take High nibble 0..9 }
{ MkWin Make a Window }
procedure MkWin(x1,y1,x2,y2, FG, BG, BD :integer);
{ Create a removable Window }


If (InitDone = false) then { Initialize if not done yet }

TurboCrtMode := CrtMode; {Set Textmode w/o ClrScr}
If CrtMode = 7 then Video_Buffer := $B000 {Set Ptr to Monobuffer }
else Video_Buffer := $B800; {or Color Buffer }

with Win do Depth:=Depth+1; { Increment Stack pointer }
if Win.Depth>maxWin then
writeln(^G,' Windows nested too deep ');
{ Save contents of screen }
With Win do
New(Stack[Depth]); { Allocate Current Screen to Heap }
Video( Off);

If CrtMode = 7 then
Stack[Depth]^.Image := monobuffer { set pointer to it }
Stack[Depth]^.Image := colorbuffer ;

Video( On);
End ;

With Win do
Begin { Save Screen Dimentions }
Stack[Depth]^.Dim := Dim;
Stack[Win.Depth]^.x := wherex; { Save Cursor Position }
Stack[Win.Depth]^.y := wherey;
End ;

{ Validate the Window Placement}
If (X2 > 80) then { If off right of screen }
Delta := (X2 - 80); { Overflow off right margin }
If X1 > Delta then
X1 := X1 - Delta ; { Move Left window edge }
X2 := X2 - Delta ; { Move Right edge on 80 }
If (Y2 > 25) then { If off bottom screen }
Delta := Y2 - 25; { Overflow off right margin }
If Y1 > Delta then
Y1 := Y1 - Delta ; { Move Top edge up }
Y2 := Y2 - Delta ; { Move Bottom 24 }
{ Create the New Window }

If BD >0 then begin {Shrink window within borders}
Win.Dim.x1 := x1+1;
Win.Dim.y1 := y1+1; { Allow for margins }
Win.Dim.x2 := x2-1;
Win.Dim.y2 := y2-1;

{ Remove Window }
{ Remove the most recently created removable Window }
{ Restore screen contents, Window Dimensions, and }
{ position of cursor. }
Procedure RmWin;
Tempbyte : byte;


With Win do
Begin { Restore next Screen }
If crtmode = 7 then
monobuffer := Stack[Depth]^.Image
colorbuffer := Stack[Depth]^.Image;
Dispose(Stack[Depth]); { Remove Screen from Heap }


With Win do { Re-instate the Sub-Window }
Begin { Position the old cursor }
Dim := Stack[Depth]^.Dim;

Get_Abs_Cursor(x,y) ; { New Cursor Position }
Tempbyte := { Get old Cursor attributes }
Mem[ Video_Buffer:((x-1 + (y-1) * 80 ) * 2)+1 ];

TextColor( Tempbyte And $0F ); { Take Low nibble 0..15}
TextBackground ( Tempbyte Div 16); { Take High nibble 0..9 }
Depth := Depth - 1
end ;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : TSR.ZIP
Filename : STAYWNDO.341

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: