Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : TIFFLIB.ZIP
Filename : TIFINT.H

Output of file : TIFINT.H contained in archive : TIFFLIB.ZIP

/* manifests for tiff tags and other oddities */

#define TAG_IMWIDTH 256
#define TAG_IMLENGTH 257
#define TAG_BITSPIX 258
#define TAG_SAMPIX 277
#define TAG_ORIENT 274
#define TAG_SUBFILE 255
#define TAG_COMPRESS 0x103
#define TAG_CELL_WIDTH 0x108
#define TAG_CELL_LENGTH 0x109
#define TAG_FILLORD 0x10A
#define TAG_ROW_STRIP 0x116
#define TAG_MINSAMP 0x118
#define TAG_MAXSAMP 0x119
#define TAG_XRES 0x11A
#define TAG_YRES 0x11B
#define TAG_PLANAR 0x11C
#define TAG_GREYRES 0x122
#define TAG_GREYCRV 0x123

#define FULL_RES 1
#define PLANE_1 1

#define FF_TIFF 1
#define FF_EPSF 2

typedef struct ratio {
long upper;
long lower;

struct IMG_ATT {
char path[40]; /* file name */
short resolution; /* is this the full or sub-sampled */
short imwidth; /* width of the image */
short imlength; /* length of the image */
short bits_sample; /* bits per sample */
short compress; /* compression tag */
short photointerp; /* photointerpretation */
short fillorder; /* order of pixels within a byte */
short orient; /* orientation of the scanned image */
short sample_pix; /* how many samples per pixel */
long rows_strip; /* how many scanned rows per strip */
short min_sample; /* the minimum sample value */
short max_sample; /* the maximum sample value */
RATIO xresolution; /* the x resolution of the image */
RATIO yresolution; /* the y resolution of the image */
short planarconfig; /* how are the image planes stored */
short grey_res_unit; /* the magnitute multipiler */
short *grey_curve; /* pointer to the grey curve */
/* should be as many values */
/* in the pointed to buffer */
/* as there are levels of grey */
short cell_width;
short cell_lenght;


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : TIFFLIB.ZIP
Filename : TIFINT.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: