Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SNOOP.ZIP
Filename : SNOOP.C

Output of file : SNOOP.C contained in archive : SNOOP.ZIP
* Title: SNOOP.C
* Copyright (c) October 1992, Ryu Consulting
* Written by Rahner James - that spunky guy
* This file contains the main entry and looping functions

#define _SNOOP_C_
#include "snoop.h"

* Global Data Items
* Note:
* All variables that have global accessibility have the first letters of each whole
* word within their name capitalized.
* All variable names (local or global) begin with a noun or a word that is a noun by
* context.

** Names of the type of packets that will be passed
uc *Type_Names[] =
"Unknown Type, maybe IPX", // 00 - anything, but probably IPX
"Routing Info", // 01 - Routing information packet
"Echo Packet", // 02 - Hello, hello, hello ...
"Error Packet", // 03 - Never saw one
"IPX", // 04 - IPX packet
"SPX", // 05 - SPX packet
"unknown", // 06
"unknown", // 07
"unknown", // 08
"unknown", // 09
"unknown", // 10
"unknown", // 11
"unknown", // 12
"unknown", // 13
"unknown", // 14
"unknown", // 15
"unknown", // 16
"NCP" // 17 - Netware Core Protocol packet

int Match_ID_Count = 0; // Number of ID in the match array that follows
uc Match_IDs[20][6]; // Storage for the arrays we have to match
int Match_Socket_Count = 0; // Number of sockets in the socket match array
us Match_Socket[20]; // Sockets we have to match
int Handle = -1; // Handle for the loggin file
int Full_Display = 1; // !0 if we want to see the entire packet
char And_Flag = 1; // 0 = socket or ID, !0 = socket and ID
char Broadcast_Flag = 1; // 0 = check broadcasts, !0 = no checking on broadcasts

* void PARSE_LINE( int ARGC, char *ARGV[] )
* Parses the command line
* Given:
* ARGC = number of command line tokens
* ARGV -> array of pointers to the command line tokens
* Returns:
* Command line parsed and variables updated
void parse_line( int argc, char *argv[] )
int i,j;

farset( NE2000_Address, 0, 6 );
for ( i=1 ; i < argc ; ++i )
if ( (*argv[i] == '/') || (*argv[i] == '\\') || (*argv[i] == '-') )
switch ( *argv[i] )
case 'A': // Catch all packets
case 'a':
NIC_Normal_Recv_Config |= SLUT;

case 'B': // Check broadcast as well
case 'b':
Broadcast_Flag = 0;

case 'C': // AND flag
case 'c':
And_Flag = 1;

case 'D': // OR flag
case 'd':
And_Flag = 0;

case 'F': // File to output the packet to
case 'f':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
print( "\fOpening file %s ...", argv[i] );
Handle = dos_open( argv[i], OPEN_RW+OPEN_CREATE );
print( "\nReturn = %d", Handle );
if ( Handle < 0 )
exit( 2 );
dos_write( Handle, &i, 0 );

case 'I': // Match ID
case 'i':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
atoaddr( Match_IDs[Match_ID_Count++], argv[i] );

case 'N': // Set current node ID
case 'n':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
if ( strlen(argv[i]) == 12 )
atoaddr( NE2000_Address, argv[i] );

case 'P': // Base port
case 'p':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
j = atoh( argv[i] );
if ( (j >= 0x200) && (j <= 0x360) )
Base_Port = j;

case 'R': // IRQ number
case 'r':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
j = atoi( argv[i] );
if ( (j > 1) && (j < 16) )
IRQ_Number = j;

case 'S': // Match socket
case 's':
if ( (*argv[i] == '=') || (*argv[i] == ' ') )
Match_Socket[Match_Socket_Count++] = atoh( argv[i] );

case '?':
print( "\n\nCommand lin syntax is:"
"\n\ttest [option 1] [option 2] ... [option n]" );
print( "\n\nCommand line options:"
"\n\tA - accept all packets"
"\n\tB - accept broadcast packets (use with I option)"
"\n\tC - accept only correct IDs and sockets"
"\n\tD - accept only correct IDs or sockets"
"\n\tFxxxxxxxx - name of output file for data logging"
"\n\tI######## - node ID to accept data for"
"\n\tN######## - set our packet ID as this number"
"\n\tP### - set base port address (in hex)"
"\n\tR## - IRQ number (in decimal)"
"\n\tS#### - socket number to accept data for (in hex)"
"\n" );
exit( 0 );


* Displays the contents of a packet
* Given:
* NP -> reception packet
* Returns:
* 0 if nothing going on, !0 if exit program
int display_packet( NIC_ECB_T FAR *np )
int y, i, j;
char FAR *cp;
static char first_time = 1;

if ( first_time )
clear_line( 0, BLUE + (WHITE BACKGROUND) );
center( "IPX and NIC Header Information", 1, (INTENSE WHITE)+(CYAN BACKGROUND) );
print( "%p%r[ ]", 34,0 );
print( "%p%rTransport:%pType:", 2,2, 26,2 );
print( "%p%rIPX Length:%pSrc:", 2,3, 26,3 );
print( "%p%rNIC Length:%pDest:", 2,4, 26,4 );
first_time = 0;
print( "%p%r%ld packets%pUnread =%4d", 2,0, Total_Recv_Packets, 67,0,Total_Unread_Buffers );
show_node_address( 35,0, np->node );
if ( Full_Display == 0 )
return 0;

show_net_address( 32,3, &np->src_network );
show_net_address( 32,4, &np->dest_network );

clear_area( 36,2, _Screen_Width-1,2, 0 );
print( "%p%r%4d%p%4d%p%2X%p%d - %s", 14,3, np->ipx_length,
14,4, np->NIC_length,
16,2, np->transport,
32,2, np->packet_type,
np->packet_type > 17 ? "unknown" : Type_Names[np->packet_type] );
switch ( np->src_socket )
case 0x451:
print( " (File Service)" );

case 0x452:
print( " (SAP)" );

case 0x453:
print( " (Route Information)" );

case 0x455:
print( " (NetBIOS Packet)" );

case 0x456:
print( " (Diagnostic Packet)" );

show_packet_body( &np[1], np->ipx_length, np->NIC_length );

return 0;

* int INIT_SNOOPER( int ARGC, char *ARGV[] )
* Initializes this snooper program's internals and the display
* Given:
* ARGC = number of command line tokens
* ARGV -> array of pointers to the command line tokens
* Returns:
* 0 if all went well; otherwise an exit code
int init_snooper( int argc, char *argv[] )
int i;

print( "\fEthernet Snooper for NE-2000 Compatible Adapters on Netware, version 1.00"
"\nCopyright (c) September 1992, Ryu Consulting, 916/722-1939"
"\nWritten by Rahner James\n" );
if ( is_ipx() )
print( "\nIPX is currently installed, please remove it" );
return 1;
if ( argc > 1 )
parse_line( argc, argv );
print( "\nReturn from initialization of memory pool = %d", init_memory() );
print( "\nReturn from initialization of NE2000 = %d", i=init_ne2000() );
if ( i )
return 2;
center( "IPX Packet Data Display", 5, (INTENSE WHITE)+(CYAN BACKGROUND) );
clear_area( 0,6, _Screen_Width-1,_Screen_Height-1, (INTENSE WHITE)+(GREEN BACKGROUND) );
print( "%p%rEthernet Snooper, version 1.00, waiting for first packet\n%58c", 2,0, 0xc4 );

return 0;

* int MAIN( int ARGC, char *ARGV[] )
* Initial entry point into this program
* Given:
* ARGC = number of command line tokens
* ARGV -> array of pointers to the command line tokens
* Returns:
* Exit code
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int i,j, x,y, loop_flag = 1;
ui key;
uc FAR *cp;

** First, set everthing up
if ( i=init_snooper(argc,argv) )
return i;

** Now, loop waiting for packets or a keystroke
while ( loop_flag )
if ( kbhit() )
if ( charin() == ESC )
loop_flag = 0;
if ( Total_Unread_Buffers )
if ( (np = read_packet()) == NULL )
print( "%p%a\nGot a packet but no data", 0,_Screen_Height-1, WHITE );
if ( is_packet_valid(np) )
display_packet( np );
if ( Handle >= 0 )
dos_write( Handle, np, np->NIC_length+0x12 );
free_NIC_ecb( np );
} // if (Total_Unread_Buffers)
} // while

** Close everything up and go home
if ( Handle >= 0 )
dos_close( Handle );
print( "%p%a\n", 0,_Screen_Height-1, WHITE );
clear_line( _Screen_Height-1, WHITE );
print( "%p%aStopping ...\n", 0,_Screen_Height-1, WHITE );
i = stop_ne2000_interrupts();
print( "Return = %d", i );
print( "\nTotal interrupts received = %ld", Int_Count );


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SNOOP.ZIP
Filename : SNOOP.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: