Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SEP91.ZIP
Filename : 2N09032A

Output of file : 2N09032A contained in archive : SEP91.ZIP
#include "GENERAL.H"
#include "LIB.H"

#pragma inline

* BOOL chk_key(void) : uses Bios interrupt 16 to check *
* if a key has been hit. Returns FALSE if no key, *
* TRUE if a key was hit. *

BOOL chk_key()
asm mov ah,01h
asm int 16h
asm jz short exit
asm mov ax,1
asm mov ax,0

* void cls(void) : uses the fact that a change of video *
* mode clears the screen. Uses BIOS interrupts to *
* read the current mode, then to set the same mode. *

void cls(void)
asm mov ah,0fh /* get current video mode */
asm int 10h
asm xor ah,ah /* set current video mode, clears screen */
asm int 10h

* BOOL cmpsnf(char far *b,char *s,l: WORD) : Returns *
* TRUE if 'l' bytes of near string 's' compare exactly *
* with far buffer 'b'. Returns FALSE if no compare, *
* or 'l' = 0. *

BOOL cmpsnf(char far *buf1,char *str1, WORD l) {
asm XOR AX,AX /* assume fail */
asm MOV CX,l /* put length in cx */
asm JCXZ CMP00 /* if 0 length no compare */
asm LES DI,buf1 /* far ptr to buf1 */
asm MOV SI,str1 /* near ptr to str1 */
asm JNZ CMP00 /* did they compare? */
asm MOV AX,1 /* yes, TRUE = identical */
* void delay_1(void) : Reads system timer tick value *
* (updated every 1/18 second), adds 18 to it, and *
* waits for a second to pass. *

BYTE far *timer = (BYTE far *) 0x0040006C;
/* where the system keeps the timer tick value */

void delay_1(void) {
BYTE time;
time = *timer + 18;
while (time != *timer) {};

* WORD dosversion(void) : uses Int 21 to get and return *
* the current version of DOS *

WORD dosversion()
_AX = 0x3000;
asm int 21h

/* move version # to High BYTE for easier */
/* compares */
asm xchg ah,al

* WORD fputsh(char *str) : Print a 'C' string *
* using the ROM BIOS. Replaces "C" fputs *

WORD fputsh(char *str) {
/* use the rom bios to pring a "C" string (ending in \0) */

/* first, find the length of the string we have to print */

asm MOV SI,str /* ptr to str */
asm CALL strlen /* find length of str */
asm POP SI
asm MOV CX,AX /* put str length in C */
asm JCXZ DONE /* if length 0, leave */

/* save string length to return, not really
necessary, but easy to do */

asm MOV AH,0EH /* get interrput request */
asm XOR BH,BH /* point to page 0 */
asm LODSB /* get the character */
asm INT 10H /* print a character */
asm LOOP TTY /* print them all */

asm POP AX /* return string length */

* void hi-lite(BYTE r,BYTE c,BYTE a, WORD l) : uses several*
* bios interrupts. Positions to screen location r,c *
* reads 'l' bytes from the screen (one at a time ), *
* changes the attribute to 'a' and puts it back on *
* the screen with the new attribute. *

void hi_lite(BYTE row, BYTE col, BYTE attr, WORD length)
asm mov cx,length /* get length of string to hi lite */
asm jcxz done /* if zero, nothing to hilite */
asm xor bh,bh
asm mov dh,row
asm mov dl,col /* point to string on screen */
asm mov ah,02h /* position to byte to hi lite */
asm int 10h
asm mov ah,08h /* read the character on the screen */
asm int 10h
asm mov bl,attr /* change attribute to "attr" */
asm mov ah,09h
asm push cx
asm mov cx,01h
asm int 10h /* put it back with passed in attribute */
asm pop cx
asm inc dl
asm loop hi_lt /* do the whole line */
asm mov dl,col
asm mov ah,02h
asm int 10h /* reposition to the beginning of line */

* WORD get_key(void) : Uses bios interrupt 16h to get a *
* key stroke, and return it. *

WORD get_key()
asm mov ah,0
asm int 16h

* WORD movesnf(char far *b,char *s) : Copy all chars in *
* near string to far buffer. Uses strlen to find *
* length. Returns length of string copied. *

WORD movesnf(char far *buf1,char near *str1) {
asm MOV SI,str1 /* near ptr to str1 */
asm PUSH SI /* pass the pointer */
asm CALL strlen /* get length of S */
asm POP SI /* retrive pointer */
asm MOV CX,AX /* put length in CX */
asm JCXZ DONE /* don't copy if length '0' */
asm INC CX /* include the terminating '0' */
asm PUSH CX /* save length */
asm LES DI,buf1 /* get far pointer to buffer */
asm TEST DI,1
/* if on byte boundary, adjust to word */
asm JZ MOVE00
asm DEC CX
asm SHR CX,1
/* save odd byte count, adjust for word move */
asm REP MOVSW /* move words */
asm ADC CX,CX /* see if last byte */
asm REP MOVSB /* move if yes */
asm POP AX /* restore copied length */

* void printstr(char *str) : uses int 21 string print *
* routine to print passed in string. The string must *
* be terminated with a $. *

void printstr(char *str)
_AX = 0x0900;
asm mov dx,str ;/* ptr to STR */
asm int 21h;

* void set_curs(Byte r, Byte c) : uses bios set cursor
* routine to position cursor to r,c on screen. *

void set_curs(BYTE row, BYTE col)
asm mov ah,02h
asm xor bh,bh
asm mov dh,row
asm mov dl,col
asm int 10h

* WORD strlen (char *str) : Returns non-0 length of *
* of string 'str'. *

WORD strlen(char *str) {
asm MOV DI,DS /* point ES to DS */
asm MOV ES,DI /* done */
asm MOV DI,str /* ptr to str */
asm MOV CX,-1 /* get maximum count */
asm XOR AX,AX /* setup 0 search */
asm NOT CX
asm DEC CX /* len 'str' */

* void w_tty(char c) : Print a character using *
* using the ROM BIOS Write TTY routine *

void w_tty(char c)
asm mov ah,0eh
asm mov al,c
asm int 10h

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SEP91.ZIP
Filename : 2N09032A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: