Dec 182017
Source code from September 1992 Scientific American Neural Net articles.
File SCIAM.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Source code from September 1992 Scientific American Neural Net articles.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
4X4.TES 180 94 deflated
4X4.TRA 67 25 deflated
A.ZIP 7517 7175 deflated
IMAKEFIL 146 114 deflated
MAKEFILE 207 138 deflated
README 1454 703 deflated
SIM.C 16435 3757 deflated
SIM.H 3672 1342 deflated

Download File SCIAM.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

This is a copy of the neural network simulator used to run the
simulations in the Amateur Scientist article in the September 1992
issue of Scientific American.

The files are:

sim.c - the source code for the simulator
sim.h - header file for the simulator
4x4.train - training data for a 4-x-4 encoder
4x4.test - testing data for a 4-x-4 encoder
Makefile - a simple makefile for building the simulator
Imakefile - a simple Imakefile (if you have imake)

The way it's written at present it runs a 4-3-4 encoder. You can
change the number of units in each layer by editing the file sim.h.

Once the simulator is running, it understands 6 commands:

init - (re)initialize the network.
file - set the pattern file
train - train on patterns from the file
test - test on patterns from the file
dump - dump network values (weights, activations etc)
quit - quit the simulator

This isn't necessarily the best neural net simulator I've ever seen,
but it does the job in a simple, straight-forward manner. It should
compile on most any platform with an ANSI C compiler.

Drew van Camp

/--- Drew van Camp --------------- [email protected]\
| Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto |
| 6 Kings College Road, Toronto, Ontario Voice: (416) 978-7403 |
| CANADA M5S 1A4 Fax: (416) 978-1455 |

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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