Dec 182017
Source code from September 1992 Scientific American Neural Net articles. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
4X4.TES | 180 | 94 | deflated |
4X4.TRA | 67 | 25 | deflated |
A.ZIP | 7517 | 7175 | deflated |
IMAKEFIL | 146 | 114 | deflated |
MAKEFILE | 207 | 138 | deflated |
README | 1454 | 703 | deflated |
SIM.C | 16435 | 3757 | deflated |
SIM.H | 3672 | 1342 | deflated |
Download File SCIAM.ZIP Here
Contents of the README file
This is a copy of the neural network simulator used to run the
simulations in the Amateur Scientist article in the September 1992
issue of Scientific American.
The files are:
sim.c - the source code for the simulator
sim.h - header file for the simulator
4x4.train - training data for a 4-x-4 encoder
4x4.test - testing data for a 4-x-4 encoder
Makefile - a simple makefile for building the simulator
Imakefile - a simple Imakefile (if you have imake)
The way it's written at present it runs a 4-3-4 encoder. You can
change the number of units in each layer by editing the file sim.h.
Once the simulator is running, it understands 6 commands:
init - (re)initialize the network.
file - set the pattern file
train - train on patterns from the file
test - test on patterns from the file
dump - dump network values (weights, activations etc)
quit - quit the simulator
This isn't necessarily the best neural net simulator I've ever seen,
but it does the job in a simple, straight-forward manner. It should
compile on most any platform with an ANSI C compiler.
Drew van Camp
/--- Drew van Camp --------------- [email protected]\
| Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto |
| 6 Kings College Road, Toronto, Ontario Voice: (416) 978-7403 |
| CANADA M5S 1A4 Fax: (416) 978-1455 |
simulations in the Amateur Scientist article in the September 1992
issue of Scientific American.
The files are:
sim.c - the source code for the simulator
sim.h - header file for the simulator
4x4.train - training data for a 4-x-4 encoder
4x4.test - testing data for a 4-x-4 encoder
Makefile - a simple makefile for building the simulator
Imakefile - a simple Imakefile (if you have imake)
The way it's written at present it runs a 4-3-4 encoder. You can
change the number of units in each layer by editing the file sim.h.
Once the simulator is running, it understands 6 commands:
init - (re)initialize the network.
dump - dump network values (weights, activations etc)
quit - quit the simulator
This isn't necessarily the best neural net simulator I've ever seen,
but it does the job in a simple, straight-forward manner. It should
compile on most any platform with an ANSI C compiler.
Drew van Camp
/--- Drew van Camp --------------- [email protected]\
| Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto |
| 6 Kings College Road, Toronto, Ontario Voice: (416) 978-7403 |
| CANADA M5S 1A4 Fax: (416) 978-1455 |
December 18, 2017
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