Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SCALER.ZIP
Filename : SCTEST.C

Output of file : SCTEST.C contained in archive : SCALER.ZIP
/* sctest.c */

/* A simple test program for linear scaling algorithms. */

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "basics.h"
#include "scale.h"

#define PRECISION 14

void main (void);

void main ()
#define BUF_LEN 128

char szBuf[BUF_LEN + 1];
double dDataMin;
double dDataMax;
int nIntervals;
double dNiceNum;
double dLoMult;
double dHiMult;

fprintf (stderr, "\nType Q to quit\n\n");

while (TRUE)
fprintf (stderr, "data minimum: ");
fgets (szBuf, BUF_LEN + 1, stdin);
if (*szBuf == 'q' || *szBuf == 'Q')
dDataMin = atof (szBuf);

fprintf (stderr, "data maximum: ");
fgets (szBuf, BUF_LEN + 1, stdin);
if (*szBuf == 'q' || *szBuf == 'Q')
dDataMax = atof (szBuf);

fprintf (stderr, "# intervals: ");
fgets (szBuf, BUF_LEN + 1, stdin);
if (*szBuf == 'q' || *szBuf == 'Q')
nIntervals = atoi (szBuf);

printf ("\n");
printf ("(%.*g to %.*g) in %d\n",
PRECISION, dDataMin, PRECISION, dDataMax, nIntervals);

if (dDataMin < dDataMax)
if (nIntervals >= 2)
scDixonKronmal (dDataMin, dDataMax, nIntervals,
&dNiceNum, &dLoMult, &dHiMult);
printf (" Dixon-Kronmal - label (%.*g to %.*g) using %d intervals\n",
PRECISION, dLoMult * dNiceNum,
PRECISION, dHiMult * dNiceNum,
(int) (dHiMult - dLoMult));
printf (" interval size %.*g\n",

scLewart (dDataMin, dDataMax, nIntervals,
&dNiceNum, &dLoMult, &dHiMult);
printf (" Lewart - label (%.*g to %.*g) using %d intervals\n",
PRECISION, dLoMult * dNiceNum,
PRECISION, dHiMult * dNiceNum,
(int) (dHiMult - dLoMult));
printf (" interval size %.*g\n",

scMaxInterval (dDataMin, dDataMax, nIntervals,
&dNiceNum, &dLoMult, &dHiMult);
printf (" Max Intervals - label (%.*g to %.*g) using %d intervals\n",
PRECISION, dLoMult * dNiceNum,
PRECISION, dHiMult * dNiceNum,
(int) (dHiMult - dLoMult));
printf (" interval size %.*g\n",
printf (" Dixon-Kronmal - must specify at least 2 intervals\n");
printf (" Lewart - must specify at least 2 intervals\n");
printf (" Max Intervals - must specify at least 2 intervals\n");

if (nIntervals >= 5)
scInternal (dDataMin, dDataMax, nIntervals,
&dNiceNum, &dLoMult, &dHiMult);
printf (" Internal - label (%.*g to %.*g) using %d intervals\n",
PRECISION, dLoMult * dNiceNum,
PRECISION, dHiMult * dNiceNum,
(int) (dHiMult - dLoMult));
printf (" interval size %.*g\n",
printf (" Internal - must specify at least 5 intervals\n");
printf (" data minimum must be less than data maximum\n");

printf ("\n");

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : SCALER.ZIP
Filename : SCTEST.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: