Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PWRGRPHC.ZIP
Filename : CHAP09.3

Output of file : CHAP09.3 contained in archive : PWRGRPHC.ZIP
; Program to illustrate the color mapping capabilities of the
; EGA's palette registers.
; Updated 6/29/89.
VGA_SEGMENT equ 0a000h
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;Map Mask register index in SC
BAR_HEIGHT equ 14 ;height of each bar
TOP_BAR equ BAR_HEIGHT*6 ;start the bars down a bit to
; leave room for text
stackseg segment para stack 'STACK'
db 512 dup (?)
stackseg ends
Data segment word 'DATA'
KeyMsg db 'Press any key to see the next color set. '
db 'There are 64 color sets in all.'
db 0dh, 0ah, 0ah, 0ah, 0ah
db 13 dup (' '), 'Attribute'
db 38 dup (' '), 'Color$'
; Used to label the attributes of the color bars.
AttributeNumbers label byte
x= 0
rept 16
if x lt 10
db '0', x+'0', 'h', 0ah, 8, 8, 8
db '0', x+'A'-10, 'h', 0ah, 8, 8, 8
x= x+1
db '$'
; Used to label the colors of the color bars. (Color values are
; filled in on the fly.)
ColorNumbers label byte
rept 16
db '000h', 0ah, 8, 8, 8, 8
COLOR_ENTRY_LENGTH equ ($-ColorNumbers)/16
db '$'
CurrentColor db ?
; Space for the array of 16 colors we'll pass to the BIOS, plus
; an overscan setting of black.
ColorTable db 16 dup (?), 0
Data ends
Code segment
assume cs:Code, ds:Data
Start proc near
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
; Go to hi-res graphics mode.
mov ax,10h ;AH = 0 means mode set, AL = 10h selects
; hi-res graphics mode
int 10h ;BIOS video interrupt
; Put up relevant text.
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function
mov dx,offset KeyMsg
int 21h
; Put up the color bars, one in each of the 16 possible pixel values
; (which we'll call attributes).
mov cx,16 ;we'll put up 16 color bars
sub al,al ;start with attribute 0
push ax
push cx
call BarUp
pop cx
pop ax
inc ax ;select the next attribute
loop BarLoop
; Put up the attribute labels.
mov ah,2 ;video interrupt set cursor position function
sub bh,bh ;page 0
mov dh,TOP_BAR/14 ;counting in character rows, match to
; top of first bar, counting in
; scan lines
mov dl,16 ;just to left of bars
int 10h
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function
mov dx,offset AttributeNumbers
int 21h
; Loop through the color set, one new setting per keypress.
mov [CurrentColor],0 ;start with color zero
; Set the palette registers to the current color set, consisting
; of the current color mapped to attribute 0, current color + 1
; mapped to attribute 1, and so on.
mov al,[CurrentColor]
mov bx,offset ColorTable
mov cx,16 ;we have 16 colors to set
and al,3fh ;limit to 6-bit color values
mov [bx],al ;built the 16-color table used for setting
inc bx ; the palette registers
inc ax
loop PaletteSetLoop
mov ah,10h ;video interrupt palette function
mov al,2 ;subfunction to set all 16 palette registers
; and overscan at once
mov dx,offset ColorTable
push ds
pop es ;ES:DX points to the color table
int 10h ;invoke the video interrupt to set the palette
; Put up the color numbers, so we can see how attributes map

; to color values, and so we can see how each color # looks
; (at least on this particular screen).
call ColorNumbersUp
; Wait for a keypress, so they can see this color set.
mov ah,8 ;DOS input without echo function
int 21h
; Advance to the next color set.
mov al,[CurrentColor]
inc ax
mov [CurrentColor],al
cmp al,64
jbe ColorLoop
; Do a mode set to restore text mode to its default state.
mov ax,3
int 10h
; Done.
mov ah,4ch ;DOS terminate function
int 21h
; Puts up a bar consisting of the specified attribute (pixel value),
; at a vertical position corresponding to the attribute.
; Input: AL = attribute
BarUp proc near
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov ah,al
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;set the Map Mask register to produce
; the desired color
mul ah ;row of top of bar
add ax,TOP_BAR ;start a few lines down to leave room for
; text
mov dx,80 ;rows are 80 bytes long
mul dx ;offset in bytes of start of scan line bar
; starts on
add ax,20 ;offset in bytes of upper left corner of bar
mov di,ax
mov es,ax ;ES:DI points to offset of upper left
; corner of bar
mov al,0ffh
mov cx,40 ;make the bars 40 wide
rep stosb ;do one scan line of the bar
add di,40 ;point to the start of the next scan line
; of the bar
dec dx
jnz BarLineLoop
BarUp endp
; Converts AL to a hex digit in the range 0-F.
BinToHexDigit proc near
cmp al,9
ja IsHex
add al,'0'
add al,'A'-10
BinToHexDigit endp
; Displays the color values generated by the color bars given the
; current palette register settings off to the right of the color
; bars.
ColorNumbersUp proc near
mov ah,2 ;video interrupt set cursor position function
sub bh,bh ;page 0
mov dh,TOP_BAR/14 ;counting in character rows, match to
; top of first bar, counting in
; scan lines
mov dl,20+40+1 ;just to right of bars
int 10h
mov al,[CurrentColor] ;start with the current color
mov bx,offset ColorNumbers+1
;build the color number text string on the fly
mov cx,16 ;we've got 16 colors to do
push ax ;save the color #
and al,3fh ;limit to 6-bit color values
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1 ;isolate the high nibble of the
; color #
call BinToHexDigit ;convert the high color # nibble
mov [bx],al ; and put it into the text
pop ax ;get back the color #
push ax ;save the color #
and al,0fh ;isolate the low color # nibble
call BinToHexDigit ;convert the low nibble of the
; color # to ASCII
mov [bx+1],al ; and put it into the text
add bx,COLOR_ENTRY_LENGTH ;point to the next entry
pop ax ;get back the color #
inc ax ;next color #
loop ColorNumberLoop
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function
mov dx,offset ColorNumbers
int 21h ;put up the attribute numbers
ColorNumbersUp endp
Start endp
Code ends
end Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PWRGRPHC.ZIP
Filename : CHAP09.3

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: