Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PTV1N4.ZIP
Filename : L2.ASM

Output of file : L2.ASM contained in archive : PTV1N4.ZIP

; *** Listing 2 ***
; Program to illustrate searching through a buffer of a specified
; length until either a specified byte or a zero byte is encountered.
; A loop unrolled four times and terminated with LOOP is used.

.model small
.stack 100h
; Sample string to search through.
SampleString label byte
db 'This is a sample string of a long enough length '
db 'so that raw searching speed can outweigh any '
db 'extra set-up time that may be required.',0

; User prompt.
Prompt db 'Enter character to search for:$'

; Result status messages.
ByteFoundMsg db 0dh,0ah
db 'Specified byte found.',0dh,0ah,'$'
ZeroByteFoundMsg db 0dh,0ah
db 'Zero byte encountered.',0dh,0ah,'$'
NoByteFoundMsg db 0dh,0ah
db 'Buffer exhausted with no match.',0dh,0ah,'$'

; Table of initial, possibly partial loop entry points for
; SearchMaxLength.
SearchMaxLengthEntryTable label word
dw SearchMaxLengthEntry4
dw SearchMaxLengthEntry1
dw SearchMaxLengthEntry2
dw SearchMaxLengthEntry3

Start proc near
mov ax,@data ;point to standard data segment
mov ds,ax

mov dx,offset Prompt
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function
int 21h ;prompt the user

mov ah,1 ;DOS get key function
int 21h ;get the key to search for

mov ah,al ;put character to search for in AH
mov cx,SAMPLE_STRING_LENGTH ;# of bytes to search
mov si,offset SampleString ;point to buffer to search
call SearchMaxLength ;search the buffer
mov dx,offset ByteFoundMsg ;assume we found the byte
jc PrintStatus ;we did find the byte
;we didn't find the byte, figure out
; whether we found a zero byte or
; ran out of buffer
mov dx,offset NoByteFoundMsg
;assume we didn't find a zero byte
jcxz PrintStatus ;we didn't find a zero byte
mov dx,offset ZeroBytefoundMsg ;we found a zero byte
mov ah,9 ;DOS print string function
int 21h ;report status

mov ah,4ch ;return to DOS
int 21h
Start endp

; Function to search a buffer of a specified length until either a
; specified byte or a zero byte is encountered.
; Input:
; AH = character to search for
; CX = maximum length to be searched (must be > 0)
; DS:SI = pointer to buffer to be searched
; Output:
; CX = 0 if and only if we ran out of bytes without finding
; either the desired byte or a zero byte
; DS:SI = pointer to searched-for byte if found, otherwise byte
; after zero byte if found, otherwise byte after last
; byte checked if neither searched-for byte nor zero
; byte is found
; Carry Flag = set if searched-for byte found, reset otherwise

SearchMaxLength proc near
mov bx,cx
add cx,3 ;calculate the maximum # of passes
shr cx,1 ; through the loop, which is
shr cx,1 ; unrolled 4 times
and bx,3 ;calculate the index into the entry
; point table for the first,
; possibly partial loop
shl bx,1 ;prepare for a word-sized look-up
jmp SearchMaxLengthEntryTable[bx]
;branch into the unrolled loop to do
; the first, possibly partial loop

lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al,ah ;is this the byte we want?
jz ByteFound ;yes, we're done with success
and al,al ;is this the terminating 0 byte?
jz ByteNotFound ;yes, we're done with failure
lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al,ah ;is this the byte we want?
jz ByteFound ;yes, we're done with success
and al,al ;is this the terminating 0 byte?
jz ByteNotFound ;yes, we're done with failure
lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al,ah ;is this the byte we want?
jz ByteFound ;yes, we're done with success
and al,al ;is this the terminating 0 byte?
jz ByteNotFound ;yes, we're done with failure
lodsb ;get the next byte
cmp al,ah ;is this the byte we want?
jz ByteFound ;yes, we're done with success
and al,al ;is this the terminating 0 byte?
jz ByteNotFound ;yes, we're done with failure
loop SearchMaxLengthLoop ;it's neither, so check the next
; four bytes, if any
clc ;return "not found" status
dec si ;point back to the location at which
; we found the searched-for byte
stc ;return "found" status
SearchMaxLength endp
end Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PTV1N4.ZIP
Filename : L2.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: