Dec 062017
Files from PC Techinques Apr/May 1990.
File PTV1N1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Files from PC Techinques Apr/May 1990.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CARDFILE.PAS 2877 1130 deflated
F11F12.SRC 138 103 deflated
HAX1.ZIP 64711 64548 deflated
KEYSPEED.C 1412 716 deflated
L1.C 1048 502 deflated
L2.C 818 420 deflated
L3.ASM 1639 779 deflated
L4.C 877 454 deflated
L5.C 1675 714 deflated
L6.C 1622 720 deflated
L7.ASM 1325 628 deflated
MAKEFORM.PAS 1504 692 deflated
MAKEMUSI.PAS 3231 995 deflated
MUSIC.DTA 1213 689 deflated
NBSTIME.BAS 3094 1445 deflated
PACKED.SRC 1087 497 deflated
PCTV1N1.ZIP 85355 82659 deflated
READ.ME 1084 590 deflated
READCARD.PAS 2657 1097 deflated
REBOOT.SRC 299 200 deflated
TABEXP.C 958 443 deflated
TABEXP.CPP 751 367 deflated
TABEXP.HPP 491 251 deflated
TABEXP2.C 1273 568 deflated
TABPROG.CPP 322 223 deflated
TEST.DTA 304 147 deflated
UFORMGEN.PAS 1057 514 deflated
UNEWTYPE.PAS 1639 677 deflated

Download File PTV1N1.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

To all our programmer friends:

These are the listings from the premiere issue of PC TECHNIQUES,
dated April/May 1990. In addition, we're including a ZIPped archive
containing a hypertext reader and a sampler of several short technical
articles from the magazine in hypertext format. Information about
PC TECHNIQUES and how to subscribe is contained in the HyperHAX
Hypertext Sampler.

We place no restrictions on the distribution or use of the source code
published in the magazine. Please add it to your user group library or
BBS file archives. Pass it along to your friends. Make sure that anyone
who might conceivably find the code useful will get it.

And let us know what you think. We created PC TECHNIQUES to help you
build your programming skills. Your feedback is always welcome. Write to
us at:

3202 E. Greenway Suite 1307-302
Phoenix AZ 85032

And in the meantime, keep hacking!

--Jeff Duntemann
Editor in Chief

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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