Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PROGJRNL.ZIP
Filename : GETDAT.ASM

Output of file : GETDAT.ASM contained in archive : PROGJRNL.ZIP
; Author: M. Steven Baker
; Date: August 27, 1988
; a GETDAT subroutine for LAHEY F77/32 bit
; must assemble with MASM 5.x or higher
; based on SAMPLE.ASM code from LAHEY supplemental disk
; FORTRAN calling convention with INTEGER*4 arguments
; CALL GETDAT(iyear,imonth,iday)

.386 ; required to generate 32-bit code/data

; It is very important when linking to F77L-EM/32 program units that any data
; segments your assembly code uses have their class name as 'DATA' in order
; to link correctly. In addition, you must also use the GROUP directive
; to include the data in group DGROUP. DS and ES are set to DGROUP by the
; FORTRAN code, and must be set that way on return. Your code segment must
; also be included in the group CGROUP, and include the directive:

data segment dword public 'DATA'
dgroup group data

data ends
; Any code segments should have a class name of 'CODE'.
excode segment dword public 'CODE'
cgroup group excode
assume cs:cgroup, ds:dgroup
; The procedure names must be declared public to be addressable by
; other modules.
public GETDAT

GETDAT proc near
; Upon entry to any subroutine, F77L-EM/32 has pushed addresses of
; each argument onto the stack. In the calling program,
; 'gettim' was defined as a simple subroutine;
; When all arguments have been dealt with,
; F77L-EM/32 issues a near call to the named routine.
; log4 = example( int2, int4, int2a, int2a(3), dp, cmpx )
; arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6
; push ebp ; always do this... if EBP/ESP are used
; mov ebp, esp ; and this (ebp must be preserved)
; The arguments are pushed right to left; thus, the first argument
; is closest to ebp. At this point, the stack contains:
; offset of argn
; ...
; offset of arg1 = IHR
; return code offset (EIP) }-- four byte address from near call
; saved ebp <-- ebp, esp
; The first argument address is now 8 bytes from ebp, referenced at [ebp+8].
; Note that the minimum argument displacement is 8 for subroutines and 12
; for functions.
; CALL GETDAT(iyear,imonth,iday)
mov ah,2ah ;DOS Get Date function
int 21h ;returns CX=year
; DH =month DL=day
mov eax,ss:[esp+4]
mov dword ptr [eax],0 ;zero value
mov [eax],cx ;set year
mov eax,ss:[esp+8]
mov dword ptr [eax],0 ;zero value
mov [eax],dh ;set month
mov eax,ss:[esp+0ch]
mov dword ptr [eax],0 ;zero value
mov [eax],dh ;set day

excode ends

; Do not put any label name or expression after the end statement! This
; defines a program entry point, which has already been defined by the
; Fortran MAIN module.

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PROGJRNL.ZIP
Filename : GETDAT.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: