Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ96.ZIP
Filename : ALIB.DOC

Output of file : ALIB.DOC contained in archive : PJ96.ZIP
;; abort if cf
; entry Cf error flag, program exits if set (Cf==1)

;; add atom
; entry DS:SI string to hash
; exit AX atom index
; Cf if table full

;; add binary atom
; entry DS:SI bytes to hash
; CX byte count (<256)
; exit AX atom index
; Cf if table full or atom too big

;; block alloc
; exit AX block size in bytes
; BX block handle
; ES:DI block pointer
; Cf if no memory

;; block file open
; entry DS:SI file name
; exit AX file size in blocks
; BX block handle
; Cf if file not found or empty

;; block file read
; entry AX 16k file block number (0..n)
; BX block index
; exit DS:SI block pointer
; AX block size (<16k if last block)
; Cf if bad block index or past end of file

;; block free
; entry BX block index
; exit Cf if bad index (cannot free file blocks)
; uses AX,BX

;; block read
; entry BX block index
; exit AX block size
; DS:SI block pointer
; Cf if bad block or no memory

;; calloc
; entry CX requested byte count (1..FFF0)
; exit AX actual byte count
; ES:DI storage pointer
; Cf if no storage

;; check block file
; entry DS:SI file name
; exit BX file id or 0 if unknown file

;; clear ncb
; entry DS:SI ncb ptr

;; clear strerror
; zeros error string pointer

;; close file
; entry BX handle
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; close file cf
; entry BX handle
; Cf error flag
; exit Cf if error flag set on entry or error during close file
; uses AX

;; current file size
; entry BX file handle
; exit DX AX file size
; Cf if unexpected file error

;; dialog error beta
; entry AX DGROUP error string
; exit Cf 1
; uses AX

;; dialog strerror beta
; exit Cf 1
; uses AX

;; disable exit intercept
; uses AX,SI,DS

;; ems exchange
; entry AX page index (1..n)
; ES:DI destination
; exit Cf if bad block or EMS error
; uses AX

;; ems in
; entry AX block index (1..n)
; ES:DI destination (no transfer if NULL)
; exit Cf if bad block or EMS error
; uses AX

;; ems out
; entry ES:DI source
; exit AX block index (1..n)
; Cf if EMS full or EMS error

;; enable exit intercept
; uses AX,SI,DS

;; err disk full
; exit Cf 1
; uses AX

;; exit
; entry AL exit code

;; exit with failure

;; exit with success

;; fatal app exit
; entry AX offset of DGROUP error string
; note this function never returns

;; fclose
; entry BX stream handle
; exit Cf if error closing file or bad handle
; uses AX,BX

;; find atom
; entry DS:SI string to find
; exit AX atom index
; Cf if not found

;; find binary atom
; entry DS:SI bytes to hash
; CX byte count (<256)
; exit AX atom index (or 0)
; Cf if not found

;; fopen
; entry AX mode, 'r' or 'w' to open for reading or writing
; DS:SI filename
; exit BX stream handle
; Cf if error
; uses AX

;; fread
; entry BX stream handle
; CX byte count
; ES:DI destination pointer
; exit AX actual byte count (!=CX for EOF)
; DI updated
; Cf if error

;; free
; entry ES:DI storage pointer (OK if NULL)
; exit ES:DI NULL
; Cf if bad pointer
; uses AX

;; fwrite
; entry BX stream handle
; CX byte count
; DS:SI source pointer
; exit AX bytes written
; SI updated
; Cf if error

;; get atom name
; entry AX atom index
; CX buffer size
; ES:DI output buffer
; exit DI updated (points to \0)
; CX updated
; Cf if bad atom index
; uses AX

;; get input state
; exit Zf if no key waiting
; uses AX
; note returns TRUE for keyboard, mouse, and timer under Windows

;; get strerror
; exit DS:SI error string
; Zf if no error string

;; get vector
; entry AL vector #
; exit DS:SI selected vector
; Zf if null vector
; uses AX

;; global alloc
; entry CX requested size
; exit AX actual size
; BX storage handle (never zero)
; Cf if no storage

;; global calloc
; entry CX requested size
; exit AX actual size
; BX storage handle (never zero)
; Cf if no storage

;; global free
; entry BX storage handle (OK if zero)
; exit BX 0
; uses AX

;; global lock
; entry BX valid storage handle
; exit DS:SI storage pointer

;; global realloc
; entry BX storage handle
; CX new size
; exit AX actual size (if no errors)
; Cf if not enough memory

;; global unlock
; entry BX valid storage handle
; note flags do NOT change

;; init atom table
; entry AX prime number approximate twice maximum atom count
; exit Cf if no memory
; uses AX

;; input file size
; entry BX file handle
; exit DX AX size

;; isalnum
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if alphanumeric character

;; isalpha
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if AL==A-Za-z

;; isalpha_
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if AL alphabetic or _ but not number

;; iscntrl
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if control character (0x7F or 0x00..0x1F)

;; isdigit
; entry AL char
; exit Zf if 0..9

;; isgraph
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if printable character (not space)

;; islower
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if a..z

;; isprint
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if printable character (including space)

;; ispunct
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if !"#%&'();<=>?[\]*+,-./:^_{|}~

;; isspace
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if space, FF, NL, CR, HT, or VT

;; isupper
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if A..Z

;; isxdigit
; entry AL character
; exit Zf if 0..9 A..F a..f

;; malloc
; entry CX requested byte count (1..FFF0)
; exit AX actual byte count
; ES:DI storage pointer (unchanged if error)
; Cf if no storage

;; move file pointer
; entry BX file handle
; DX AX file position
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; ms dos

;; ms dos dialog
; entry * according to dos function
; exit *
; uses *
; note displays dialog box when ms_dos returns an error

;; ms dos strerror

;; netbios add name
; entry DS:SI asciiz name (less than 16 characters long)
; exit Cf if error
; AL name number (or return code if error)

;; netbios call
; entry DS:SI netbios control block
; exit AX return code (0xFF if function pending)
; Cf if error

;; netbios cancel
; entry DS:SI netbios command block
; exit AX final return code
; Cf if error

;; netbios check
; exit Cf if no netbios driver
; uses AX,SI

;; netbios delete name
; entry DS:SI asciiz name (less than 16 characters long)
; exit Cf if error
; AL return code

;; netbios hang up
; entry AL session number
; exit AL return code
; Cf if error

;; netbios receive wait
; entry AL local session number
; CX buffer length
; ES:DI buffer pointer
; exit AL return code
; CX bytes received (0 if session closed or error)
; Cf if error (session closed is not an error)

;; netbios send broadcast
; entry AL add name number
; CX buffer length
; ES:DI buffer
; exit AL return code
; Cf if error
; note waits until datagram sent over network

;; netbios send datagram
; entry AL add name number
; CX buffer length
; ES:DI buffer
; DS:SI asciiz call name (destination)
; exit AL return code
; Cf if error
; note waits until datagram sent over network

;; netbios send wait
; entry AL session number
; CX length
; ES:DI buffer pointer
; exit AL return code
; Cf if error

;; open block file
; entry DS:SI file name
; exit CX file size in 16k blocks
; DX file id (1..n)
; Cf if file not found or no storage
; uses AX

;; open input file
; entry DS:SI string
; exit AX,BX handle
; Cf if error, error text set
; calls offset_dos_error, ms_dos

;; open output file
; entry DS:SI string
; exit AX,BX handle
; Cf if error, error text set
; calls offset_dos_error, ms_dos

;; perror
; entry DS:SI optional message prefix
; uses AX

;; put hex byte
; entry AL byte
; uses AX
; note calls putchar to write chrs

;; put hex word
; entry AX word
; uses AX

;; put multiple bytes
; entry CX byte count
; DS:SI byte pointer
; uses AX,CX,SI

;; put netbios name
; entry DS:SI name field of control block
; uses AX,SI

;; put string
; entry DS:SI asciiz string
; uses AX

;; put unsigned
; entry AX number
; uses AX

;; putchar
; entry AL character

;; putchar newline
; uses AX

;; putchar space
; uses AX

;; puts
; entry DS:SI asciiz string
; uses AX

;; puts dgroup
; entry AX DGROUP string pointer
; uses AX

;; rand
; exit AX random number

;; random
; entry AX num
; exit AX random number between 0 and num-1

;; read block file
; entry AX file block index (0..n)
; BX file id (1..n)
; ES:DI transfer address
; exit AX byte count
; Cf if error

;; read command line
; exit DS:SI program command line

;; read entire file
; entry DS:SI asciiz file name
; exit DS:SI ptr to storage containing file (NULL delimited)
; CX file byte count
; Cf if file not found or too big
; uses AX

;; read environment
; exit DS:SI environment

;; read from file
; entry BX file handle
; CX byte count
; ES:DI destination
; exit AX number of bytes read
; Cf if error

;; realloc
; entry CX requested byte count (1..FFF0)
; ES:DI storage pointer
; exit AX actual byte count
; Cf if not enough memory or cannot increase size

;; remove
; entry DS:SI filename to delete
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; rename
; entry DS:SI old name
; ES:DI new name
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; rewind
; entry BX file handle
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; save most
; note saves all registers except AX and BP. however, the current
; version also saves BP because the code works out that way.
; the registers are automatically restored. this routine is
; called with a return address as the top of stack.

;; select min count
; entry CX count1
; DX AX count2
; exit CX minimum of count1 and count2

;; set argc argv
; exit Cf if no memory
; uses AX,CX,DI,SI,ES,DS

;; set block handle
; entry BX block handle
; DX file id
; exit Cf if bad file id
; uses AX,CX,SI,DS

;; set strerror
; entry AX DGROUP offset of asciiz error string
; exit Cf 1

;; startup
; entry AX offset stack
; ES program segment prefix
; exit BP 0
; may use AX,BX,CX,DX,DI,SI,DS,ES

;; strcmpi
; entry DS:SI string1
; ES:DI string2
; exit Zf if string1==string2
; uses AX

;; strcpy
; entry DS:SI source ptr
; ES:DI destination ptr
; exit SI updated past NULL
; DI updated, points to NULL
; uses AX

;; strcpy limit
; entry DS:SI source pointer
; ES:DI destination pointer
; DX destination limit
; exit DI updated to last character in destination
; uses AX

;; strlen
; entry DS:SI string
; exit CX byte count excluding NULL
; uses AX

;; strlenz
; entry DS:SI string
; exit CX byte count including NULL
; uses AX

;; strncpy
; entry DS:SI source string
; ES:DI destination buffer
; CX byte count (includes room for \0)
; exit SI updated (past \0 unless CX too small)
; DI updated (points to \0)
; CX updated
; uses AX

;; strskp
; entry DS:SI asciiz string ptr
; exit SI updated past null
; uses AX

;; strskp line
; entry DS:SI string pointer
; exit SI updated to next line but not past \0
; AL delimiting char (either 0 or 0Ah)

;; strskp white
; entry DS:SI text ptr
; exit SI updated past spaces and tabs
; AL non-white character

;; swap in
; entry AX swap index
; ES:DI destination (no disk I/O if NULL)
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX

;; swap out
; entry ES:DI source pointer
; exit AX swap index (1..MAX) or 0 if error
; Cf if error (full disk or swap file, not DOS 3+)

;; tolower
; entry AL char
; exit AL lower cased AL

;; toupper
; entry AL char
; exit AL upper cased AL

;; write to file
; entry BX file handle
; CX byte count
; ES:DI buffer
; exit Cf if error

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ96.ZIP
Filename : ALIB.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: