Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : TEXTBUF.H
#ifndef __TEXTBUF_H /* Make sure that textbuf.h isn't included */
#define __TEXTBUF_H /* twice, the endif is on the last line. */
#ifdef NEAR_HEAP
# define BMALLOC malloc /* Allocate memory for buffer. */
# define BFREE free /* Free memory used for buffer. */
# define MAXBSIZE 4096 /* Maximum row * col size. */
typedef char *bufptr; /* pointer to the buffer */
typedef int bufsize; /* holds max buffer size */
# define bufset( dst,c, size) memset (dst, c, size)
# define bufmove(dst,src,size) memmove(dst, src, size)
# include
# define BMALLOC farmalloc
# define BFREE farfree
# define MAXBSIZE (0xffffU - 1) /* 64K - 1 */
typedef char far* bufptr;
typedef unsigned bufsize;
extern void _bufset ( bufptr p, const int c, bufsize size );
extern void _bufmove ( bufptr dst, bufptr src, bufsize size );
# define bufset(p,c,s) _bufset(p,c,s) /* in textbuf.c */
# define bufmove(d,s,size) _bufmove(d,s,size)
#define PUBLIC /* for documentation: globally accessible object. */
typedef struct
unsigned magic; /* Magic number for verification */
int nrows; /* Number of rows */
int ncols; /* Number of columns */
int row; /* Current cursor position, row */
int col; /* Current cursor position, column */
bufptr p; /* Character at that position */
bufptr buf; /* Actual buffer. */
/* B_LAST_LINE is passed a textbuf pointer and returns a pointer to
* the beginning of the last line of the buffer. The first line is
* pointed to by "buf."
* textbuf.magic is set to B_MAGIC when a textbuf is allocated. Use
* it to verify that a textbuf pointer is reasonable.
#define B_LAST_LINE(b) ((b)->buf + (((b)->nrows - 1) * (b)->ncols))
#define B_MAGIC 0xabcdU
PUBLIC textbuf *b_new( int nrows, int ncols );
PUBLIC void b_delete( textbuf *b );
PUBLIC textbuf *b_construct( textbuf *b, int nrows, int ncols );
PUBLIC int b_destruct( textbuf *b );
#define b_current( b ) ( (b)->p )
#define b_advance( b ) ( (b)->col++, \
(b)->p++ \
#define b_row(b) ( (b)->row )
#define b_col(b) ( (b)->col )
#define b_nrows(b) ( (b)->nrows )
#define b_ncols(b) ( (b)->ncols )
#define b_setrc(b,r,c) ( ((b)->row = (r)), \
((b)->col = (c)), \
((b)->p = (b)->buf + ((r)*(b)->ncols)+(c)) \
#define b_ateol(b) ( (b)->col == ((b)->ncols - 1) )
#define b_ateob(b) ( (b)->row == ((b)->nrows - 1) )
#define b_valid(b,r,c) ( (b) \
&& ((b)->magic == B_MAGIC) \
&& (0 <= (r) && (r) < (b)->nrows) \
&& (0 <= (c) && (c) < (b)->ncols) \
#define b_clearbuf(b,c) ( b_setrc(b,0,0), \
bufset((b)->buf, (c), (b)->nrows * (b)->ncols)\
#define b_cr(b) ( ((b)->p -= (b)->col ), \
((b)->col = 0 ) \
#define b_lf(b) ( ( ++(b)->row ), \
( (b)->p += (b)->ncols ) \
#define b_clearline(b,c) ( b_cr(b), \
bufset( (b)->p, (c), (b)->ncols ) \
#define b_available(b) ( (b)->ncols - (b)->col )
#define b_insert_c(b,n,c) ( bufmove( (b)->p + n, (b)->p, \
b_available(b) - (n) ), \
bufset ( (b)->p , (c) , (n) ) \
#define b_delete_c(b,n,c) ( bufmove( (b)->p, (b)->p+(n), (n) ), \
bufset ( ( (b)->p - (b)->col) + \
( (b)->ncols - (n) ), (c), (n)) \
#define b_closeup(b,c) ( b_cr(b), \
bufmove( (b)->buf + (b)->ncols, (b)->buf, \
(b)->row * (b)->ncols ),\
bufset( (b)->buf, (c), (b)->ncols ) \
#define b_closedown(b,c) ( b_cr(b), \
bufmove( (b)->p, (b)->p + (b)->ncols, \
((b)->nrows-(b)->row-1) * (b)->ncols),\
bufset( B_LAST_LINE(b), (c), (b)->ncols ) \
#define b_openup(b, c) ( b_cr(b), \
bufmove( (b)->buf, (b)->buf + (b)->ncols, \
(b)->row * (b)->ncols ),\
bufset( (b)->p, (c), (b)->ncols ) \
#define b_opendown(b,c) ( b_cr(b), \
bufmove( (b)->p + (b)->ncols, (b)->p, \
bufset( (b)->p, (c), (b)->ncols ) \
#endif /* #ifndef __TEXTBUF_H */
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: