Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : TERM.ASM

Output of file : TERM.ASM contained in archive : PJ91.ZIP
title termination routines

public enable_exit_intercept
public disable_exit_intercept

XPB segment word public 'DATA' ; full exit routines
XPB ends
XP segment word public 'DATA'
dw disable_exit_intercept ; on full exit, disable exit
XP ends ; intercept
XPE segment word public 'DATA'
XPE ends

XCB segment word public 'DATA' ; quick exit routines
extrn xcbegin:word
XCB ends
XC segment word public 'DATA'
XC ends
XCE segment word public 'DATA'
extrn xcend:word
XCE ends


extrn psp:word

extrn top_of_stack:word

terminate_offset dw ? ; original terminate address from
terminate_segment dw ? ; PSP:000A

extn initterm

;; enable exit intercept
; uses AX,SI,DS
enable_exit_intercept proc
mov ds,psp[bp]
mov si,0Ah

mov ax,cs
cmp ax,[si+2]
je eei1 ; if exit intercept already set

xchg ax,[si+2]
mov terminate_segment[bp],ax

lea ax,process_surprise_exit
xchg ax,[si]
mov terminate_offset[bp],ax

eei1: ret
enable_exit_intercept endp

;; disable exit intercept
; uses AX,SI,DS
disable_exit_intercept proc
movx ax,0
xchg ax,terminate_segment[bp]
cmpx ax,0
je dei1 ; if no exit intercept

mov ds,psp[bp] ; restore original terminate address
mov si,0Ah
mov [si+2],ax

movx ax,0
xchg ax,terminate_offset[bp]
mov [si],ax

dei1: ret
disable_exit_intercept endp

;; process surprise exit
process_surprise_exit proc far
mov cx,DGROUP ; access DGROUP via DS (SS != DGROUP)
mov ds,cx
assume ds:DGROUP

push terminate_segment ; set far return to original terminate
push terminate_offset ; address from PSP:000A

mov ax,sp ; save COMMAND.COM's stack pointer
mov dx,ss

mov ss,cx ; switch to our stack
mov sp,top_of_stack

pushf ; call terminators
pushm ax,dx,bp
movx bp,0
lea di,xcend
lea si,xcbegin
call initterm
popm bp,dx,ax
popf ; (flags aren't changed by intercept)

mov ss,dx ; restore COMMAND.COM stack
mov sp,ax
process_surprise_exit endp


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : TERM.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: