Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : STARTUP2.ASM

Output of file : STARTUP2.ASM contained in archive : PJ91.ZIP
title start up code for assembly langauge

NULL segment para public 'BEGDATA'
NULL ends

public psp,startup,dgroup_segment,top_of_stack,initterm,xcbegin,xcend

XIB segment word public 'DATA' ; these segments contain a list of
xibegin label word ; procedure addresses that the
XIB ends ; start-up code calls before main
XI segment word public 'DATA'
XI ends
XIE segment word public 'DATA'
xiend label word
XIE ends

XPB segment word public 'DATA' ; these segments contain a list of
xpbegin label word ; procedure addresses that the
XPB ends ; start-up code calls before
XP segment word public 'DATA' ; returning control to ms-dos. they
XP ends ; are called only on a full exit.
XPE segment word public 'DATA' ;
xpend label word
XPE ends

XCB segment word public 'DATA' ; these segments contain a list of
xcbegin label word ; procedure addresses that the
XCB ends ; start-up code calls before
XC segment word public 'DATA' ; returning control to ms-dos. they
XC ends ; are ALWAYS called regardless of how
XCE segment word public 'DATA' ; the program terminates.
xcend label word
XCE ends


psp dw 0
dgroup_segment dw 0

extb _edata,_end

top_of_stack dw ?

extn set_argc_argv,ms_dos,main,exit_program

;; initterm
; entry SI initializer or terminator list
; DI end of list
; may use AX,BX,CX,DX,DI,SI,DS,ES
initterm proc
movx ds,DGROUP_SEGMENT ; call list of initializers or
iit1: cmp si,di ; terminators
jae iit2 ; if end of list
or ax,ax
jz iit1 ; if NULL address

pushm di,si,ds
call ax
popm ds,si,di
jmp iit1
iit2: ret
initterm endp

;; startup
; entry AX offset stack
; ES program segment prefix
; exit BP 0
; may use AX,BX,CX,DX,DI,SI,DS,ES
startup proc
movx bp,0 ; BP=0 in TIGHT model

mov ax,ss ; compensate for Microsoft LINK bug
mov dx,DGROUP ; where SS is wrong segment
sub ax,dx
jbe sta1 ; if SS is DGROUP, must be OPTLINK
mov cl,4 ; else MS-LINK, fix stack pointer
shl ax,cl
mov ss,dx
add sp,ax

sta1: mov top_of_stack[bp],sp
mov psp[bp],es

mov ax,sp ; compute number of paragraphs
add ax,15 ; in program
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
mov bx,ss
add bx,ax
sub bx,psp[bp]

mov ah,4Ah ; shrink program memory block for
call ms_dos ; dynamic storage system

mov dgroup_segment[bp],ss

mov al,0 ; zero BSS segment
mov cx,offset DGROUP:_end
mov di,offset DGROUP:_edata
sub cx,di
rep stosb

call set_argc_argv ; process command line

lea di,xiend ; call initializers
lea si,xibegin
call initterm

movx ds,DGROUP_SEGMENT ; call user's program
call main

lea di,xpend ; call on-exit routines
lea si,xpbegin ; (must call on-exits before
call initterm ; terminators!)

lea di,xcend ; call terminators
lea si,xcbegin
call initterm

jmp exit_program
startup endp

end startup

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : STARTUP2.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: