Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : MISC.ASM

Output of file : MISC.ASM contained in archive : PJ91.ZIP
title miscellaneous

public abort_if_cf
public move_file_pointer
public read_from_file
public strcmpi

extw psp

ertx_aborting db 'Aborting',0
ertx_disk_full db 'Disk full',0

argc dw ?
argv dd ?

extn ms_dos_dialog,get_strerror,set_strerror,perror
extn ms_dos_strerror,malloc

;; abort_if_cf
abort_if_cf proc
jnc aic2
call get_strerror
jz aic1
call perror
aic1: lea ax,ertx_aborting
call set_strerror
call perror
call exit_with_error
aic2: ret
abort_if_cf endp

;; close file
; entry BX handle
; exit Cf 0
; uses AX
close_file proc
mov ah,3Eh
jmp ms_dos_strerror
close_file endp

;; err disk full
; exit Cf 1
; uses AX
err_disk_full proc
lea ax,ertx_disk_full
jmp set_strerror
err_disk_full endp

;; exit program
exit_program proc
mov ax,4C00h
jmp ms_dos
exit_program endp

;; exit with error
exit_with_error proc
mov ax,4C01h
jmp ms_dos
exit_with_error endp

;; get vector
; entry AL vector #
; exit DS:SI selected vector
; Zf if null vector
; uses AX
get_vector proc
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
add ax,ax
xchg ax,si
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
lds si,[si]
mov ax,ds
or ax,si
get_vector endp

;; input file size
; entry BX file handle
; exit DX AX size
input_file_size proc
pushm cx,di,si
mov ax,4201h ; get current position
movx cx,0
movx dx,0
call ms_dos_strerror
jc ifs1
mov si,dx ; into SI DI
mov di,ax

mov ax,4202h ; move to end of file
movx dx,0
call ms_dos_strerror
jc ifs1

pushm ax,dx
mov ax,4200h ; restore file position
mov cx,si
mov dx,di
call ms_dos_strerror
popm dx,ax

ifs1: popm si,di,cx
input_file_size endp

;; move file pointer
; entry BX file handle
; DX AX file position
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX
move_file_pointer proc
push cx
mov cx,dx
mov dx,ax
mov ax,4200h
call ms_dos_dialog
pop cx
move_file_pointer endp

;; ms dos
ms_dos proc
int 21h
ms_dos endp

;; open input file
; entry DS:SI string
; exit AX,BX handle
; Cf if error, error text set
; calls offset_dos_error, ms_dos
open_input_file proc
mov ax,3D00h ; (use 3D20 for shared access read)
xchg dx,si
call ms_dos_strerror
xchg dx,si
mov bx,ax
open_input_file endp

;; read command line
; exit DS:SI program command line
read_command_line proc
mov ds,psp[bp]
mov si,81h
read_command_line endp

;; read environment
; exit DS:SI environment
read_environment proc
xor si,si
mov ds,psp[bp]
mov ds,[si+2Ch]
read_environment endp

;; read from file
; entry BX file handle
; CX byte count
; ES:DI destination
; exit AX number of bytes read
; Cf if error
read_from_file proc
push ds
mov ah,3Fh
push es
pop ds
xchg dx,di
call ms_dos_dialog
xchg di,dx
pop ds
read_from_file endp

;; remove
; entry DS:SI filename to delete
; exit Cf if error
; uses AX
remove proc
mov ah,41h ; delete file
xchg dx,si
call ms_dos_strerror
xchg dx,si
remove endp

;; restore most
; note never call this routine
restore_most proc
popm bp,es,ds,si,di,dx,cx,bx
restore_most endp

;; save most
; note saves all registers except AX and BP. however, the current
; version also saves BP because the code works out that way.
; the registers are automatically restored. this routine is
; called with a return address as the top of stack.
save_most proc ; +16 inner ret adr, +18 outer ret adr
push cx ; +14
push dx ; +12
push di ; +10
push si ; +8
push ds ; +6
push es ; +4
push bp ; +2
lea bp,restore_most ; after execution of inner
push bp ; +0 routine, return to restore_most
mov bp,sp
xchg bx,[bp+16] ; bx above cx
push bx ; -2 setup return to inner routine
mov bx,[bp+16] ; restore original BX and BP
mov bp,[bp+2]
save_most endp

;; set argc argv
; exit Cf if no memory
; uses AX,CX,DI,SI,ES,DS
set_argc_argv proc
mov cx,256
call malloc
jc saa9 ; if no memory

mov argc[bp],1
mov wptr argv[bp],di
mov wptr argv[bp+2],es

mov ah,30h
call ms_dos
cmp al,3
jb saa10 ; if prior to DOS version 3.x

call read_environment ; skip environment
saa1: call strskp
cmp al,NULL_CHAR
jne saa1
lodsw ; (skip 1)

call strcpy ; copy program name which appears
inc di ; after environment

saa2: call read_command_line
saa3: call strskp_white
cmp al,CR_CHAR
je saa7 ; if no more arguments

inc argc[bp]
jmp saa5
saa4: stosb
saa5: lodsb
jbe saa6
cmp al,','
je saa6
cmp al,'~'
jbe saa4

saa6: cmp al,CR_CHAR
mov al,NULL_CHAR
jne saa3

saa7: inc di ; word align table
and di,-2

lds si,argv[bp] ; get ptr to first argument
mov wptr argv[bp],di ; set pointer list offset
mov cx,argc[bp] ; get list count (cannot==0)

saa8: mov ax,si ; build pointer list
call strskp
loop saa8
saa9: ret

saa10: mov ax,'C'
jmp saa2
set_argc_argv endp

;; stosb tmp path
; entry ES:DI destination
; exit DI updated
; uses AX
stosb_tmp_path proc
mov al,NULL_CHAR
dec di
stosb_tmp_path endp

;; strcmpi
; entry DS:SI string1
; ES:DI string2
; exit Zf if string1==string2
; uses AX
strcmpi proc
pushm di,si
sci1: mov ah,es:[di]
or ax,ax
jz sci2 ; if same strings
inc di
call tolower
xchg al,ah
call tolower
cmp ah,al
je sci1 ; if strings match so far
sci2: popm si,di
strcmpi endp

;; strcpy
; entry DS:SI source ptr
; ES:DI destination ptr
; exit SI updated past NULL
; DI updated, points to NULL
; uses AX
strcpy proc
cmp al,NULL_CHAR
jne strcpy
dec di
strcpy endp

;; strcpy limit
; entry DS:SI source pointer
; ES:DI destination pointer
; DX destination limit
; exit DI updated to last character in destination
; uses AX
strcpy_limit proc
push si
scl1: cmp di,dx
jae scl2 ; if at destination limit

lodsb ; else copy one character
cmp al,0
jne scl1

dec di
scl2: pop si
strcpy_limit endp

;; strlenz
; entry DS:SI string
; exit CX byte count including NULL
; uses AX
strlenz proc
push si
movx cx,0
slz1: inc cx
cmp al,NULL_CHAR
jne slz1
pop si
strlenz endp

;; strskp
; entry DS:SI asciiz string ptr
; exit SI updated past null
; uses AX
strskp proc
cmp al,NULL_CHAR
jne strskp
strskp endp

;; strskp white
; entry DS:SI text ptr
; exit SI updated past spaces and tabs
; AL non-white character
strskp_white proc
je strskp_white
cmp al,TAB_CHAR
je strskp_white
dec si
strskp_white endp

;; tolower
; entry AL char
; exit AL lower cased AL
tolower proc
cmp al,'A'
jb tol1
cmp al,'Z'
ja tol1
or al,20h
tol1: ret
tolower endp

public ms_dos,read_command_line,read_environment,set_argc_argv,strcpy
public argv,argc,exit_program,exit_with_error,get_vector,tolower
public close_file,open_input_file,input_file_size,err_disk_full
public remove,save_most,strlenz,strcpy_limit


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ91.ZIP
Filename : MISC.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: