Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ64.ZIP
Filename : L2.ASM

Output of file : L2.ASM contained in archive : PJ64.ZIP
; *** Listing 2 ***
; Program to illustrate use of read mode 1 (color compare mode)
; to detect collisions in display memory. Draws a yellow line on a
; blue background, then draws a perpendicular green line until the
; yellow line is reached.
; By Michael Abrash 4/2/88
stack segment word stack 'STACK'
db 512 dup (?)
stack ends
SCREEN_WIDTH EQU 80 ;in bytes
GC_INDEX EQU 3ceh ;Graphics Controller Index register
SET_RESET EQU 0 ;Set/Reset register index in GC
ENABLE_SET_RESET EQU 1 ;Enable Set/Reset register index in GC
COLOR_COMPARE EQU 2 ;Color Compare register index in GC
GRAPHICS_MODE EQU 5 ;Graphics Mode register index in GC
BIT_MASK EQU 8 ;Bit Mask register index in GC
code segment word 'CODE'
assume cs:code
Start proc near
; Select graphics mode 10h.
mov ax,10h
int 10h
; Fill the screen with blue.
mov al,1 ;blue is color 1
call SelectSetResetColor ;set to draw in blue
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov cx,7000h
rep stosb ;the value written actually doesn't
; matter, since set/reset is providing
; the data written to display memory
; Draw a vertical yellow line.
mov al,14 ;yellow is color 14
call SelectSetResetColor ;set to draw in yellow
mov dx,GC_INDEX
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Bit Mask
inc dx ;point to GC Data
mov al,10h
out dx,al ;set Bit Mask to 10h
mov di,40 ;start in the middle of the top line
mov cx,350 ;do full height of screen
mov al,es:[di] ;load the latches
stosb ;write next pixel of yellow line (set/reset
; provides the data written to display
; memory, and AL is actually ignored)
add di,SCREEN_WIDTH-1 ;point to the next scan line
loop VLineLoop
; Select write mode 0 and read mode 1.
mov dx,GC_INDEX
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Graphics Mode register
inc dx ;point to GC Data
mov al,00001000b ;bit 3=1 is read mode 1, bits 1 & 0=00
; is write mode 0
out dx,al ;set Graphics Mode to read mode 1,
; write mode 0
; Draw a horizontal green line, one pixel at a time, from left
; to right until color compare reports a yellow pixel is encountered.
; Draw in green.
mov al,2 ;green is color 2
call SelectSetResetColor ;set to draw in green
; Set color compare to look for yellow.
mov dx,GC_INDEX
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Color Compare register
inc dx ;point to GC Data
mov al,14 ;we're looking for yellow, color 14
out dx,al ;set color compare to look for yellow
dec dx ;point to GC Index
; Set up for quick access to Bit Mask register.
mov al,BIT_MASK
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Bit Mask register
inc dx ;point to GC Data
; Set initial pixel mask and display memory offset.
mov al,80h ;initial pixel mask
mov di,100*SCREEN_WIDTH
;start at left edge of scan line 100
mov ah,es:[di] ;do a read mode 1 (color compare) read.
; This also loads the latches.
and ah,al ;is the pixel of current interest yellow?
jnz WaitKeyAndDone ;yes-we've reached the yellow line, so we're
; done
out dx,al ;set the Bit Mask register so that we
; modify only the pixel of interest
mov es:[di],al ;draw the pixel. The value written is
; irrelevant, since set/reset is providing
; the data written to display memory
ror al,1 ;shift pixel mask to the next pixel
adc di,0 ;advance the display memory offset if
; the pixel mask wrapped
jmp HLineLoop
; Wait for a key to be pressed to end, then return to text mode and
; return to DOS.
mov ah,1
int 16h
jz WaitKeyLoop
sub ah,ah
int 16h ;clear the key
mov ax,3
int 10h ;return to text mode
mov ah,4ch
int 21h ;done
Start endp
; Enables set/reset for all planes, and sets the set/reset color
; to AL.
SelectSetResetColor proc near
mov dx,GC_INDEX
push ax ;preserve color
mov al,SET_RESET
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Set/Reset register
inc dx ;point to GC Data
pop ax ;get back color
out dx,al ;set Set/Reset register to selected color
dec dx ;point to GC Index
out dx,al ;point GC Index to Enable Set/Reset register
inc dx ;point to GC Data
mov al,0fh
out dx,al ;enable set/reset for all planes
SelectSetResetColor endp
code ends
end Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ64.ZIP
Filename : L2.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: