Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ-VGA.ZIP
Filename : ANIMATE.ASM

Output of file : ANIMATE.ASM contained in archive : PJ-VGA.ZIP
; *** Listing 1 ***
; Program to demonstrate bit-plane animation. Performs
; flicker-free animation with image transparency and
; image precedence across four distinct planes, with
; 13 32x32 images kept in motion at once.
; Set to higher values to slow down on faster computers.
; 0 is fine for a PC. 500 is a reasonable setting for an AT.
; Slowing animation further allows a good look at
; transparency and the lack of flicker and color effects
; when images cross.
; Plane selects for the four colors we're using.
RED equ 01h
GREEN equ 02h
BLUE equ 04h
WHITE equ 08h
VGA_SEGMENT equ 0a000h ;mode 10h display memory
; segment
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index
; register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;Map Mask register index in
; Sequence Controller
SCREEN_WIDTH equ 80 ;# of bytes across screen
SCREEN_HEIGHT equ 350 ;# of scan lines on screen
WORD_OUTS_OK equ 1 ;set to 0 to assemble for
; computers that can't
; handle word outs to
; indexed VGA regs
stack segment para stack 'STACK'
db 512 dup (?)
stack ends
; Complete info about one object that we're animating.
ObjectStructure struc
Delay dw ? ;used to delay for n passes
; throught the loop to
; control animation speed
BaseDelay dw ? ;reset value for Delay
Image dw ? ;pointer to drawing info
; for object
XCoord dw ? ;object X location in pixels
XInc dw ? ;# of pixels to increment
; location by in the X
; direction on each move
XLeftLimit dw ? ;left limit of X motion
XRightLimit dw ? ;right limit of X motion
YCoord dw ? ;object Y location in pixels
YInc dw ? ;# of pixels to increment
; location by in the Y
; direction on each move
YTopLimit dw ? ;top limit of Y motion
YBottomLimit dw ? ;bottom limit of Y motion
PlaneSelect db ? ;mask to select plane to
; which object is drawn
db ? ;to make an even # of words
; long, for better 286
; performance (keeps the
; following structure
; word-aligned)
ObjectStructure ends
Data segment word 'DATA'
; Palette settings to give plane 0 precedence, followed by
; planes 1, 2, and 3. Plane 3 has the lowest precedence (is
; obscured by any other plane), while plane 0 has the
; highest precedence (displays in front of any other plane).
Colors db 000h ;background color=black
db 03ch ;plane 0 only=red
db 03ah ;plane 1 only=green
db 03ch ;planes 0&1=red (plane 0 priority)
db 039h ;plane 2 only=blue
db 03ch ;planes 0&2=red (plane 0 priority)
db 03ah ;planes 1&2=green (plane 1 priority)
db 03ch ;planes 0&1&2=red (plane 0 priority)
db 03fh ;plane 3 only=white
db 03ch ;planes 0&3=red (plane 0 priority)
db 03ah ;planes 1&3=green (plane 1 priority)
db 03ch ;planes 0&1&3=red (plane 0 priority)
db 039h ;planes 2&3=blue (plane 2 priority)
db 03ch ;planes 0&2&3=red (plane 0 priority)
db 03ah ;planes 1&2&3=green (plane 1 priority)
db 03ch ;planes 0&1&2&3=red (plane 0 priority)
db 000h ;border color=black
; Image of a hollow square.
; There's an 8-pixel-wide blank border around all edges
; so that the image erases the old version of itself as
; it's moved and redrawn.
Square label byte
dw 48,6 ;height in pixels, width in bytes
rept 8
db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;top blank border
.radix 2
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,00000000,00000000,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
db 0,11111111,11111111,11111111,11111111,0
.radix 10
rept 8
db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;bottom blank border
; Image of a hollow diamond with a smaller diamond in the
; middle.
; There's an 8-pixel-wide blank border around all edges
; so that the image erases the old version of itself as
; it's moved and redrawn.
Diamond label byte
dw 48,6 ;height in pixels, width in bytes
rept 8
db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;top blank border
.radix 2
db 0,00000000,00000001,10000000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00000011,11000000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00000111,11100000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00001111,11110000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00011111,11111000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00111110,01111100,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,01111100,00111110,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,11111000,00011111,00000000,0
db 0,00000001,11110000,00001111,10000000,0
db 0,00000011,11100000,00000111,11000000,0
db 0,00000111,11000000,00000011,11100000,0
db 0,00001111,10000001,10000001,11110000,0
db 0,00011111,00000011,11000000,11111000,0
db 0,00111110,00000111,11100000,01111100,0
db 0,01111100,00001111,11110000,00111110,0
db 0,11111000,00011111,11111000,00011111,0
db 0,11111000,00011111,11111000,00011111,0
db 0,01111100,00001111,11110000,00111110,0
db 0,00111110,00000111,11100000,01111100,0
db 0,00011111,00000011,11000000,11111000,0
db 0,00001111,10000001,10000001,11110000,0
db 0,00000111,11000000,00000011,11100000,0
db 0,00000011,11100000,00000111,11000000,0
db 0,00000001,11110000,00001111,10000000,0
db 0,00000000,11111000,00011111,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,01111100,00111110,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00111110,01111100,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00011111,11111000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00001111,11110000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00000111,11100000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00000011,11000000,00000000,0
db 0,00000000,00000001,10000000,00000000,0
.radix 10
rept 8
db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;bottom blank border
; List of objects to animate.
even ;word-align for better 286 performance
ObjectList label ObjectStructure
ObjectStructure <1,21,Diamond,88,8,80,512,16,0,0,350,RED>
ObjectStructure <1,15,Square,296,8,112,480,144,0,0,350,RED>
ObjectStructure <1,23,Diamond,88,8,80,512,256,0,0,350,RED>
ObjectStructure <1,13,Square,120,0,0,640,144,4,0,280,BLUE>
ObjectStructure <1,11,Diamond,208,0,0,640,144,4,0,280,BLUE>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Square,296,0,0,640,144,4,0,288,BLUE>
ObjectStructure <1,9,Diamond,384,0,0,640,144,4,0,288,BLUE>
ObjectStructure <1,14,Square,472,0,0,640,144,4,0,280,BLUE>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Diamond,200,8,0,576,48,6,0,280,GREEN>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Square,248,8,0,576,96,6,0,280,GREEN>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Diamond,296,8,0,576,144,6,0,280,GREEN>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Square,344,8,0,576,192,6,0,280,GREEN>
ObjectStructure <1,8,Diamond,392,8,0,576,240,6,0,280,GREEN>
ObjectListEnd label ObjectStructure
Data ends
; Macro to output a word value to a port.
OUT_WORD macro
out dx,ax
out dx,al
inc dx
xchg ah,al
out dx,al
dec dx
xchg ah,al
; Macro to output a constant value to an indexed VGA
; register.
mov dx,ADDRESS
mov ax,(VALUE shl 8) + INDEX
Code segment
assume cs:Code, ds:Data
Start proc near
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
; Set 640x350 16-color mode.
mov ax,0010h ;AH=0 means select mode
;AL=10h means select
; mode 10h
int 10h ;BIOS video interrupt
; Set the palette up to provide bit-plane precedence. If
; planes 0 & 1 overlap, the plane 0 color will be shown;
; if planes 1 & 2 overlap, the plane 1 color will be
; shown; and so on.
mov ax,(10h shl 8) + 2 ;AH = 10h means
; set palette
; registers fn
;AL = 2 means set
; all palette
; registers
push ds ;ES:DX points to
pop es ; the palette
mov dx,offset Colors ; settings
int 10h ;call the BIOS to
; set the palette
; Draw the static backdrop in plane 3. All the moving images
; will appear to be in front of this backdrop, since plane 3
; has the lowest precedence the way the palette is set up.
;allow data to go to
; plane 3 only
; Point ES to display memory for the rest of the program.
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov bp,SCREEN_HEIGHT/16 ;fill in the screen
; 16 lines at a time
call DrawGridCross ;draw a cross piece
call DrawGridVert ;draw the rest of a
; 15-high block
dec bp
jnz BackdropBlockLoop
call DrawGridCross ;bottom line of grid
; Start animating!
mov bx,offset ObjectList ;point to the first
; object in the list
; For each object, see if it's time to move and draw that
; object.
; See if it's time to move this object.
dec [bx+Delay] ;count down delay
jnz DoNextObject ;still delaying-don't move
mov ax,[bx+BaseDelay]
mov [bx+Delay],ax ;reset delay for next time
; Select the plane that this object will be drawn in.
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov ah,[bx+PlaneSelect]
mov al,MAP_MASK
; Advance the X coordinate, reversing direction if either
; of the X margins has been reached.
mov cx,[bx+XCoord] ;current X location
cmp cx,[bx+XLeftLimit] ;at left limit?
ja CheckXRightLimit ;no
neg [bx+XInc] ;yes-reverse
cmp cx,[bx+XRightLimit] ;at right limit?
jb SetNewX ;no
neg [bx+XInc] ;yes-reverse
add cx,[bx+XInc] ;move the X coord
mov [bx+XCoord],cx ; & save it
; Advance the Y coordinate, reversing direction if either
; of the Y margins has been reached.
mov dx,[bx+YCoord] ;current Y location
cmp dx,[bx+YTopLimit] ;at top limit?
ja CheckYBottomLimit ;no
neg [bx+YInc] ;yes-reverse
cmp dx,[bx+YBottomLimit] ;at bottom limit?
jb SetNewY ;no
neg [bx+YInc] ;yes-reverse
add dx,[bx+YInc] ;move the Y coord
mov [bx+YCoord],dx ; & save it
; Draw at the new location. Because of the plane select
; above, only one plane will be affected.
mov si,[bx+Image] ;point to the
; object's image
; info
call DrawObject
; Point to the next object in the list until we run out of
; objects.
add bx,size ObjectStructure
cmp bx,offset ObjectListEnd
jb ObjectLoop
; Delay as specified to slow things down.
loop DelayLoop
; If a key's been pressed, we're done, otherwise animate
; again.
mov ah,1
int 16h ;is a key waiting?
jz AnimationLoop ;no
sub ah,ah
int 16h ;yes-clear the key & done
; Back to text mode.
mov ax,0003h ;AL=03h means select
; mode 03h
int 10h
; Back to DOS.
mov ah,4ch ;DOS terminate function
int 21h ;done
Start endp
; Draws a single grid cross-element at the display memory
; location pointed to by ES:DI. 1 horizontal line is drawn
; across the screen.
; Input: ES:DI points to the address at which to draw
; Output: ES:DI points to the address following the
; line drawn
; Registers altered: AX, CX, DI
DrawGridCross proc near
mov ax,0ffffh ;draw a solid line
mov cx,SCREEN_WIDTH/2-1
rep stosw ;draw all but the rightmost
; edge
mov ax,0080h
stosw ;draw the right edge of the
; grid
DrawGridCross endp
; Draws the non-cross part of the grid at the display memory
; location pointed to by ES:DI. 15 scan lines are filled.
; Input: ES:DI points to the address at which to draw
; Output: ES:DI points to the address following the
; part of the grid drawn
; Registers altered: AX, CX, DX, DI
DrawGridVert proc near
mov ax,0080h ;pattern for a vertical line
mov dx,15 ;draw 15 scan lines (all of
; a grid block except the
; solid cross line)
rep stosw ;draw this scan line's bit
; of all the vertical lines
; on the screen
dec dx
jnz BackdropRowLoop
DrawGridVert endp
; Draw the specified image at the specified location.
; Images are drawn on byte boundaries horizontally, pixel
; boundaries vertically.
; The Map Mask register must already have been set to enable
; access to the desired plane.
; Input:
; CX - X coordinate of upper left corner
; DX - Y coordinate of upper left corner
; DS:SI - pointer to draw info for image
; ES - display memory segment
; Output: none
; Registers altered: AX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP
DrawObject proc near
mul dx ;calculate the start offset in
; display memory of the row the
; image will be drawn at
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1 ;divide the X coordinate in pixels
; by 8 to get the X coordinate in
; bytes
add ax,cx ;destination offset in display
; memory for the image
mov di,ax ;point ES:DI to the address to
; which the image will be copied
; in display memory
mov dx,ax ;# of lines in the image
lodsw ;# of bytes across the image
sub bp,ax ;# of bytes to add to the display
; memory offset after copying a line
; of the image to display memory in
; order to point to the address
; where the next line of the image
; will go in display memory
mov cx,ax ;width of the image
rep movsb ;copy the next line of the image
; into display memory
add di,bp ;point to the address at which the
; next line will go in display
; memory
dec dx ;count down the lines of the image
jnz DrawLoop
DrawObject endp
Code ends
end Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PJ-VGA.ZIP
Filename : ANIMATE.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: