Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTV3N1.ZIP
Filename : FVIEWER.CPP

Output of file : FVIEWER.CPP contained in archive : PCTV3N1.ZIP
/* */
/* Turbo Vision 1.0 */
/* Turbo Vision FileViewer Demo */
/* Copyright (c) 1991 by Borland International */
/* */

#define Uses_TKeys
#define Uses_MsgBox
#define Uses_TApplication
#define Uses_TEvent
#define Uses_TRect
#define Uses_TFileDialog
#define Uses_TChDirDialog
#define Uses_TDeskTop
#define Uses_TMenuBar
#define Uses_TMenuItem
#define Uses_TSubMenu
#define Uses_TStatusLine
#define Uses_TStatusDef
#define Uses_TStatusItem

#if !defined( __STRING_H )
#endif // __STRING_H

#if !defined( __FSTREAM_H )
#endif // __FSTREAM_H

#if !defined( __DIR_H )
#endif // __DIR_H

#if !defined( __FILEVIEW_H )
#include "FileView.h"
#endif // __FILEVIEW_H

// PRFILE CHANGE: added #include "prfile.h".
#include "prfile.h"

class TFileViewerApp : public TApplication



virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
static TMenuBar *initMenuBar( TRect );
static TStatusLine *initStatusLine( TRect );
virtual void outOfMemory();

// PRFILE CHANGE: added idle() function.
virtual void idle();


void openFile();
void changeDir();
void tile();
void cascade();


TFileViewerApp::TFileViewerApp() :
TProgInit( &TFileViewerApp::initStatusLine,
// PRFILE CHANGE: added disable of cmPrintFile.
// No files open; none can be printed.

void TFileViewerApp::openFile()
TFileDialog *d= (TFileDialog *)validView(
new TFileDialog( "*.*", "Open a File", "~N~ame", fdOpenButton, 100 ));
if( d != 0 && deskTop->execView( d ) != cmCancel )
char fileName[MAXPATH];
d->getFileName( fileName );
TView *w= validView( new TFileWindow( fileName ) );
if( w != 0 )
destroy( d );

void TFileViewerApp::changeDir()
TView *d = validView( new TChDirDialog( 0, hlChangeDir ) );
if( d != 0 )
deskTop->execView( d );
destroy( d );

void TFileViewerApp::tile()
deskTop->tile( deskTop->getExtent() );

void TFileViewerApp::cascade()
deskTop->cascade( deskTop->getExtent() );

void TFileViewerApp::handleEvent( TEvent& event )
// PRFILE CHANGE: added handler for cmQuit.
// Attempt to cancel print queue; clear quit event if failed.
if (event.what == evCommand && event.message.command == cmQuit &&
clearEvent( event );

TApplication::handleEvent( event );
if( event.what == evCommand )
switch( event.message.command )

case cmFileOpen:
case cmChangeDir:
case cmCascade:
case cmTile:
return ;
clearEvent( event );

TMenuBar *TFileViewerApp::initMenuBar( TRect r )
r.b.y = r.a.y+1;

return new TMenuBar( r,
*new TSubMenu( "~F~ile", kbAltF ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~O~pen...", cmFileOpen, kbF3, hcNoContext, "F3" ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~C~hange dir...", cmChangeDir, kbNoKey ) +
// PRFILE CHANGE: added ~P~rint menu item.
*new TMenuItem( "~P~rint", cmPrintFile, kbNoKey ) +
*new TMenuItem( "E~x~it", cmQuit, kbAltX, hcNoContext, "Alt-X" ) +
*new TSubMenu( "~W~indows", kbAltW ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~R~esize/move", cmResize, kbCtrlF5, hcNoContext, "Ctrl-F5" ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~Z~oom", cmZoom, kbF5, hcNoContext, "F5" ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~N~ext", cmNext, kbF6, hcNoContext, "F6" ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~C~lose", cmClose, kbAltF3, hcNoContext, "Alt-F3" ) +
*new TMenuItem( "~T~ile", cmTile, kbNoKey ) +
*new TMenuItem( "C~a~scade", cmCascade, kbNoKey )


TStatusLine *TFileViewerApp::initStatusLine( TRect r )
r.a.y = r.b.y-1;
return new TStatusLine( r,
*new TStatusDef( 0, 0xFFFF ) +
*new TStatusItem( 0, kbF10, cmMenu ) +
*new TStatusItem( "~Alt-X~ Exit", kbAltX, cmQuit ) +
*new TStatusItem( "~F3~ Open", kbF3, cmFileOpen ) +
*new TStatusItem( "~F5~ Zoom", kbF5, cmZoom ) +
*new TStatusItem( "~Alt-F3~ Close", kbAltF3, cmClose )


void TFileViewerApp::outOfMemory()
messageBox( "Not enough memory available to complete operation.",
mfError | mfOKButton );

int main()
TFileViewerApp fileViewerApp;;
return 0;

// PRFILE CHANGE: defined TFileViewerApp::idle() function.
void TFileViewerApp::idle()


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTV3N1.ZIP
Filename : FVIEWER.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: