Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTJ1288.ZIP
Filename : QDEMO1.C

Output of file : QDEMO1.C contained in archive : PCTJ1288.ZIP
/* QDEMO1.C - Parent program for demonstrating Queue usage.
* Copyright (c) 1988 PC Tech Journal and Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.
* Written by Ted Mirecki
#define INCL_DOS /* include all DOS* function prototypes */
/* Q item type codes: */
#define I_NUM 0 /* long int, not pointer */
#define I_NAME 1 /* ptr to named shared mem */
#define I_OWN 2 /* ptr to owner's memory (given) */
#define I_DISJ 3 /* ptr to disjoint memory (gettable) */

char fmt[20]; /* Format string for progress messages */
char Pname[] = "QDEMO2.EXE";
char Qname[] = "\\QUEUES\\TEST00.Q";
char Mname[] = "\\SHAREMEM\\TEST00.SEG";
struct {
char arg0[sizeof(Pname)];
char arg1[sizeof(Qname)];
char arg2[sizeof(Mname)];
} args;

SEL NamedSeg; /* selector of named shared memory */
HQUEUE Qhan; /* handle of queue */
int err;
PID progid; /* process ID of this program */

LINFOSEG far *local; /* ptr to Local Info seg */
SEL Gseg, Lseg; /* selectors for info segs*/
char far *outmsg;
char missing[65]; /* returned values from DosExecPgm */
INITIALIZE: create the queue, allocate named shared memory
DosGetInfoSeg(&Gseg, &Lseg); /* get info segments */
local = MAKEP(Lseg, 0);
progid = local->pidCurrent;
sprintf(fmt, "Process %d: %%s\n", progid); /* create format string */
printf(fmt, "Parent process started");
/* Create the Q */
err = DosCreateQueue(&Qhan, 2, Qname);
if (err) errmsg ("Create Q", err); /* won't return */
printf(fmt, "Queue created");
/* Allocate shared memory */
#define NamedLen 8000
err = DosAllocShrSeg(NamedLen, Mname, &NamedSeg);
if (err) errmsg("Alloc Share", err);
err = DosSubSet(NamedSeg, 1, NamedLen);
if (err) errmsg("Sub Set", err);
printf(fmt, "Named shared memory allocated");
EXEC a child process, passing names of Q & memory.
Continue reading until child passes termination value.
strcpy(args.arg0, Pname); /* build arg string */
strcpy(args.arg1, Qname);
args.arg1[sizeof(Qname)-1] = ' ';
strcpy(args.arg2, Mname);
err = DosExecPgm(missing, /* buffer for missing name */
sizeof(missing), /* its length */
EXEC_ASYNC, /* don't wait for child */
&args, 0L, /* args, same environment */
&results, /* place for returned values */
Pname); /* name of program */
if (err) errmsg("Exec", err);
while (Qread()) {
printf(fmt, "Press return to continue\n");
printf(fmt, "Good-bye from parent process");
QREAD(): Read from Q, with wait; determine message type, display
struct {
PID writer; /* ID of writing process */
int type; /* event ID = type of ptr to Q item: */
} Qid;
union {
char far *msg; /* pointer to received message */
long value; /* value if item not a pointer */
} Qitem;
SEL msgseg; /* segment of message */
USHORT msgoff; /* offset of message */
char far *Qtext; /* pointer to message text */
int msglen; /* other element components */
char msgprio;
err = DosReadQueue(Qhan, &Qid,
&msglen, &Qitem,
0, /* read item at head of Q */
DCWW_WAIT, /* wait if Q empty */
&msgprio, /* priority of item */
0L); /* no semaphore ID */
if (err) errmsg("Read Q", err);
printf(fmt, "Read Q item:");
printf(" from Process %d\n", Qid.writer);
printf(" pointer type %d\n", Qid.type);
printf(" priority %d\n", (int) msgprio);
printf(" length %d\n", msglen);
switch (Qid.type) {
case I_NUM: {
printf(" Long value %ld\n", Qitem.value);
return (0);
case I_NAME: {
msgoff = OFFSETOF(Qitem.msg);
Qtext = MAKEP(NamedSeg, msgoff);
printf(" Message text:\n%s\n\n", Qtext);
err = DosSubFree(NamedSeg, msgoff, msglen);
if (err) errmsg("Sub Free", err);
case I_OWN: {
printf(" Message text:\n%s\n\n", Qitem.msg);
DosFreeSeg(SELECTOROF(Qitem.msg) );
case I_DISJ: {
msgseg = SELECTOROF(Qitem.msg);
err = DosGetSeg(msgseg);
if (err) errmsg("Get Seg", err);
printf(" Message text:\n%s\n\n", Qitem.msg);
} /* end of switch */
return (Qid.type);
ERRMSG: Print error message, terminate process
errmsg( char *func, USHORT err)
printf("Process %d: Error %d in %s", progid, err, func);

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTJ1288.ZIP
Filename : QDEMO1.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: