Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTJ1188.ZIP

Output of file : SCREENOR.ASM contained in archive : PCTJ1188.ZIP
; Microsoft C:
; void ScreenOrigin( x, y );
; int x, y; /* pixel x,y coordinates */

_TEXT SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'

PUBLIC _ScreenOrigin
_ScreenOrigin PROC near

push bp ; preserve caller registers
mov bp,sp

; setup for pixel x-coordinate:
; - determine 8 or 9 bits per pixel by examining bit 0 in
; Sequencer Clocking Mode register
; - compute value for Attribute Controller Horizontal Pel Pan register

mov dx,3C4h ; DX = port for Sequencer index register
mov al,1
cli ; disable interrupts
out dx,al ; select Sequencer Clocking Mode reg
jmp $+2 ; wait for Sequencer to respond

inc dx
in al,dx
sti ; set interrupts
and al,1 ; isolate low-order bit
mov cl,9
sub cl,al ; CL = 8 or 9 (number of pixels/byte)

mov ax,[bp+4] ; AX = pixel x-coordinate
div cl ; AH = bit offset in byte
; AL = byte offset in row
cmp cl,8
je L01 ; jump if 8 pixels/byte

dec ah ; AH = -1, 0-7
jns L01 ; if AH = -1 ...
mov ah,8 ; ... set AH = 8

L01: mov cl,ah ; CL = Horizontal Pel Pan value
mov bl,al
xor bh,bh ; BX = byte offset in row

; setup for pixel y-coordinate:
; - use value in CRTC Max Scan Line register to compute value for
; CRTC Preset Row Scan register
; - read CRTC Offset register to determine logical width of video buffer;
; use this to compute value for CRTC Start Address registers

mov ax,40h
mov es,ax ; ES -> video BIOS data segment

mov dx,es:[63h] ; DX = port for CTRC index reg
mov al,9 ; AL = Max Scan Line reg number
out dx,al

push bx ; preserve BX (byte offset in row)
push dx ; preserve DX (CRTC index reg port)

inc dx
in al,dx ; AL = Max Scan Line value

and ax,1Fh ; AX = value from bits 0-4
inc ax
mov bx,ax ; DX = scan lines per character

xor dx,dx
mov ax,[bp+6] ; AX = pixel y-coordinate
div bx ; AX = character row
; DL = value for Preset Row Scan reg
mov ch,dl ; save in CH
mov bx,ax ; save character row in BX

pop dx ; DX = port for CRTC index reg
push dx
mov al,13h ; AL = Offset reg number
cli ; disable interrupts
out dx,al
jmp $+2

inc dx
in al,dx ; AL = Offset reg value
sti ; enable interrupts

xor ah,ah
mul bx ; AX = word offset of start of row
shl ax,1 ; AX = byte offset of start of row

pop dx ; DX = port for CRTC index reg
pop bx ; BX = byte offset in row
add bx,ax ; BX = buffer offset

add dl,6 ; video status port (3BAH or 3DAH)

; update CRTC Start Address registers

L02: in al,dx ; wait for start of vertical retrace
test al,8
jz L02

L03: in al,dx ; wait for end of vertical retrace
test al,8
jnz L03

cli ; disable interrupts
sub dl,6 ; DX = 3B4H or 3D4H

mov ah,bh ; AH = value for Start Address High
mov al,0Ch ; AL = Start Address High reg number
out dx,ax ; update this register

mov ah,bl ; AH = value for Start Address Low
inc al ; AL = Start Address Low reg number
out dx,ax ; update this register
sti ; enable interrupts

; update CRTC Preset Row Scan and
; Attribute Controller Horizontal Pel Pan registers

add dl,6 ; DX = video status port

L04: in al,dx ; wait for start of vertical retrace
test al,8
jz L04

cli ; disable interrupts
sub dl,6 ; DX = 3B4H or 3D4H
mov ah,ch ; AH = value for Preset Row Scan reg
mov al,8 ; AL = Preset Row Scan reg number
out dx,ax ; update this register

mov dl,0C0h ; DX = 3C0h (Attribute Controller port)
mov al,13h OR 20h ; AL bit 0-4 = Horiz Pel Pan reg number
; AL bit 5 = 1
out dx,al ; write Attribute Controller Address reg
; (The Attribute Controller address
; flip-flop has been reset by the
; IN at L04.)
mov al,cl ; AL = value for Horiz Pel Pan reg
out dx,al ; update this register
sti ; re-enable interrupts

mov sp,bp
pop bp

_ScreenOrigin ENDP


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : PCTJ1188.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: