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Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10038A

Output of file : 2N10038A contained in archive : OCT91.ZIP
Page 60,132
; 386LOAD.ASM Copyright (c) 1991 Robert Collins
; This program demonstrates various aspects of CPU
; behavior that become apparent when using LOADALL.
; Test 1: Checks that LOADALL loads all the general-
; purpose registers; loads the segment registers
; with values that are inconsistant to their
; respective descriptor cache registers.
; Test 2: Access extended memory in real mode.
; Test 3: Tests that the Present bit in a descriptor
; table can be loaded using LOADALL without
; generating exception 11. But when the segment
; is accessed, exception 13 is generated.
; NOTE: This test should be done in protected
; mode, but can be done in real mode. 1) In real
; mode, no error code is pushed on the stack
; (possibly due to a bug in the CPU). 2) Also,
; when this test is executed in real-mode, the
; '386 fails to set the Present bit when the
; segment is subsequently loaded. This latter
; condition is clearly a bug in the '386.
; Test 4: Test 32-bit protected mode.
; Test 5: Test 32-bit real mode -- a mode that is an
; illegal mode for the CPU.
; Test 6: Test that the Granularity bit in the descriptor
; cache register has no affect on the segment
; limit field.
; Test 7: Test execution breakpoints.
; Test 8: Test data breakpoints.
; This program was written for Microsoft MASM 5.1.
; This program contains compiler directives and branching
; techniques that might not be available on previous
; versions of the Macro Assembler, nor in competitive
; products.

; Compiler directives
Title LOADALL_386
.radix 16

; Interrupt vector segment
ABS0 segment at 0
org 6*4
INT_6 dd ?
ABS0 ends

; Structure definitions
Desc_cache STRUC
db 0
_Type db ?
_CS32 db 0
db 0
_Addr dd ?
_Limit dd ?
Desc_cache ENDS

Loadall_struc STRUC
_Cr0 dd 0
_Eflags dd 2
_Eip dd 0
_Edi dd 66666666h
_Esi dd 77777777h
_Ebp dd 55555555h
_Esp dd 88888888h
_Ebx dd 22222222h
_Edx dd 44444444h
_Ecx dd 33333333h
_Eax dd 11111111h
_Dr6 dd 0
_Dr7 dd 0
_Tr dd 0
_Ldt dd 0
_Gs dd 5555h
_Fs dd 4444h
_Ds dd 2222h
_Ss dd 6666h
_Cs dd 1111h
_Es dd 3333h
TSS_Desc dd 00008900h,00070000h,00000800h
IDT_Desc dd 00000000h,00000000h,000003ffh
Gdt_Desc dd 00000000h,00000000h,00000000h
Ldt_Desc dd 00008200h,00090000h,00000088h
GS_Desc dd 00009300h,00050000h,0000ffffh
FS_Desc dd 00009300h,00040000h,0000ffffh
DS_Desc dd 00009300h,00020000h,0000ffffh
SS_Desc dd 00009300h,00060000h,0000ffffh
CS_Desc dd 00009b00h,00000000h,0000ffffh
ES_Desc dd 00009300h,00030000h,00fffffch
Loadall_Struc ENDS

Descriptor STRUC
Seg_limit dw ? ; Segment limit
Base_A15_A00 dw ? ; A00..A15 of base address
Base_A23_A16 db ? ; A16..A23 of base address
Access_rights db ? ; Segment access rights
Limit_A19_A16 db ? ; Granularity, Op-size,
; Limit A16..A19
Base_A31_A24 db ? ; A24..A31 of base address
Descriptor ENDS

IGate_Offset dw ? ; Offset of handler
CSEG_Sel dw ? ; Code segment selector
db 0
db 86h ; 286 interrupt gate=16bit
Resvd dw 0 ; Reserved=0

; Macro definitions
Init_descriptor macro segment,offset,desc_name
push ax
push dx
push si
push es
mov ax,&segment ;; get segment name
mov es,ax ;; to form 24 bit address
mov si,&offset ;;
mov ax,es ; point to control block
xor dh,dh ; clear upper register
mov dl,ah ; build high byte of 32-bit address
shr dl,4 ; use only high nibble from (AX)
shl ax,4 ; strip high nibble from segment
add ax,si ; add the GDT offset to develop low word
adc dx,0 ; adjust high byte if carry from low
mov &desc_name.Base_A15_A00,ax ;; low word of address
mov &desc_name.Base_A23_A16,dl ;; high byte of address
mov &desc_name.Base_A31_A24,dh ;; high byte of linear address
pop es
pop si
pop dx
pop ax

FARJMP MACRO destination,selector ; dynamic JMP FAR SEG:OFF
db 0eah ;; jmp instruction
dw offset destination ;; offset word
dw selector ;; segment selector word

LONGJMP MACRO destination,selector ; dynamic JMP FAR SEG:OFF
db 0eah ;; jmp instruction
dd offset destination ;; offset word
dw selector ;; segment selector word

out 0edh,ax

db 0fh,07h

mov ah,9
mov dx,offset MSG_NAME
int 21h

; Equates & local variables
; Protected mode access rights
CS_access equ 10011011b
DS_access equ 10010011b

; Text equates
CRLF equ <0dh,0ah>
CRLF$ equ
INT6 equ [bp-4]

; Loadall table(s)
Loadall_tbl Loadall_struc <>
Machine_State Loadall_struc <>

; Global Descriptor Table
GDT_386 Descriptor
CSEG3 Descriptor <0ffffh,0,0,CS_access>
DSEG3 Descriptor <0ffffh,0,20h,DS_access>
Gdt3_len equ $-Gdt_386

; Interrupt Descriptor Table
IDT_386 INT_Desc ; INT00
INT_Desc ; INT01
INT_Desc ; INT02
INT_Desc ; INT03
INT_Desc ; INT04
INT_Desc ; INT05
INT_Desc ; INT06
INT_Desc ; INT07
INT_Desc ; INT08
INT_Desc ; INT09
INT_Desc ; INT0a
INT_Desc ; INT0b
INT_Desc ; INT0c
INT_Desc ; INT0d
IDT3_Len equ $-IDT_386

; Misc. local variables
Mem_buffer db 400h dup (0) ; Store 2M mem.
Buffer db 40h dup (0)
Buffer2 dw 10h dup (0)

RM_IDT3_Ptr dw (256d*4)-1 ; Real-mode IDT
dd 0 ; pointer
dw 0

; String Messages
Passed db " PASSED.",CRLF$
Failed db "--> FAILED <--",CRLF$
Not_386 db "Not 80386 class computer.",CRLF$
Rmvd db "LOADALL removed from 80386 mask.",CRLF$
RFail db "Registers weren't loaded correctly."

; I'm doing this wierd string definition technique to limit the
; page width to 64 characters.
Test_1 label word
db "Test 1: Testing 386 LOADALL instruction: ",24

Test_2 label word
db "Test 2: Testing extended memory in real mode: ",24

Test_3 label word
db "Test 3: Testing Present BIT in descriptor: ",24

Test_4 label word
db "Test 4: Testing 32-bit protected mode: ",24

Test_5 label word
db "Test 5: Testing 32-bit real mode: ",24

Test_6 label word
db "Test 6: Testing Granularity BIT: ",24

Test_7 label word
db "Test 7: Testing Execution breakpoints: ",24

Test_8 label word
db "Test 8: Testing byte, write, data breakpoints: ",24


; A little CS-relative data for the stack pointer. This is
; to avoid using other kludge techniques, caused by using
; LOADALL, that make using the data segment undesirable.
Stack_ptr dd 0
dw 0

LOADALL_386 proc far
PUSH DS ; Setup the stack to
XOR AX,AX ; return to DOS

MOV AX,_Data

; Check CPU type
Call CPU_Type ; 386, 486?
cmp ax,3 ; 386?
je short @F ; yep
Print_String LF
Print_String Not_386
retf ; go split

@@: enter 4,0 ; create stack frame
mov word ptr INT6,offset INT6_handler
mov INT6+2,cs
call set_INT6_vector ; set our INT6 handler
Call Save_State
Print_String LF
Print_String Test_1
Init_descriptor ,,Gdt_386
Init_descriptor cs, 0,CSEG3

; TEST1: 16-bit Real mode
; Test general purpose registers
; Test Segment registers
; Test Descriptor cache base address
; (1) Setup LOADALL structures, and pointers
; (2) Execute LOADALL
; (3) Verify results of the test
mov eax,cs ; Prepare a 32-bit
shl eax,4 ; physical address that
; is put in the LOADALL
; CS descriptor cache.
mov Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc._Addr,eax

mov eax,cr0 ; Initialize CR0 in the
and eax,0fffffff0h ; LOADALL data table
mov Loadall_tbl._CR0,eax ; DR6, DR7, EIP
mov eax,dr6
mov ebx,dr7
mov Loadall_tbl._DR6,eax
mov Loadall_tbl._DR7,ebx
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset Verify_State
mov dword ptr cs:stack_ptr,esp ; save SS:ESP
mov word ptr cs:stack_ptr[4],ss
mov edi,offset loadall_tbl
nop ; If LOADALL is removed
Print_String failed ; from the CPU mask,
Print_String Rmvd ; then fall through
; to here.
call Restore_state
call set_int6_vector

Verify_State: ; Verify that LOADALL worked
; This is where we land for the first test of '386 LOADALL.
; The purpose of this test is to verify that all the general
; purpose registers get loaded correctly. Specifically, we are
; testing to verify that all segment registers contain values
; that don't correspond to the memory addresses they appear to
; be pointing to. In other words, we are checking that the
; that the segment registers have one value, while their
; associated hidden descriptor cache registers have different
; values.
cmp eax,11111111h ; Test EAX
jne @F
cmp ebx,22222222h ; Test EBX
jne @F
cmp ecx,33333333h ; Test ECX
jne @F
cmp edx,44444444h ; Test EDX
jne @F
cmp ebp,55555555h ; Test EBP
jne @F
cmp edi,66666666h ; Test EDI
jne @F
cmp esi,77777777h ; Test ESI
jne @F
cmp esp,88888888h ; Test ESP
jne short @F
mov ax,cs ; Test CS
cmp ax,1111h
jne short @F
mov ax,ds ; Test DS
cmp ax,2222h
jne short @F
mov ax,es ; Test ES
cmp ax,3333h
jne short @F
mov ax,fs ; Test FS
cmp ax,4444h
jne short @F
mov ax,gs ; Test GS
cmp ax,5555h
jne short @F
mov ax,ss ; Test SS
cmp ax,6666h
jne short @F
cmp dword ptr ds:[0],02020202h ; Test DS Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp dword ptr es:[0],03030303h ; Test ES Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp dword ptr fs:[0],04040404h ; Test FS Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp dword ptr gs:[0],05050505h ; Test GS Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp dword ptr ss:[0],06060606h ; Test SS Desc Cache
jne short @F
mov ax,_Data ; Reset segment regs.
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lss esp,fword ptr cs:stack_ptr ; Reset SS:ESP
FARJMP , ; Continue

; Loadall failed the REGISTERs test.
@@: mov ax,_Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lss esp,fword ptr cs:stack_ptr
@@: Print_String failed
Print_String RFail
jmp loadall_ret

; LOADALL passed
Print_String passed

; TEST2: Access extended memory while in real mode (@ 2M).
; (1) Fill in LOADALL structure with "reasonable" values
; (2) Save contents of extended memory
; (3) Write data pattern in extended memory
; (4) Set LOADALL registers used by this test
; (6) Verify results
; (7) Restore original data in extended memory
; In this test, I'll access extended memory while in real mode.
; I'll assume the computer has at least 2M of memory. By
; assuming 2M, I don't need to enable A20 on the CPU bus, since
; memory @ 2M doesn't assert A20.
; Fill LOADALL structure with more reasonable values.
mov Loadall_tbl._EAX,0
mov Loadall_tbl._EBX,0
mov Loadall_tbl._ECX,0
mov Loadall_tbl._EDX,0
mov Loadall_tbl._EBP,0
mov Loadall_tbl._ESP,esp
mov Loadall_tbl._CS,cs
mov Loadall_tbl._DS,ds
mov Loadall_tbl._ES,es
mov Loadall_tbl._FS,8000h
mov Loadall_tbl._GS,8000h
mov Loadall_tbl._SS,ss

; Load segment descriptor cache registers:
; DS=ES = _DATA segment
; FS=GS = 80000h (8000:0)
; SS = STACK segment
mov ax,ds
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,4
mov bx,ss
movzx ebx,bx
shl ebx,4
mov Loadall_tbl.DS_Desc._addr,eax
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc._addr,eax
mov Loadall_tbl.FS_Desc._addr,80000h;
mov Loadall_tbl.GS_Desc._addr,80000h
mov Loadall_tbl.SS_Desc._addr,ebx

; Slip into protected mode to save the contents of memory @ 2M,
; and write a test pattern into that memory.
Print_String Test_2
lgdt fword ptr Gdt_386 ; Load the GDT
mov ebx,cr0 ; enter protected mode
or bl,1
mov cr0,ebx

@@: mov dx,DSEG3-Gdt_386 ; Get segment selector
mov ds,dx ; for DS @ 2M
mov cx,400h / 4
mov si,0
mov di,offset Mem_buffer
rep movsd ; Save memory
mov eax,5aa5aa5ah ; Test pattern
mov cx,400h / 4
mov di,0
mov es,dx ; ES = 2M
rep stosd ; Store test pattern
and bl,not 1 ; exit protected mdoe
mov cr0,ebx

; Set LOADALL-image registers used by this test
@@: mov ax,_data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov Loadall_tbl._EAX,5aa5aa5ah ; Test pattern
mov Loadall_tbl._ECX,400h / 4 ; # of DWORDS
mov Loadall_tbl._ESI,offset Mem_buffer
mov Loadall_tbl._EDI,0h ; ES:0
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset @F ; EIP
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc._Addr,200000h ; 2M
mov edi,offset loadall_tbl

; Check memory for a match of the pattern
@@: repz scasd ; data match?
mov bx,_Data ; ES still points to 2M,
mov ds,bx ; so I can reset DS and
mov cx,400h / 4 ; restore the original
mov di,0 ; contents @ 2M without
rep movsd ; changing ES.
mov es,bx ; Set ES to real mode
lss esp,fword ptr cs:stack_ptr ; Restore SS:ESP
FARJMP <@F>,<_TEXT> ; Must jump to R/W CS
@@: jz short @Test2_Pass

jmp short @Test3


; TEST3: Test that the Present bit gets loaded w/out exception,
; but when a segment is accessed INT13 get generated.
; (1) Load GDT & IDT pointers into LOADALL table
; (2) Set PM bit, CS selector, EIP offset, clear P bit
; (4) Verify Results
@Test3: Print_String Test_3

; Initialize the GDT & IDT descriptor cache
mov eax,Loadall_tbl.DS_Desc._Addr
mov ebx,eax
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc._Addr,eax
add eax,offset Gdt_386
add ebx,offset Idt_386
mov Loadall_tbl.GDT_Desc._Addr,eax
mov Loadall_tbl.GDT_Desc._Limit,Gdt3_len-1
mov Loadall_tbl.Idt_Desc._Addr,ebx
mov Loadall_tbl.Idt_Desc._Limit,Idt3_len-1

or Loadall_tbl._CR0,1 ; set PM bit
mov Loadall_tbl._ESI,0
mov Loadall_tbl._CS,CSEG3-Gdt_386 ; CS selector
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset @Test_Present
and Loadall_tbl.GS_Desc._Type,7fh ; clear Present
mov edi,offset loadall_tbl ; bit in GS

mov si,gs:[si][2] ; choose this because
; it's a 4-byte instr.
Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr ; Restore real-mode IDT
mov eax,cr0 ; Exit protected mode.
and al,not 1
mov cr0,eax
FARJMP <@F>,<_TEXT> ; Return to R/W, real-
; mode code segment

@@: test si,1 ; pass test?
jnz short @F ; yep
Print_String failed
jmp short @Test4

@@: Print_String passed

; TEST4: Test 32-bit Protected Mode operation
; (1) Set LOADALL operand size, PM bits, and EIP offset
; (3) Verify Results
@Test4: Print_String Test_4

; Perform 32-bit protected mode test
or Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc._CS32,40h ; CS32 bit
mov Loadall_tbl._EDI,offset Loadall_tbl
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset PM32

; This test uses a simple technique to determine if we are in
; 32-bit mode or 16-bit mode:
; In 16-bit mode, this code will be executed as:
; mov si,1234h
; nop
; nop
; In 32-bit mode, this code will be executed as:
; mov esi,90901234h ; The two NOP's are absorbed
; ; into the 32-bit operand.
; In 16-bit mode, this code will be executed as:
; mov di,1234h
; nop
; nop
; In 32-bit mode, this code will be executed as:
; mov edi,90901234h
PM32: mov si,1234h

; Now, we need to exit 32-bit mode gracefully. In order to do
; that, we need code that will generate predictable results in
; both 32-bit, and 16-bit mode. If we are in 32-bit mode, then
; the following compiled code will behave as documented under
; the '32-bit mode' column. If we failed to enter 32-bit mode,
; then the following compiled code will behave as documented
; under the '16-bit mode' column. In order to exit gracefully,
; we need to know which mode we are in! Hence the following
; code to detect it!:
; 16-bit mode 32-bit mode
; push ax push eax
; mov ax,si mov eax,esi
; shr ax,10h shr eax,10h ; AX=9090 if in 32-bit
; ; AX=0 if in 16-bit
; cmp al,90h cmp al,90h ; PASS=32-bit, FAIL=16-bit
; pushf pushf ; save results for later
; shl ax,10h shl eax,10h ; EAX=90900000 if in 32-bit
; mov si,ax mov esi,eax ; ESI=90900000 if in 32-bit
; ; ESI=66660000 if in 16-bit
; popf popf ; restore ZF
; pop ax pop eax
; So, the result of this code is to exit 32-bit mode if we got
; there, and to keep going in 16-bit mode if we didn't.
push ax ; See the above
mov ax,si ; explanation on how
shr ax,10h ; this code works
cmp al,90h
shl ax,10h
mov si,ax
pop ax
jne short @No_PM32bitCS
or si,1 ; set SI if 32-bit mode

; 32-bit JUMP instruction, to transfer control back to a 16-bit
; segment
LONGJMP <@F>, ; Construct 32-bit far

@No_PM32bitCS: ; FAR JUMP if stuck in
FARJMP <@F>, ; 16-bit mode.

@@: Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr ; Restore real-mode IDT
mov eax,cr0 ; Exit protected mode.
and al,not 1
mov cr0,eax
FARJMP <@F>,<_TEXT> ; Jump to real-mode
; code segment
@@: mov ax,_Data ; Restore real-mode
mov ds,ax ; segment registers
mov es,ax
test si,1 ; 32-bit mode passed?
jnz short @F ; yep
Print_String failed
jmp short @Test5

@@: Print_String passed

; TEST5: Test 32-bit real-mode operation
; (1) Clear operand size, PM bits, and set EIP offset
; (3) Verify Results
; (4) Get the h&*@! out of 32-bit real-mode
; Test 32-bit real-mode operation. Make sure we can put the
; processor in an illegal state: 32-bit real-mode.
@Test5: Print_String Test_5
and Loadall_tbl._CR0,not 1 ; disable PM bit
and Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc._Type,not 8 ; make CS R/W
; Data segment
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset RM32 ; Load EIP

; This test uses the exact same technique documented in TEST4.
; See TEST4 for an explanation of these next two code sections.
RM32: mov si,1234h

; See TEST4 for an explanation of this code section.
push ax ; See the above
mov ax,si ; explanation on how
shr ax,10h ; this code works
cmp al,90h
shl ax,10h
mov si,ax
pop ax

; Now getting out of 32-bit real mode is a bit more complicated
; than you may think. According to Intel, the internal
; descriptor cache registers get re-loaded with default values
; each time the segment is loaded. But the operand size bit in
; the CS descriptor cache doesn't get cleared in a long jump.
; So, to program around this, I need to either execute LOADALL
; again, or go to protected mode, jump to a 16-bit code segment,
; then go back to real mode. I think I will do the latter.
jne short @RM32_Fail ; Do something else
mov eax,cr0 ; Enter protected mode
or al,1
mov cr0,eax
LONGJMP <@F>, ; To 16-bit CS

@@: Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr ; Reload real-mode IDT
and al,not 1 ; Exit protected mode
mov cr0,eax
FARJMP <@RM32_Pass>,; Back to real-mode CS

Print_String failed
jmp short @Test6

mov ax,_Data ; Reload real-mode
mov ds,ax ; segment registers
mov es,ax
Print_String passed

; TEST6: Test Granularity bit. Test that the granularity bit
; in the descriptor cache has no effect on the limit
; field of the descriptor cache. This is a three-part
; test. First, by setting G=1 in a segment descriptor
; cache whose limit=64k should cause an exception.
; Second, ES_LIMIT=16M-4. This LIMIT can't ever be
; generated under program control. So we simply need
; to access memory @ 16M-8 to verify this test. If
; an exception gets generated, then the test failed.
; Third, try to access memory @ 16M-4. If an exception
; ISN'T generated, then the test failed.
; (1) Set Present, Granularity bits, and EIP offset
; (3) Verify results
; Test Granularity bit: Test that G=1 has no effect in the
; descriptor cache register. In the GS descriptor cache, I set
; the limit=64k. If G=1 has any effect on this field, then the
; following memory access will pass. We want it to fail, and
; generate an exception-13.
@Test6: Print_String Test_6
or Loadall_tbl._CR0,1 ; set PM bit
or Loadall_tbl.GS_Desc._Type,80h ; set P=1
or Loadall_tbl.GS_Desc._CS32,80h ; set G=1
and Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc._CS32,0bfh ; clear CS32 bit
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset @Test_Gran

mov esi,10000h ; should generate exc.
mov si,gs:[esi]
shl si,1 ; save results
mov esi,0fffff8h ; 16M-8
mov si,es:[esi] ; shouldn't generate exc
shl si,1
mov esi,0fffffch ; 16M-4
mov si,es:[esi] ; should generate exc.
add esi,4
Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr ; Restore real-mode IDT
mov eax,cr0
and al,not 1
mov cr0,eax

@@: and si,7
cmp si,5 ; pass test?
jnz short @F ; yep
Print_String failed
jmp short @Test7

@@: Print_String passed

; The following two expamples show how to use the debug
; registers to generate execution and data break points. They
; are included in this program because they use LOADALL to set
; DR7. Forgive the fact that they are poorly documented.
; TEST7: Test execution breakpoints through debug registers.
; (1) Clear granularity bit, set ES_LIMIT=64k, set EIP offset
; (2) Set breakpoint qualifiers
; (4) Generate execution breakpoints
; (5) Verify results
@Test7: Print_String Test_7
and Loadall_tbl.GS_Desc._CS32,7fh ; set G=0
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc._Limit,0ffffh; limit=64k
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset Test_DR0

; Set a series of execution break points in the debug registers.
mov bx,cs
movzx ebx,bx
shl ebx,4
lea eax,[ebx][dword ptr Test_Dr0]
mov dr0,eax
lea eax,[ebx][dword ptr Test_DR1]
mov dr1,eax
lea eax,[ebx][dword ptr Test_DR2]
mov dr2,eax
lea eax,[ebx][dword ptr Test_DR3]
mov dr3,eax

mov Loadall_tbl._DR7,0aah ; enable all code
; breakpoints


Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr ; Restore real-mode IDT
mov eax,cr0 ; exit protected mode
and al,not 1
mov cr0,eax

@@: and si,0fh
cmp si,0fh ; pass all breakpoints?
je short @F ; yep
Print_String failed
jmp @Test8

@@: Print_String passed

; TEST8: Test byte-size data write breakpoints
; (1) Set EIP offset
; (2) Set breakpoint qualifiers
; (4) Generate data breakpoints
; (5) Verify results
@Test8: Print_String Test_8
mov Loadall_tbl._EAX,55h
mov Loadall_tbl._ECX,40h
mov Loadall_tbl._EDI,offset Buffer
mov Loadall_tbl._EIP,offset @Test_DRBW

mov bx,ds
movzx ebx,bx
shl ebx,4
lea eax,[ebx][Dword ptr Buffer][3]
mov dr0,eax
add eax,10h

mov dr1,eax
add eax,10h
mov dr2,eax
add eax,10h
mov dr3,eax
mov Loadall_Tbl._DR7,111102aah

rep stosb
Lidt fword ptr RM_IDT3_Ptr
mov ebx,cr0
and bl,not 1
mov cr0,ebx

@@: and si,0fh
cmp si,0fh ; pass all breakpoints?
je short @T7P ; yep
Print_String failed
jmp @Test9

@T7P: cmp dx,4 ; INT01 4 times?
jne @B
Print_String passed

jmp Loadall_ret

LOADALL_386 endp

; Minimal exception 13 handler that points past a 4-byte opcode,
; and sets the lowest bit in DI before returning.
INT13 label word
push bp
mov bp,sp
add word ptr [bp][4],4
or si,1
pop bp
add sp,2

INT01: ; Int1 trap routine
; Interprets breakpoint type, and sets a flag
inc dx
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov buffer2[bx],cx
add bx,2
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
mov eax,dr6
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,dr7
shr ebx,10h ; get length encodings
test ah,20h ; debug register access attempt?
jnz @DR_Attempt ; yep
shr al,1 ; DR0?
jc @DR0
shr al,1 ; DR1?
jc @DR1
shr al,1 ; DR2?
jc @DR2
@DR3: or si,8
and cl,not 8
test bh,30h ; code, or data?
jz @Fault
jmp short @Trap
@DR2: or si,4
and cl,not 4
test bh,03h ; code, or data?
jz @Fault
jmp short @Trap
@DR1: or si,2
and cl,not 2
test bl,30h ; code, or data?
jz @Fault
jmp short @Trap
@DR0: or si,1
and cl,not 1
test bl,03h ; code, or data?
jz @Fault
jmp short @Trap
@Fault: add word ptr [bp][2],1
mov dr6,ecx
@Trap: pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop bp

push bp
add word ptr [bp][2],3
pop bp

Save_state proc near ; Save the machine state before LOADALL
push eax
push ds
mov si,0
mov di,offset Machine_State.GS_Desc
mov ax,5000h ; GS descriptor
mov ds,ax
mov ebx,05050505h
mov dword ptr [si-4],ebx

sub ax,1000h ; FS descriptor
sub ebx,01010101h
mov si,0
add di,8
mov ds,ax
mov dword ptr [si-4],ebx
sub ax,2000h ; DS descriptor
sub ebx,02020202h
mov si,0
add di,8
mov ds,ax
mov dword ptr [si-4],ebx
add ax,4000h ; SS descriptor
add ebx,04040404h
mov si,0
add di,8
mov ds,ax
mov dword ptr [si-4],ebx
sub ax,3000h ; ES descriptor
sub ebx,03030303h
mov si,0
add di,14h
mov ds,ax
mov dword ptr [si-4],ebx
pop ds

mov eax,cr0
mov Machine_State._CR0,eax
pop eax
mov Machine_State._Eflags,eax
pop eax
mov Machine_State._EDI,edi
mov Machine_State._ESI,esi
mov Machine_State._EBP,ebp
mov Machine_State._EBX,ebx
mov Machine_State._EDX,edx
mov Machine_State._ECX,ecx
mov Machine_State._EAX,eax
mov ax,gs
movzx eax,ax
mov Machine_State._GS,eax
mov ax,fs
mov Machine_State._FS,eax
mov ax,ds
mov Machine_State._DS,eax
mov ax,es
mov Machine_State._ES,eax
Save_state endp

Restore_state proc near ; Restore the machine state after LOADALL
mov ax,_data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,5000h ; GS
mov es,ax
mov si,offset Machine_State.GS_Desc
mov di,0
sub ax,1000h ; FS
add si,8
mov di,0
mov es,ax
sub ax,2000h ; DS
add si,8
mov di,0
mov es,ax
add ax,4000h ; SS
add si,8
mov di,0
mov es,ax
sub ax,3000h ; ES
add si,14h
mov di,0
mov es,ax
mov eax,Machine_State._ES
mov es,ax
mov eax,Machine_State._DS
mov ds,ax
mov eax,Machine_State._FS
mov fs,ax
mov eax,Machine_State._GS
mov gs,ax
mov eax,Machine_State._Eflags
push eax
mov eax,Machine_State._CR0
mov cr0,eax
mov eax,Machine_State._EAX
mov ecx,Machine_State._ECX
mov edx,Machine_State._EDX
mov ebx,Machine_State._EBX
mov ebp,Machine_State._EBP
mov esi,Machine_State._ESI
mov edi,Machine_State._EDI
Restore_State endp

; Include the CPU_TYPE procedure & LOADALL test

_text ends

stack segment para stack 'stack'
db 400h dup (0)
stack ends

end LOADALL_386

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10038A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: