Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10030A

Output of file : 2N10030A contained in archive : OCT91.ZIP
Page 60,132
; 286LOAD.ASM Copyright (c) 1991 Robert Collins
; This program demonstrates various aspects of CPU
; behavior that become apparent when using LOADALL.
; Test 1: Checks that LOADALL loads all the general-
; purpose registers; loads the segment registers
; with values that are inconsistant to their
; respective descriptor cache registers.
; Test 2: Access extended memory in real mode.
; Test 3: Tests that the Present bit in a descriptor
; table can be loaded using LOADALL without
; generating exception 11. But when the segment
; is accessed, exception 13 is generated.
; NOTE: This test should be done in protected
; mode, but can be done in real mode. 1) In real
; mode, no error code is pushed on the stack
; (possibly due to a bug in the CPU). 2) Also
; in real mode, when this program is emulated on
; a '386, the '386 fails to set the Present bit
; when any subsequent segment in loaded. This
; latter condition is clearly a bug in the '386.
; This program was written for Microsoft MASM 5.1, and
; MS DOS 3.3. This program contains compiler directives
; and branching techniques that might not be available
; on previous versions of the Macro Assembler, nor in
; competitive products. If this program is executed on
; any version of DOS prior to 3.3, it will most certainaly
; cause the system to crash. No attempt is made in this
; program to be compatible with previous versions of DOS,
; but compatibility can be done, and is left as an
; exercise to the reader.

; Compiler directives
Title LOADALL_286
.radix 16

; Interrupt vector segment
ABS0 segment at 0
org 06h*4 ; INT 06h vector
INT_6 dd ?

org 0467h ; PM Return address
PM_Ret_off dw ? ; Offset
PM_Ret_seg dw ? ; Segment

org 800h ; LOADALL table loc'n.
Loadall_Locn label word

ABS0 ends

; Structure definitions
Desc_cache STRUC ;; Hidden descriptor cache
A15_A00 dw ? ;; format.
A23_A16 db ?
_Type db ?
_Limit dw ?
Desc_cache ENDS

Loadall_struc STRUC ;; LOADALL memory image format
dw 3 dup (0)
_Msw dw 0
dw 7 dup (0)
_Tr dw 0
_Flags dw 2
_Ip dw 0
_Ldt dw 0
_Ds dw 2222h
_Ss dw 4444h
_Cs dw 1111h
_Es dw 3333h
_Di dw 6666h
_Si dw 7777h
_Bp dw 5555h
_Sp dw 8888h
_Bx dw 2222h
_Dx dw 4444h
_Cx dw 3333h
_Ax dw 1111h
ES_Desc db 00,00,03,93h,0ffh,0ffh
CS_Desc db 00,00,00,9bh,0ffh,0ffh
SS_Desc db 00,00,04,93h,0ffh,0ffh
DS_Desc db 00,00,02,93h,0ffh,0ffh
Gdt_Desc db 00,00,00,00h,000h,000h
Ldt_Desc db 00,00,06,82h,088h,000h
Idt_Desc db 00,00,00,00h,0ffh,003h
TSS_Desc db 00,00,05,89h,000h,008h
Loadall_Struc ENDS

Descriptor STRUC
Seg_limit dw ? ; Segment limit
Base_A15_A00 dw ? ; A00..A15 of base address
Base_A23_A16 db ? ; A16..A23 of base address
Access_rights db ? ; Segment access rights
Limit_A19_A16 db ? ; Granularity, Op-size,
; Limit A16..A19
Base_A31_A24 db ? ; A24..A31 of base address
Descriptor ENDS

IGate_Offset dw ? ; Offset of handler
CSEG_Sel dw ? ; Code segment selector
db 0
db 86h ; 286 interrupt gate=16bit
Resvd dw 0 ; Reserved=0

; Macro definitions
FARJMP MACRO destination,selector ; dynamic JMP FAR SEG:OFF
db 0eah ;; jmp instruction
dw offset destination ;; offset word
dw selector ;; segment selector word

out 0edh,ax

mov cx,ABS0
mov es,cx
mov cx,(size Loadall_struc) / 2
mov si,offset Loadall_tbl
mov di,800h
rep movsw
db 0fh,05

mov ah,9
mov dx,offset MSG_NAME
int 21h

; Equates & local variables
; Protected mode access rights
CS_access equ 10011011b
DS_access equ 10010011b

; Text equates
CRLF equ <0dh,0ah>
CRLF$ equ
INT6 equ [bp-4]

; Conditional compilation. Set USE_386=1 if you plan to execute
; this program on a '386 using EMULOAD.
USE_386 equ 0

; Loadall table(s)
Loadall_tbl Loadall_struc <>
Machine_State Loadall_struc <>

; Global Descriptor Table
GDT_286 Descriptor
CSEG2 Descriptor <0ffffh,,,CS_access> ; CS
DSEG2 Descriptor <0ffffh,,,DS_access> ; DS
Gdt2_len equ $-Gdt_286

; Interrupt Descriptor Table
IDT_286 INT_Desc ; INT00
INT_Desc ; INT01
INT_Desc ; INT02
INT_Desc ; INT03
INT_Desc ; INT04
INT_Desc ; INT05
INT_Desc ; INT06
INT_Desc ; INT07
INT_Desc ; INT08
INT_Desc ; INT09
INT_Desc ; INT0a
INT_Desc ; INT0b
INT_Desc ; INT0c
INT_Desc ; INT0d
IDT2_Len equ $-IDT_286

; Misc. local variables
Mem_buffer db 400h dup (0)
Results dw 0
i8259_1 db ? ; Status for master device
i8259_2 db ? ; Status of slave device

; String Messages
Passed db " PASSED.",CRLF$
Failed db "--> FAILED <--",CRLF$
Not_286 db "Not 80286 class computer.",CRLF$
Rmvd db "LOADALL removed from 80286 mask.",CRLF$
RFail db "Registers weren't loaded correctly."

; I'm doing this wierd string definition technique to limit the
; page width to 64 characters.
Test_1 label word
db "Test 1: Testing 286 LOADALL instruction: ",24

Test_2 label word
db "Test 2: Testing extended memory in real mode: ",24

Test_3 label word
db "Test 3: Testing Present BIT in descriptor: ",24

_DATA ends

; A little CS-relative data for the stack pointer. This is
; to avoid using other kludge techniques, caused by using
; LOADALL, that make using the data segment undesirable.
Stack_ptr dw 0
dw 0

LOADALL_286 proc far
PUSH DS ; Setup the stack to
XOR AX,AX ; return to DOS

MOV AX,_Data

; Check CPU type, and set up a minimal invalid opcode handler
; in case LOADALL has been removed from the CPU mask.
Call CPU_Type ; 286, 386?
cmp ax,2 ; 286?
je short @F ; yep
Print_String LF
Print_String Not_286
retf ; go split

@@: enter 4,0 ; create stack frame
mov word ptr INT6,offset INT6_handler
mov INT6[2],cs
call set_INT6_vector ; set our INT6 handler

Call Save_State ; Save the current CPU
Print_String LF ; state
Print_String Test_1

; TEST1: Real mode
; Test general purpose registers
; Test Segment registers
; Test Descriptor cache base address
; (1) Setup LOADALL structures, and pointers
; (2) Execute LOADALL
; (3) Verify results of the test
mov ax,cs ; Prepare 24-bit
mov es,ax ; physical address that
mov si,0 ; is put in the LOADALL
call Calc_pm_address ; descriptor cache
mov Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc.A15_A00,ax ; entry.
mov Loadall_tbl.CS_Desc.A23_A16,dl
smsw ax
mov Loadall_tbl._Msw,ax
mov Loadall_tbl._Ip,offset Verify_State
mov word ptr cs:stack_ptr,sp ; save SS:SP
mov word ptr cs:stack_ptr[2],ss
LOADALL ; If LOADALL is removed
nop ; from the CPU mask,
Print_String failed ; then fall through
Print_String Rmvd ; to here.

call Restore_state

call set_INT6_vector ; set our INT6 handler


Verify_State: ; Verify that LOADALL worked
; This is where we land for the first test of '286 LOADALL.
; The purpose of this test is to verify that all the general
; purpose registers get loaded correctly. Specifically, we are
; testing to verify that all segment registers contain values
; that don't correspond to the memory addresses they appear to
; be pointing to. In other words, we are checking that the
; that the segment registers have one value, while their
; associated hidden descriptor cache registers have different
; values.
cmp ax,1111h ; Test AX
jne @F
cmp bx,2222h ; Test BX
jne @F
cmp cx,3333h ; Test CX
jne @F
cmp dx,4444h ; Test DX
jne @F
cmp bp,5555h ; Test BP
jne @F
cmp di,6666h ; Test DI
jne @F
cmp si,7777h ; Test SI
jne @F
cmp sp,8888h ; Test SP
jne short @F
mov ax,cs ; Test CS
cmp ax,1111h
jne short @F
mov ax,ds ; Test DS
cmp ax,2222h
jne short @F
mov ax,es ; Test ES
cmp ax,3333h
jne short @F
mov ax,ss ; Test SS
cmp ax,4444h
jne short @F
cmp word ptr ds:[0],0202h ; Test DS Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp word ptr es:[0],0303h ; Test ES Desc Cache
jne short @F
cmp word ptr ss:[0],0404h ; Test SS Desc Cache
jne short @F
mov ax,_Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax

mov ax,cs:stack_ptr[2]
mov ss,ax
mov sp,cs:stack_ptr
FARJMP <@Test1_Pass>,

; Loadall failed the REGISTERs test.
@@: mov ax,_Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,cs:stack_ptr[2]
mov ss,ax
mov sp,cs:stack_ptr

@@: Print_String failed
Print_String RFail
jmp loadall_ret

; LOADALL passed
Print_String passed

; TEST2: Access extended memory while in real mode.
; (1) Enable A20
; (2) Save contents of extended memory
; (3) Write data pattern in extended memory
; (4) Set IP & ES descriptor cache pointing to extended memory
; (6) Verify results
; (7) Restore original data in extended memory
Print_String Test_2
Call Enable_Gate20 ; Enable extended memory
mov bx,0ffffh ; Point to extended mem.
mov ds,bx ; as FFFF:0010
mov si,10h
mov di,offset Mem_buffer
mov cx,400h / 2 ; 1k data block to test
rep movsw ; save extended memory
mov ax,5aa5h ; test pattern
mov es,bx ; point to extended mem.
mov cx,400h / 2
mov di,10h
rep stosw ; store pattern in mem.
mov ax,_data
mov ds,ax
mov Loadall_tbl._AX,5aa5h
mov Loadall_tbl._CX,400h / 2
mov Loadall_tbl._DI,0h
mov Loadall_tbl._SP,sp ; save SP
mov Loadall_tbl._IP,offset @F
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc.A15_A00,00
mov Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc.A23_A16,10

@@: repz scasw ; data match?
lahf ; get flags
mov bx,_Data
mov ds,bx
mov cx,0ffffh
mov es,cx
mov cx,400h / 2
mov si,offset Mem_buffer
mov di,10h
rep movsw ; restore data
mov es,bx
mov cx,cs:stack_ptr[2]
mov ss,cx
@@: sahf ; restore flags
jz @Test2_Pass
jmp Loadall_RET


; TEST3: Test that the Present bit gets loaded w/out exception,
; but when a segment is accessed INT13 get generated.
; If LOADALL works even remotely like we think it does,
; then this test will work in REAL MODE! And as this
; test was originally programmed, it did! However, I
; was doing my testing by emulating '286 LOADALL with
; '386 LOADALL, where I could use an ICE for debug
; purposes. The code worked on a '286, but failed on a
; '386! I found that the '386 fails to clear the
; Present bit in the descriptor cache register when a
; segment register is loaded in real mode. This is
; obviously a bug in the '386. Since the CPU is in a
; state that can never be duplicated under any program
; control, except by using LOADALL (Present=0), the bug
; will never be manifested in any production code. As a
; result, I reprogramed this example to use protected
; mode so it would work on both the '286 and '386.
; (1) Prepare GDT & IDT descriptor cache registers and
; descriptor tables, & segment selectors
; (2) Set protected mode bit, clear Present bit, set IP
; (3) Save the 8259 masks, set the PM return address, and set
; CMOS shutdown=5
; (5) Generate the exception
; (6) Reset ES to a valid segment selector & save results of
; test.
; (7) Reset the CPU, restore 8259 masks, inhibit A20 from the
; CPU bus, restore segment registers to real mode values.
; (8) Verify the results
; Test Present bit: verify that P=0 in a descriptor cache
; register will, even in REAL MODE, will generate an exception
; 13 when trying to access memory
Test3: Print_String Test_3
mov ax,_Data
mov es,ax
mov si,0
call Calc_pm_address
mov DSEG2.Base_A15_A00,ax
mov DSEG2.Base_A23_A16,dl
add ax,offset GDT_286
adc dl,0
mov Loadall_tbl.GDT_Desc.A15_A00,ax
mov Loadall_tbl.GDT_Desc.A23_A16,dl
mov Loadall_tbl.GDT_Desc._Limit,GDT2_Len-1
mov si,offset IDT_286
call Calc_pm_address
mov Loadall_tbl.IDT_Desc.A15_A00,ax
mov Loadall_tbl.IDT_Desc.A23_A16,dl
mov Loadall_tbl.IDT_Desc._Limit,IDT2_Len-1
mov ax,_TEXT
mov es,ax
mov si,0
call Calc_pm_address
mov CSEG2.Base_A15_A00,ax
mov CSEG2.Base_A23_A16,dl
mov Loadall_tbl._CS,CSEG2-GDT_286

or Loadall_tbl._MSW,1
and Loadall_tbl.ES_Desc._Type,7fh ; Clear P bit
mov Loadall_tbl._IP,offset @PM_286 ; Set IP

Call Get_INT_Status ; save PIC masks
mov ax,offset @RM_286 ; save real mode return
Call SetPM_RET_addr ; address
Call Set_shutdown_type ; set shutdown in CMOS


@PM_286:mov al,es:[di][2]

mov ax,DSEG2-GDT_286
mov es,ax
mov ES:Results,di

@RM_286:mov ax,cs:stack_ptr[2]
mov ss,ax
mov sp,cs:stack_ptr
mov ax,_Data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
call Set_INT_Status
call Shut_A20

mov di,Results ; If an exception 13 was
test di,1 ; generated, then the
jnz @F ; low bit of DI is set

Print_String failed ; Test failed
jmp Loadall_RET

@@: Print_String passed ; Test passed
jmp Loadall_RET
LOADALL_286 endp

; Minimal exception 13 handler that points past a 4-byte opcode,
; and sets the lowest bit in DI before returning.
INT13 label word
push bp
mov bp,sp
add word ptr [bp][4],4
or di,1
pop bp
add sp,2

; Equates & local variables
; I/O Ports
Mstrmsk equ 021h ; 8259 master mask addr
KBC_CTL equ 060h ; 8042 control port
KBC_STAT equ 064h ; 8042 status port
Cmos_index equ 070h ; CMOS address port
Cmos_data equ 071h ; CMOS data port
Slv_msk equ 0a1h ; 8259 slave mask addr

Shut_down equ 00fh ; CMOS index for shutdwn
Type5 equ 5 ; Shutdown type-5

; Keyboard Controller
inpt_buf_full equ 2 ; Input buffer full
Shutdown_CMD equ 0feh ; Shutdown CMD for KBC
enable_bit20 equ 0dfh ; enable A20 command
disable_bit20 equ 0ddh ; disable A20 command

RESET_CPU:; Resets the CPU by sending a shutdown command to
; the keyboard controller.
; Input: None
; Output: None
; Register(s) modified: Doesn't matter, the CPU is reset
mov al,Shutdown_CMD ; get shutdown command
out KBC_STAT,al ; send command to shutdown CPU
cli ; disable interrupts so that
; an INT can't come through
; before the CPU resets
hlt ;

; SETPM_RET_ADDR: Save the real-mode return address @ 40:67
; from protected mode.
; Input: CS:AX = Return address from PM.
; DS = Better darn well have a PM segment selector!
; (Or else Kablooie!)
; Output: None
; Register(s) modified: None
Setpm_ret_addr proc near
push dx ; save it
push ds
mov dx,ABS0 ;
mov ds,dx
mov DS:PM_Ret_off,ax
mov DS:PM_Ret_seg,cs
pop ds
pop dx
Setpm_ret_addr endp

; Get_INT_status: Saves the master and slave mask register
; contents from the 8259 interrupt controller.
; Output: i8259_1 = Status of master device
; i8259_2 = Status of slave device
; Register(s) modified: None
Get_int_status proc near
push ax
in al,mstrmsk ; get master PIC mask
mov i8259_1,al
IO_Delay ; I/O delay
in al,slv_msk ; get slave PIC mask
mov i8259_2,al
pop ax
ret ; exit
Get_int_status endp

; Set_INT_status: Restores the interrupt status of the 8259A
; programmable interrupt controller (PIC).
; Input: i8259_1 = Status of master device
; i8259_2 = Status of slave device
; Output: None
; Register(s) modified: None
Set_int_status proc near
pushf ; save interrupt flag
cli ; we REALLY don't want an int
; to come through while we are
push ax ; reprogramming the PIC masks
mov al,i8259_1
out mstrmsk,al ; restore master PIC mask
IO_Delay ; I/O delay
mov al,i8259_2
out slv_msk,al ; restore slave PIC mask
pop ax
popf ; restore interrupt flag
ret ; exit
Set_int_status endp

; SET_SHUTDOWN_TYPE: Set the processor shutdown type-5 in CMOS.
; Input: None
; Output: None
; Register(s) modified: None
Set_shutdown_type proc near
pushf ; save interrupt status
cli ; disable ints so somebody else
; doesn't do this right now
push ax
mov al,shut_down ; Set shutdown byte
out cmos_index,al ; to shut down x05.
IO_Delay ; I/O delay
mov al,Type5 ;
out cmos_data,al ; CMOS data port
pop ax
set_shutdown_type endp

; Enable_gate20: Turn on A20, and check for errors.
; Input: None
; Output: CY=ERROR
; Register(s) modified: None
Enable_gate20 proc near
push ax
mov ah,enable_bit20 ; gate address bit 20 on
Call Gate_A20
or al,al ; command accepted?
jz A20_OK ; go if yes
stc ; set error flag
A20_OK: pop ax
ret ; exit
Enable_gate20 endp

; SHUT_A20: Disable A20 from CPU address BUS.
; Input: None
; Output: CY=ERROR
; Register(s) modified: None
Shut_a20 proc near
push ax
mov ah,disable_bit20 ; gate address bit 20 on
Call Gate_A20
or al,al ; was command accepted?
jz A20_Shut ; go if yes
stc ; set error flag

pop ax
ret ; exit
Shut_a20 endp

; GATE_A20: This routine controls a signal which gates address
; line 20 (A20). The gate A20 signal is an output of
; of the 8042 slave processor (keyboard controller).
; A20 should be gated on before entering protected
; mode, to allow addressing of the entire 16M address
; space of the 80286, or 4G address space of the
; 80386 & 80486. It should be gated off after
; entering real mode -- from protected mode.
; Input: AH = DD ==> A20 gated off (A20 always 0)
; AH = DF ==> A20 gated on (CPU controls A20)
; Output: AL = 0 ==> Operation successful
; AL = 2 ==> Operation failed, 8042 can't accept cmd
; Register(s) modified: AX
Gate_a20 proc near
pushf ; save interrupt status
cli ; disable ints while using 8042
Call Empty_8042 ; insure 8042 input buffer empty
jnz A20_Fail ; ret: 8042 unable to accept cmd
IO_Delay ; I/O Delay
mov al,0D1h ; 8042 cmd to write output port
out KBC_STAT,al ; output cmd to 8042
Call Empty_8042 ; wait for 8042 to accept cmd
jnz A20_Fail ; ret: 8042 unable to accept cmd
mov al,ah ; 8042 port data
out KBC_CTL,al ; output port data to 8042
Call Empty_8042 ; wait for 8042 to port data
push cx ; save it
mov cx,14h ;
@DLY: IO_Delay ; Wait for KBC to execute the
loop @DLY ; command. (about 25uS)
pop cx ; restore it

popf ; restore flags
Gate_a20 endp

; EMPTY_8042: This routine waits for the 8042 buffer to empty.
; Input: None
; Output: AL = 0, 8042 input buffer empty: ZF
; AL = 2, Time out; 8042 buffer full: NZ
; Register(s) modified: AX
Empty_8042 proc near
push cx ; save CX
xor cx,cx ; CX=0: timeout value

IO_Delay ;
in al,KBC_STAT ; read 8042 status port
and al,inpt_buf_full; input buffer full flag (D1)
loopnz Try_KBC ; loop until input buffer empty
; or timeout
pop cx ; restore CX
Empty_8042 endp

; CALC_PM_ADDRESS: Calculate 32-bit protected mode address.
; Used for building descriptor tables.
; Input: ES:SI = Real mode address
; Output: DX:AX = 32-bit linear address
; Register(s) modified: AX, DX
Calc_pm_address proc near
mov ax,es ; point to control block
xor dh,dh ; clear upper register
mov dl,ah ; build high byte of 32-bit addr
shr dl,4 ; use only high nibble from (AX)
shl ax,4 ; strip high nibble from segment
add ax,si ; add GDT offset for low word
adc dx,0 ; adj high byte if CY from low
ret ; back to calling program
calc_pm_address endp

Save_state proc near ; Save the machine state before
push ax
push ds
mov si,0
mov di,offset Machine_State.ES_Desc
mov ax,3000h ; ES descriptor
mov ds,ax
mov bx,0303h
mov word ptr [si-2],bx

add ax,1000h ; SS descriptor
add bx,0101h
mov si,0
add di,0ah
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr [si-2],bx
sub ax,2000h ; DS descriptor
sub bx,0202h
mov si,0
add di,4
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr [si-2],bx
pop ds

smsw ax
mov Machine_State._Msw,ax
pop ax
mov Machine_State._Flags,ax
pop ax
mov Machine_State._DI,di
mov Machine_State._SI,si
mov Machine_State._BP,bp
mov Machine_State._BX,bx
mov Machine_State._DX,dx
mov Machine_State._CX,cx
mov Machine_State._AX,ax
mov ax,ds
mov Machine_State._DS,ax
mov ax,es
mov Machine_State._ES,ax
Save_state endp

Restore_state proc near ; Restore the machine state
; ; after LOADALL
mov ax,_data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,3000h ; ES
mov es,ax
mov si,offset Machine_State.DS_Desc
mov di,0
add ax,1000h ; SS
add si,0ah
mov di,0
mov es,ax
sub ax,2000h ; DS
add si,4
mov di,0
mov es,ax
mov ax,Machine_State._ES
mov es,ax
mov ax,Machine_State._DS
mov ds,ax
mov ax,Machine_State._Flags
push ax
mov ax,Machine_State._Msw
lmsw ax
mov ax,Machine_State._AX
mov cx,Machine_State._CX
mov dx,Machine_State._DX
mov bx,Machine_State._BX
mov bp,Machine_State._BP
mov si,Machine_State._SI
mov di,Machine_State._DI
Restore_State endp

; Include the CPU_TYPE procedure & LOADALL test

_text ends

stack segment para stack 'stack'
db 400h dup (0)
stack ends

end LOADALL_286

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10030A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: