Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10010B

Output of file : 2N10010B contained in archive : OCT91.ZIP
; FLATCALL.ASM -- Routine to call 32-bit subroutine from 16-bit WinApp
; C calling sequence:
; dwResult = FlatCall(lpState, nBytes, args ...)
; Where:
; DWORD dwResult 32-bit return value from target program
; LPSTATE32 lpState Initial state for 32-bit program
; int nBytes Number of bytes worth of arguments
; [any] args Arguments for target program
; Notes:
; 1. This program is declared _cdecl to facilitate passing a variable
; number of arguments. If the target program uses the Pascal
; calling convention, the caller must place its arguments in
; reverse of the normal order.
; 2. This program uses no static data and is both reentrant and
; suitable for packaging in a DLL.
; Written by Walter Oney

name flatcall
.model large,c
.386p ; AFTER model to get use16 defaults

state32 struc
s32_tgt df ? ; cs:eip of target program
s32_stk df ? ; ss:esp of target program
state32 ends

FlatCall proc uses si di, lpState:dword, nBytes:word, args:word
push ds ; save caller's DS

; Extract the arguments from the 16-bit stack before we lose easy
; addressability by switching stacks.

lfs bx, lpState ; FS:BX -> 32-bit state descriptor
movzx ecx, nBytes ; get # bytes of arguments
lea si, args ; DS:ESI -> target pgm args
movzx esi, si ; ..
mov ax, ss ; ..
mov ds, ax ; ..
mov dx, sp ; save current SP in DX temporarily

; Switch to the 32-bit stack used by the target program. Save the
; SS:SP belonging to the 16-bit program and copy the arguments for the
; target program.

lss esp, fs:[bx.s32_stk] ; switch to target pgm stack

push ds ; save 16-bit SS:SP on tgt stack
push dx ; ..

sub esp, ecx ; backup by size of arguments
mov ax, ss ; ES:EDI = copy of SS:ESP
mov es, ax ; ..
mov edi, esp ; ..
cld ; be sure of forward direction
db 0F3h, 67h ; repeat + address size overrides
movsb ; copy argument onto target stack

; Call the target program.

mov ax, ss ; force DS == ES == SS
mov ds, ax ; ..
call fs:[bx.s32_tgt] ; call the target program

; Switch back to the 16-bit stack, whose address is on the 32-bit
; stack at offset EDI (left over from the MOVSB loop above and preserved
; by the target program)

lss sp, ss:[edi] ; switch back to 16-bit stack
mov edx, eax ; put 32-bit result into DX:AX
shr edx, 16 ; ..
pop ds ; restore caller's DS
ret ; return to caller
FlatCall endp

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : OCT91.ZIP
Filename : 2N10010B

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: