Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAY91.ZIP
Filename : 2N05039A

Output of file : 2N05039A contained in archive : MAY91.ZIP

TITLE: Turbo Pascal MicroSoft Mouse Library Unit;
COMPILER: Turbo Pascal V.4.0+;


{ Int 33h ($CD $33) Functions }

Unit MouseLib;




LeftMouseButton : Integer = 0;
RightMouseButton : Integer = 1;

Function mouse_reset(Var num_buttons : Integer) : Integer;
{ Func 00h }

Procedure mouse_show;
{ Func 01h }

Procedure mouse_hide;
{ Func 02h }

Function mouse_get_pos(Var x, y : Integer) : Integer;
{ Func 03h }

Procedure mouse_set_pos(x, y : Integer);
{ Func 04h }

Function mouse_button_press
(Var x, y, count : Integer; button : Integer) : Integer;
{ Func 05h }

Function mouse_button_rel
(Var x, y, count : Integer; button : Integer) : Integer;
{ Func 06h }

Procedure mouse_limit_x(min_x, max_x : Integer); { Func 07h }

Procedure mouse_limit_y(min_y, max_y : Integer); { Func 08h }

Procedure mouse_set_graphcursor(xspot, yspot : Integer; masks : pointer);
{ Func 09h }

Procedure mouse_set_textcursor(cursor_type, scr_mask, curs_mask : Integer);
{ Func 0Ah }

Procedure mouse_get_movement(Var x, y : Integer);
{ 0Bh }

Procedure mouse_set_eventhandler(event_mask : Integer; mhandler : pointer);
{ Func 0Ch }

Procedure mouse_start_pen_emul;
{ Func 0Dh }

Procedure mouse_stop_pen_emul;
{ Func 0Eh }

Procedure mouse_set_movement_ratio(x_ratio, y_ratio : Integer);
{ Func 0Fh }

Procedure mouse_conditional_off(left, top, right, bottom : Integer);
{ Func 10h }

Procedure mouse_set_speed(threshold : Integer);
{ Func 13h }

Function mouse_swap_vector
(new_mask : Integer; Var old_mask : Integer; new_vector : pointer) : pointer;
{ Func 14h }

Function mouse_get_bufsize : Integer;
{ Func 15h }

Procedure mouse_save_state(state_buf : pointer);
{ Func 16h }

Procedure mouse_restore_state(state_buf : pointer);
{ Func 17h }

Procedure mouse_set_alt_handler(alt_mask : Integer; func : pointer);
{ Func 18h }

Function mouse_get_alt_handler
(alt_mask : Integer; handler : pointer) : pointer;
{ Func 19h }

Procedure mouse_set_sens(x_ratio, y_ratio, threshold : Integer);
{ Func 1Ah }

Procedure mouse_get_sens(Var x_ratio, y_ratio, threshold : Integer);
{ Func 1Bh }

Procedure mouse_set_crt_page(crt_page : Integer);
{ Func 1Dh }

Function mouse_get_crt_page : Integer;
{ Func 1Eh }

Function mouse_disable_drvr(vector_33h : pointer) : Integer;
{ Func 1Fh }

Procedure mouse_enable_drvr;
{ Func 20h }

Function mouse_soft_reset(Var nbuttons : Integer ) : Integer;
{ Func 21h }



{$L mouselib}

Function mouse_reset(Var num_buttons : Integer) : Integer;external;
{ Func 00h }

Procedure mouse_show;external;
{ Func 01h }

Procedure mouse_hide;external;
{ Func 02h }

Function mouse_get_pos(Var x, y : Integer) : Integer;external;
{ Func 03h }

Procedure mouse_set_pos(x, y : Integer);external;
{ Func 04h }

Function mouse_button_press
(Var x, y, count : Integer; button : Integer) : Integer;external;
{ Func 05h }

Function mouse_button_rel
(Var x, y, count : Integer; button : Integer) : Integer;external;
{ Func 06h }

Procedure mouse_limit_x(min_x, max_x : Integer);external;
{ Func 07h }

Procedure mouse_limit_y(min_y, max_y : Integer);external;
{ Func 08h }

Procedure mouse_set_graphcursor
(xspot, yspot : Integer; masks : pointer);external;
{ Func 09h }

Procedure mouse_set_textcursor
(cursor_type, scr_mask, curs_mask : Integer);external;
{ Func 0Ah }

Procedure mouse_get_movement(Var x, y : Integer);external;
{ 0Bh }

Procedure mouse_set_eventhandler
(event_mask : Integer; mhandler : pointer);external;
{ Func 0Ch }

Procedure mouse_start_pen_emul;external;
{ Func 0Dh }

Procedure mouse_stop_pen_emul;external;
{ Func 0Eh }

Procedure mouse_set_movement_ratio(x_ratio, y_ratio : Integer);external;
{ Func 0Fh }

Procedure mouse_conditional_off
(left, top, right, bottom : Integer);external;
{ Func 10h }

Procedure mouse_set_speed(threshold : Integer);external;
{ Func 13h }

Function mouse_swap_vector
(new_mask : Integer; Var old_mask : Integer; new_vector : pointer)
: pointer;external;
{ Func 14h }

Function mouse_get_bufsize : Integer;external;
{ Func 15h }

Procedure mouse_save_state(state_buf : pointer);external;
{ Func 16h }

Procedure mouse_restore_state(state_buf : pointer);external;
{ Func 17h }

Procedure mouse_set_alt_handler(alt_mask : Integer; func : pointer);external;
{ Func 18h }

Function mouse_get_alt_handler
(alt_mask : Integer; handler : pointer) : pointer;external;
{ Func 19h }

Procedure mouse_set_sens(x_ratio, y_ratio, threshold : Integer);external;
{ Func 1Ah }

Procedure mouse_get_sens(Var x_ratio, y_ratio, threshold : Integer);external;
{ Func 1Bh }

Procedure mouse_set_crt_page(crt_page : Integer);external;
{ Func 1Dh }

Function mouse_get_crt_page : Integer;external;
{ Func 1Eh }

Function mouse_disable_drvr(vector_33h : pointer) : Integer;external;
{ Func 1Fh }

Procedure mouse_enable_drvr;external;
{ Func 20h }

Function mouse_soft_reset(Var nbuttons : Integer ) : Integer;external;
{ Func 21h }

(* MouseLib Unit *)

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAY91.ZIP
Filename : 2N05039A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: